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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MarilN

  1. MarilN

    Where is all the CT Lapbanders??

    Thanks for the support, guys. I've never made a weight loss goal before & I'm just afraid I won't make this one either. Heather, I eat about 1200 calories a day. Since my last fill, I can't eat chicken or bread, so I eat a lot of steamed veggies, salad and Soups. I also make turkey chili with Beans. I figure I'm getting enough Protein, and the carbs are in the rice or noodles I put in my Soup. I have 2 fruits & 2 dairys a day, too. Do you go to the support groups at Midstate? Last month got snowed out, but the next closed meeting is on March 3rd.
  2. MarilN

    Where is all the CT Lapbanders??

    I was banded at Midstate on May 22, 2008. So far, I've lost 90 pounds and I'm hoping to reach 100 pounds by my anniversary date. My weight loss has really slowed down and, even though I've joined a gym & started working out 3 times a week, I'm only losing about 1/2 pound a week. I'm afraid the last 30 pounds will not come off. My band is nearly completely filled. Any suggestions?
  3. I'm on synthroid, too, but I don't think this is a thyroid problem. I've asked my hairdresser & a friend who had lap-band a year ago. Both said the hair loss was from surgery & anasthetic. They said it takes a year to get your system adjusted normally again. I hope my hair will hold out a year!
  4. MarilN

    My surgery

    I was banded on 5/27, too. I started eating solid food on 6/17. I'm afraid to eat much, because I'll start gaining again. I don't really feel full. I'm supposed to get my first fill on July 2nd. :grouphug:
  5. MarilN

    Never posted before...

    Hi! I was banded on the 27th, too and I'm only allowed to eat 5 ozs. of pureed protein & 1 oz. pureed veg. a day! My doctor said he doesn't want us using protein shakes because they pass through quickly & don't keep you feeling full. On Tuesday, I'm supposed to start eating regular food. I don't feel any restriction & am scheduled for my 1st fill on July 2nd.
  6. MarilN

    Please Some Advice!!!

    I was banded on May 27th & I'm unusually tired, too. I checked my blood pressure today & it was 90/70. I stopped taking my blood pressure pill completely. (Dr. originally told me to break it in half) I'm taking all my vitamins & iron & eating pureed protein. I'm too tired to walk very far. Did anyone else stop their BP meds? :thumbup:
  7. Thank you so much, HeatherO. You put my mind at ease. I hope I'm as succesful as you've been.:thumbup:
  8. I just got banded on Tues., May 27th. My stomach on the port site is swollen & bruised. Is this normal? Also, I have tape on the other incisions. Am I supposed to remove the tape & can I wash over them? I tried calling my doctor & his office hasn't called back today.
  9. My surgery is scheduled for May 27th. I am thrilled & would be more excited if I had my final approval from United Health Care. The doctor's office sent in the packet on 5/8 & we haven't heard back yet. They said they would start calling the ins. co. every day, starting this Thurs. I'm very nervous about not hearing in time.:leaving:
  10. MarilN

    Surgery Day CLOSE!

    I finally called the insurance company & they told me I was approved on 5/15 & should be getting a letter. I still haven't received my letter, but my doctor's office called yesterday & told me they called the ins. co. & I was all set. I'm really excited now. Thank you for the support & I hope I'm as successful as you have been. Marilyn:biggrin:
  11. MarilN

    Surgery Date CLOSE!

    Thank you, TexGal, for the encouragement. I wish you well, too.
  12. My surgery is scheduled for May 27th. I am thrilled & would be more excited if I had my final approval from United Health Care. The doctor's office sent in the packet on 5/8 & we haven't heard back yet. They said they would start calling the ins. co. every day, starting this Thurs. I'm very nervous about not hearing in time.:leaving:
  13. Thanks for the encouragement, Beachcomer. I'm going to Dr. Benbrahim at Midstate in Meriden. His program has everyone to go for 6 months. Please let me know how you're doing. I'm very happy for you. You have such a positive attitude. That means a lot.
  14. Congratulations, Beachcomber! I'm very happy for you. I'm so tired of waiting. Tomorrow, I meet again with the dietician & on Friday, I have my psych eval. Then, I can schedule my "half-way" appt. & find out what tests I need. I've already got my ins. approval. I don't know why I still have to wait the full 6 months. May seems a long time away. Plus, I'm looking for work & am nervous about taking a new job & having to take time off for appts. & surgery. Sorry I'm running on so long, I'm just feeling down today & want to start taking this weight off.
  15. Hi! I'm just starting, too. I'll be having my band put on at Midstate in Meriden, hopefully in May. I just had my first dietitian appt. & will be scheduling my psych eval. in a few weeks. I'm supposed to lose 20 lbs. before the surgery, but it's been hard with the holidays. My doctor says the prep process takes 6 months. Is it the same with you? Thanks & keep in touch.
  16. My nutritionist suggested I read Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies. It was very helpful and answered a lot of my questions in easy-to-understand language. I also asked my doctor if I were too old for Lap-band surgery and he told me unless I had major health problems that required that the weight come off right away, Lap-band had no age restriction. I'm pre-diabetic and I would rather live with a band than diabetes.
  17. I've only had my first visit with the dietitian. I still have to schedule my psych eval. I'm trying to find a new job, but having a hard time. I'm also concerned about taking a job & having to take time off for the appts. & tests. I also don't want to tell anyone my plans. I haven't even told my kids or family yet. Just my husband and sister (a nurse) know. Any suggestions?

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