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Everything posted by sgc

  1. I'm over 260 pounds down. I don't know that I would say pro carb, but rather I don't worry about them. I'm one year out from my surgery. My surgeon told me to drink two protein shakes a day and small piece of meat a day. Just not going to do that the rest of my life.
  2. sgc

    New to dating

    I started the thread two years ago before I had even decided on surgery. At that time I was trying to lose weight on my own. I wasn't even looking to date at that time, but I took the advice given here and put myself out there anyways. It was more just looking around. I didn't include pictures and didn't email any women but had women email me and went on a date. I decided to have the surgery and took the advice here and wait until after the surgery. I just started in March getting serious and brought this thread back because I was ready to get serious. This time I decided to post pictures and email women. I even said when I brought this thread back I was basically talking aloud and knew the original people posting here were gone. I have seen a counselor and she prescribed me Paxil. I have gone to social events at work that I never would have went to before (which I did mention in this thread). Today we had our annual employee meeting that I never went to in my previous five years but went to today. I'm pretty socially inept but I get the hint. I'll just let the thread die since it's a game to some people apparently. I've got all I'm going to get from here so I'll figure out.
  3. sgc

    New to dating

    I'm 30 years old and I never really dated. I haven't had weight loss surgery, I'm trying to lose weight on my own without surgery and doing well. I've went from 470 to 430 in about two months. I'm not ready to meet women yet as I wanted to be under 300 before I do that. I'm not sure how to do it. I've always avoided socializing but I feel a big reason I gained so much weight was due to loneliness. I created an online account but didn't add any information or pictures, just wanted to look. I see a lot of women I am interested in but I have no idea how to introduce myself or what I should say. If it progresses to a date I have no idea what to do or where to go on a date. I don't know when I should kiss a woman or request a second date. I feel like I shouldn't need to be figuring this out at 30. This seems like something I should have learned in high school. Is there like a tutorial for this? I feel like it just gets harder to find someone after 30 and throw in the fact I have virtually no dating experience.
  4. sgc

    New to dating

    She emailed me back right away this time. Didn't ask me a question though. I'll have to try to dig deeper.
  5. sgc

    New to dating

    So hey how are you girl emailed me back. I had replied to her email and said I was doing well and through her a softball question asking what she does for fun. That was Wednesday. Not holding out a lot of hope but she did answer and ask me what I do so I responded and started asking more thoughtful questions. I was surprised she even responded to me in the first place. She seemed out of my league. She runs marathons and seems like she will be more fit than myself which can be intimidating. I'm really not sure if she truly is interested or not. Guess I'll find out.
  6. sgc

    New to dating

    When I say test, I replied to her message but didn't ask a question. We had exchanged 10 messages each and she hadn't asked me anything. If I'm expected to keep the conversation going, that's not going to work for me. I asked open ended questions and it did lead to talking about her travels but she was just answering my questions. She didn't have a lot of details on her profile. This was through Match. It's just weird that she initiates conversation with me and then doesn't seem interested in knowing me.
  7. sgc

    New to dating

    Really struggling with this communication thing. I threw a test at the one woman and didn't ask a question. She never returned my message so that faded. Another one liked me and I sent an email and she replied but again with no question and no response. I sent an email to another one who actually responded (I'm 2 for about 170) and she just said "Hey, how are you?" didn't even answer what I asked and makes me wonder if she even read my email. Why are women approaching me if they don't want to talk to me? Is this some sort of game?
  8. I never counted carbs and over 260 pounds lost later, I still don't count them.
  9. sgc

    New to dating

    I have volunteered some information on myself. I'm just hoping her lack of questions isn't a lack of interest.
  10. sgc

    New to dating

    I have done that and she has responded with somewhat detailed answers but she doesn't ask me anything. She had talked about a trip she had taken so I figured I would test her and said that sounded like fun, I will have to try that sometime. Didn't ask her a question. She responded right away and basically said it was but didn't ask me anything. Not sure where this is going. She emailed me first and responds right away to my emails but I feel I'm keeping the conversation going.
  11. sgc

    New to dating

    It has only been a day but several messages. She was replying almost instantly. The problem once again is that she isn't asking me questions. It seems like I'm keeping the conversation going. She emailed me initially saying she would like to chat. I sort of tested her by replying and not asking her anything. She replied and it was short and with no question. I seem to run into this with the few who do show interest.
  12. sgc

    New to dating

    I updated the pics in my profile and that seemed to generate some activity. Been having a nice back and forth with another woman. When should I escalate this to an in person meeting? What should the first date or meeting be?
  13. sgc

    Is It True What They Say???

    I didn't even know it was you posting in the other thread because your posts don't inspire me like mine apparently inspire you. You take digs at me wanting attention and yet you keep giving it. You are correct. I have never been obsessed over before. In any event, I'll take the attention.
  14. sgc

    Is It True What They Say???

    I wouldn't consider having you as a fan an achievement though.
  15. sgc

    Is It True What They Say???

    I may not be able to talk to women, but at least I got a fan here that follows me around posting pics and pulling quotes from other threads.
  16. sgc

    Is It True What They Say???

    Is this suppose to be some sort of insult to a tongue in cheek comment?
  17. sgc

    Is It True What They Say???

    At what size do men have to disclose to women their penis size?
  18. sgc

    New to dating

    That is what I was thinking. She was the one who started the conversation with me which makes it weird she suddenly wouldn't be interested. It's not really evasive as much as just simple answers. She mentioned she had ambitions so I asked what they were and she said she is going back to school. I asked what she is going back to school for and she said to be an LPN. I thought these were questions that would generate more conversation. She hasn't asked me anything either. I just quit responding.
  19. sgc

    New to dating

    So this one woman emailed me. I emailed her back and we have been going back and forth but she only gives very short answers. She isn't asking anything about me. What I should I be asking to get her to say more or is she really not interested?
  20. sgc

    Guys who started over 400 lbs.

    I got down to 250 when I was 21. I crossed over to 200 probably middle school or even late elementary school. I was also very tall as a child.
  21. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I've been doing fine losing weight so I don't need to go to a support group. The only reason I would be going to one is try to score a date. I did go to one meeting right after my surgery. I was the only guy there and the women either had spouses/partners or were older than me but at that time I really wasn't there for dating. Doesn't seem right to the other people if I'm not there for the support but I will go to the next one my surgeon offers. I generally wouldn't recommend other alcoholics going with other alcoholics but I guess it's reasonable.
  22. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    You asked me if I played WoW and I said I played Nintendo. I never said I wouldn't do it. I also didn't say I play Nintendo alone. I don't even have a PC capable of playing WoW anyways.
  23. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I posted how I am seeing someone about it and taking medication. I also just posted how I went to a couple different social functions. (pictures of that are in my dating profile) Approaching strange women in person is not my strength and never will be.
  24. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    Humor me.
  25. sgc

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    What advice have I refused to take?

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