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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by funkley

  1. I had gastric bypass surgery with Dr.Dr. Ismael Cabrera March 11th and feel it may be helpful to share my experience(s). I have recovered without any complications, I have had no problem drinking and today I will have some greek yorgut and half a can of blended chicken soup. No desire to eat, no hunger. Eating is now only a needed task in my day to get done vs. before surgery like most people eating was looked forward to! Pre surgery: Pickup from airport went as planned, ride into TJ took about an hour, it was close to rush hour. Stayed in the new Hyatt, very nice and secure hotel. Their broth was pretty bad, Jello ok and the Popsicles nothing but froozen ice. But no one seemed to care, tomorrow was day of surgery! Day of surgery I got in late so my blood work and EKG was done in the am, lot of time sitting around the small 3rd floor lobby of the Mi hospital. Finally around 11am my room was ready, soon an IV was started, a few nurses and Mexico Bariatric Center reps would stop in to update on what was happening. Most Nurses spoke english, communication was never and issue. Hospital was clean and modern, this is all they do there so they have a pretty good handle on procedures. Always had 2-3 nurses on my floor caring for 8-10 patients. I was brought into the surgery room, another gal was just coming out of anesthesia and was puking a little. A few minutes later Dr. Carbera came in, quick chat about were I lived etc...I was given a small shot of something, a little gas and I was out. Waking up, I had no issues, in fact I was zero pain and positive that no surgery had taken place! I had to look under my hospital gown to see the 5 cuts to prove I really had it done. I slept on and off until after midnight, I got up and walked the halls. went back to bed, woke up around 5am walked the halls on all floors, drinking ice all the time. Walking is key to recovery...Two days later I walked over a mile! 2nd day after surgery Still no pain, not that hard to swallow Water.. just take it slow and walk walk walk. Dr. Carbera came in for few minutes, stressed walking and using the ventilation machine they provided to build up lung capacity. 3rd day after surgery Back at hotel had some jello, a little broth and lots of water. They took us shopping including a restaurant owned by one of drivers. The beef broth there was very good! After shopping at the tourist area(around the arch). everyone else went back to the hotel. Wife and I were dropped off at a nice shopping mall with lots of stores...more walking and sightseeing. 4th day and back to San Diego Ride back was interesting, lots of vendors selling to you as your stuck in traffic for about an hour. We were told we would go through the medical line to speed up the entry to the USA....didnt happen. Now 3 weeks out, feeling fine and no regrets. MBC offers a facebook page for support but I dont facebook and dont believe I need any support. Thats it, my only suggestion is to walk all you can, it remove the gas and make swallowing so much easier.

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