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Everything posted by sgc

  1. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    That's cool you want to judge me as bitter, but I'm trying to understand what women want because apparently what I'm doing isn't working.
  2. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I keep my profile up to date but I don't really message anymore. I hear women today are strong and independent so I don't know why I have to conform to gender roles and be the one who initiates contact. I'll let women contact me. So far it isn't working.
  3. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    Men can also make a date with their friends so why do men have to do all the work of courting you and scheduling dates? Seems like a lot of effort when I can just hang out with the guys.
  4. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I emailed 150 women and got 1 response and she never replied to my follow up response. I haven't even gotten close to eve offering a date. Now I have to protect a strange woman in a crowd and hope I guess right on date suggestions. I'm just not cut out for this, evident by my lack of responses to my emails. I've only sent 1 email since May 1st. I really don't care anymore. It's more effort than it's worth.
  5. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    You want them to choose the date but don't want to tell them about your limitations when it comes to food? The more I read about dating, the more I realize I have no shot.
  6. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    How are we suppose to notice women on the inside if we don't notice them on the outside first?
  7. sgc

    Do you tell a new partner about loose skin?

    I can't get a date, but if I could, I intended to tell them I lost a lot of weight. Perhaps they will or will not know about loose skin. When the time comes to reveal it, I guess I will find out then if it will be a problem. I figure if they get to know me first, it may not be a deal breaker later.
  8. sgc

    New to dating

    No response. I kind if figured as much. It took her two days to email after she read my original email. She read the last email right away but hasn't in responded in two days now. I guess now they're just toying with me. Same thing happened with the woman at work. She shows interest, I show interest back, and then silence. Anyways, I have a new approach. Just going to look at pictures and email the ones I find attractive with generic emails. If I get a response, I'll go back and read their profile. If they seem crazy after reading their profile or I'm not interested, I'll just ignore them. I'm wasting too much time and energy carefully reading profiles and trying to come up with thoughtful emails that ultimately get no response.
  9. Scrambled eggs, cheddar cheese cubes, and mashed potatoes and gravy.
  10. sgc

    New to dating

    So someone finally emailed me back. Number 141. Now I don't know what to do. I have to be a conversationalist. I don't want to sound like I'm in a job interview. If all goes well, at what point do I initiate an in person meeting?
  11. sgc

    New to dating

    I did message her but I was hung up on that woman from work so I probably didn't come off well. I also don't believe she was local and I would prefer someone local. The bariatric dating sites I have found don't seem to have much traffic. I'm also going to check out some Canadian websites. Might as well go international.
  12. sgc

    New to dating

    Match and eHarmony seem pretty decent. I've messaged nearly 150 women so apparently there is no shortage of good matches. POF seems pretty bad in my area and that's the only one I get attention. So far I have been approached by a professional dominatrix, a woman who lists the races she will and will not date, a transgendered woman, and the princess of darkness. This meetup almost seems to describe me perfectly
  13. sgc

    New to dating

    I haven't emailed anyone in a bit so maybe I can try another round. I seem some of the same women online constantly. They must be logged in 24/7. It makes me wonder if they are just on for attention to see who they can get to email them?
  14. sgc

    New to dating

    I was nervous well before surgery. Going back to my elementary school days. I have never approached someone and started conversation. I always need someone to approach me. I have tried to socialize more. Back in December, I met with co-workers and the woman whoI thought I might have had something with. I would have never done that before. It was about 10 people or so and it went well. In March there was a much larger gathering of over 30 people that I didn't do so well at. These were people I know. I get like an anxiety and feel a need to perform. Like I always need to say something clever or exciting. Sometimes I even get physical symptoms. At least interacting online, I feel like I have time to think about what I want to say. This is something I have dealt with my whole life.
  15. sgc

    New to dating

    That's my biggest hurdle. I'm just not someone that can mingle with strangers in person. I feel like I'm better meeting someone individually before going out in a group. There are a lot of meetup events near me but that's probably my biggest weakness.
  16. sgc

    New to dating

    Still no luck. I'm over 140 messages sent. I've kind of quit looking. When I do message someone, I don't even bother to really read the profile anymore. I was spending 30-45 minutes reading their profile and trying to think of something good to write. Now I just skim it to see if she is crazy and send a message. If she replies then I will go back and read it. Now I know why guys just look at the pics and send messages without reading profiles. I've noticed I've become pickier after being rejected so many times. I feel like if they reject me based on looks, than I should have the same standards.
  17. sgc

    Questions from a younger bigger man

    When I graduated high school, I weighed 350 pounds. I ended up losing 100 pounds and weighed 250 pounds by the time I was 22. I started to gain it back and before I knew it, I got up to 470 pounds. I ended up gaining back twice as much as I lost. I then had the surgery at 31 and am now 218 at 32. I wish I would have done it at 21. I feel like I missed out on the best years of my life and it was so hard to get restarted after gaining over 200 pounds.
  18. sgc

    First Time Dating... Ever

    Meeting strange people face to face does not work for me. I had been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder in the past before I even gained weight. I'm much more comfortable talking online. Once I can build a relationship online, I can then move face to face. All my email messages are different. I always ask about something in their profile. The women I email I would consider normal. I search for ones who identify themselves as curvy or full figured. Some have even written in their profile they're trying to lose weight. I can tell they read my message, read my profile, and then nothing.
  19. sgc

    First Time Dating... Ever

    Dating is hard so I personally have given up on it. Doesn't seem to be worth the effort and I can't even get a date. Emailed 117 different women and not a single response. I'm trying this at 32. OP is only 22 so there is still hope. I decided to foster animals for a local shelter. All the companionship I need right there.
  20. sgc

    Guys who started over 400 lbs.

    I started at 470 pounds and am down to 218. I haven't been this size in some time so I'm not sure if I'm losing weight right. I've noticed my collarbone is very visible now as well as my shoulder blades. Is this normal? I've never really been thin so I don't know. I also notice I can see my spine, especially on the upper back
  21. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I know fake Match.com profiles were discussed here and I'm having a hard time determining if one is fake. The red flag is that she says in her profile to contact her by email. Unlike other profiles, she has a bit lengthy profile that seems legit. She has 3 pics with other people in them. She's attractive but it's not like model shots. She's 26 and looking for men 23-35 which seems reasonable. The fake ones usually look for ones 20-60. I guess I could email her and see. Obviously I won't give money or anything.
  22. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I only paid for a month to try it out. You can google and find coupon codes. There are fake accounts on Match but they are pretty easy to spot. When you see someone who looks like a model with a vague profile seeking men 20-80 and to email them at some gmail account, you know it's fake.
  23. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I don't ask anything like that. I actually make it a point not to bring up looks on the first message. I find in my area the free sites bring a lot of unsavory people. I was liked by a professional dominatrix on POF. I have a lot of great matches on Match and eHarmony. Over 100 actually. That's not including the ones I was on the fence about and didn't message because I was tired of sending messages that don't get returned, or the ones I deemed out of my league. I'm guessing if there are that many good women in my area, then there must be a lot of guys I'm competing with. I've only been searching within 30 miles of my area. No shortage of potential matches, I just don't seem to have the magic touch.
  24. sgc

    Is it weird?

    I made the jump from a few extra pounds to about average. I figure I'll let my pictures do the talking and not going to put off potential matches. My BMI is under 30 so I'm no longer obese. My BMI is almost the same as Lebron James and no one would label as a few extra pounds so I'm basically a shorter version of Lebron James.
  25. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    What makes them perverts? I've got over 100 emails out to women with no responses so maybe they think I'm a pervert.

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