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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

  1. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Syntrax Nectar Reviews

    I like several of their flavors! The lemonade, fuzzy navel, and crystal sky are some of my faves!
  2. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    BMI to low?

    I'm 5'10", 220#. My surgery is being done by Dr Frenzel in Ft Worth.
  3. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    BMI to low?

    My BMI is 31, and my surgery is in 10 days.
  4. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Pill Crushing Medications

    I read on a parenting forum (and am going to try) to make "jello shots" with meds that are crushable. I'll let you know how it turns out...
  5. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    What is your max carbs per day?

    I'm no expert, but I asked this during my NUT consult today. She didn't give me a specific number, but said to keep it lower than your protein.
  6. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Homemade broths - planning ahead

    I too am making my own stock, but I do that regularly anyway. I like knowing what's in it. I will take two sets of bones from roasted chickens, a couple of sweet onions, carrots, and mushrooms and blast them all in the oven at 400f for 45 min. Then, into the slow cooker on low, for 24hrs. Then fridge to cool. Remove fat from top. Then freeze by 1/4 cup in muffin tins (I found them easier to deal with than the ice trays). What you don't use during pre- and post-op, you can use for healthy and tasty cooking!
  7. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Previous surgeries

    My aunt was unable to have ANY bariatric procedures due to severe adhesions. The surgeon could barely get one of the scopes in, and said "no way". Also, she is not a candidate for "open" procedures for the same reason.
  8. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    BMI 31-32

    My BMI is 32, and I am self pay. I've been riding this roller coaster to no-where my entire life. On May 13th, I plan to step of the roller coaster and onto the losers bench!
  9. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    I'm so sad

    Lisa, I am so sorry for what you experienced with your doctor. DON'T GIVE UP!! BMI is just a number, and most surgeons only consider it one of MANY factors....my bmi is barely 32, and I'm scheduled for May. You CAN do this.
  10. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    How Many Vitamin Pills Do You Take Daily?

    Vitamins galore! I am 1 month away from my surgery, and my list looks like this: Celebrate Multi Chewable (2) Celebrate Calcium Plus 500 (3) B12 sublingual (1) Biotin Sublingual (1) Unrelated Med (3) Not too bad, I guess...
  11. My surgeon recommends the Vitamins by Celebrate, so I figured I would give then a try. I was pleasantly surprised to see they offered samples on their website, so I signed up for the sample pack. They. Have. Arrived. So...the Multi is 3/4" in diameter and 1/4" high. REALLY?!?! It's scary-big. They also included some Multis that are shaped like Starburst....but they smell, well, awful. They also included a bunch of other vitamins, as well. 19 individual items, in all. Here's my problem: I'm afraid to try them. Based on smell alone, they MUST be horrible. What do I do?! Are ALL of the vitamins terrible?
  12. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Houston or Dallas Area Surgeon Reccomendations

    I live in Houston, but will be travelling to Arlington (between Dallas and Ft. Worth) for my procedure - Dr. Frenzel is my surgeon. I chose him for a variety of reasons. For one thing, I like that he is board certified in both bariatric surgery and plastics. He also has good reviews, was personable, and his staff has responded quickly to any and all of my needs and concerns.
  13. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Holy Vitamins, Batman!

    Thanks everyone for chiming in - and I'm sorry I've been absent....Work has been RIDICULOUS this week. Well, I decided to put on by big-girl panties, a give these darn Vitamins a try. I got out a knife, and just cut off a little piece of each one. Not as bad as I anticipated. I think I'm going to try the Strawberry-Lemonade Multi (2 x day) and the Cerry Tart Calcium (3 x day). We'll see how it goes. I know the vitamins are important...but I've never been "good" at taking them, so I'm going to have to really commit to it, and just consider them "medication", and NOT OPTIONAL. Again, thanks everyone for the support - it's good to know I'm not the only one out there with Vita-phobia!
  14. Welcome @@amacox! I'm near Houston too, so welcome to the neighborhood. My situation is a little different from yours, since I'm self-pay. But I'm going to toss in by $0.02 anyway... If all of us were great at losing and/or maintaining weight loss, we wouldn't need VSG...so I don't think they should penalize you for such a small gain. Hopefully some veterans will chime in here... Best wishes,
  15. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Just got the approval call! May 4th!

    There is a Facebook group for May sleevers! Just PM @@CandyCrushVSG , and she'll give you the info! And congrats on your date! You are definitely on the countdown, now.
  16. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Been a rough week

    I don't have any advice for you, but am sorry that you are having such a hard time! Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.
  17. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Scared and unsure

    First of all, I am sorry that you have had to deal with such negative reactions from people who you thought were your friends, and would be there to support you. Now, having said that. Your experience is a perfect example of why I have severely limited who I have shared my decision with. My husband was first, obviously. Followed by the rest of my immediate family. And two coworkers. That's it. My husband and I have a large group of friends that we eat dinner with on a bi-weekly basis. These are people that we have known for years. Folks we are VERY close to. I haven't told them. What I may, or may not, tell them after surgery, is yet to be seen. Like I told my husband. This is MY journey. The reason I don't want to tell a bunch of people is because I don't want to listen to their crap. I don't want to have to explain the surgery, and the reasons for it, over and over. Finally, I don't want to feel like I need to justify my decisions to a bunch of people who ARE NOT affected by the decisions I make. Stick to your guns. Come here for support. We will do everything we can to help you. <<<hugs>>>
  18. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    So many opinions. What's right?

    I too am very interested in all of the pre-op diet variations - My doctor doesn't even have a set diet, it's on a case-by-case basis. Just another way that we all have our own unique journey!
  19. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Got my surgery date! May 1st, 2015

    Congrats on kicking off May!!
  20. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    Is this weird?!?

    My surgeon's pre-op diet is on a case-by-case basis. Some folks have to do three weeks of 3-5 shakes per day, and it gets less severe from there. For example, he told me to do 5 days of 2-3 shakes a day with dinner of less than 400 calories. Finally, on the day before surgery, it's Clear Liquids. Just another way that we all have our own unique journey
  21. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    May Sleevers...where are you?

    Guess who just got a sample pack of Matrix nectar in the mail??? That's right, kids! THIS GIRL!!!:D:D
  22. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    May Sleevers...where are you?

    Woo-hoo!!! I'm on the 13th with Less of Jess and Katress27!!! :-) I'm self pay, so the process has been fairly easy for me. (Except for writing out the checks, LOL) I still need to do a barium swallow, EKG, and some labs, but that's it. I'm in the same BMI group as Rocky1, and our pre-op diets sound very similar, as well. I have four days of Protein shakes, and one day of Clear liquids.
  23. Soon_To_Be_Slimmer

    May 2015 Sleevers?

    Hey everyone! I just got my date, too! I'm May 13th, just like you Less of Jess... I don't start the liquid diet until 5 days pre-op, plus I need to get my Upper GI, labs, and EKG done.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
