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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sgc

  1. I was thinking the same thing. I'm 450 pounds and have not broken any furniture. I also didn't have any of the health problems she mentioned however I'm not sure what age they are.
  2. Warren MI (Borders Detroit). Have my first meeting with Dr. Hawasli in April. If all goes well, surgery will be done at either St John Detroit or Grosse Pointe Beaumont. Still undecided on the hospital.
  3. I'm looking into getting the surgery so I can get my weight down to 240. If I was 240 I personally would not be getting the surgery. It seems like surgery should be a last option for people at the highest risk.
  4. I'm in the early stages and have yet to meet with my surgeon. The only people I plan to tell are the ones who I'm going to have take me to the hospital. For work I'm going to just take some vacation time and tell them I'm going on vacation. I work from home and only go into the office about once a month. It will be starling when I come back from vacation losing a bunch of weight.
  5. I think I have made the decision to get a sleeve. I was leaning toward a Lap Band because I don't like the thought of making permanent changes to my stomach. After reading into it, I'm not sure that will work for me and am leaning towards the sleeve. I have my first appointment with a surgeon set up for April 25th. In high school I started to gain weight and by my early 20's was 350 pounds. I lost over 100 pounds and was down to 240 by age 22. My gallbladder gave out and I had that removed. The weight gain started slowly there after. By the time I was 30, I weighed 470 pounds. Not only did I gain the 100 back, I gained an additional 100. I started to lose again but it seemed much harder at 30 than it was at 20. The weight didn't come off as fast as it did and it seemed like I had a harder time controlling my appetite. I did lose 50 pounds and was down to 420 but gained 30 back and am at 450. Now 31, I'm already developing high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and gout. No sense putting it off. I'm wondering how the sleeve will work for me. I can eat a meal, a fairly large meal, and feel full but in about 30 minutes I'm ready to go again. It's my understand that the sleeve will simply not allow you to overeat or else it will cause you to vomit. Does the full feeling last more than 30 minutes? How many calories does one typically eat? I at times struggled to stay at 2,000 calories because I didn't feel full or sustained. I have made some lifestyle changes. The problem is, I can eat a piece of fruit and that isn't enough. I eat a Protein bar but then go back for another one or a 3rd. I would love to be able to eat one Protein Bar or a banana and feel satisfied.
  6. Don't see it on the hospital web site. What is the organization that designates a center of excellence?
  7. Where do you verify a center of excellence? I happened to stumble ironically on a letter written by the surgeon I'm going to see about how one hospital he works at is a center of excellence and the other isn't. Not sure how to verify this.
  8. Unless I'm not looking at the right place, it appears there is only one hospital in the state that is a center of excellence.
  9. sgc

    Pre-op anxiety

    I am still a ways out from surgery but my biggest worry is not waking up from the anesthesia. I had a gallbladder surgery back in 2007. I was 200 pounds lighter and 9 years younger so I was in much better health. I couldn't eat or drink for 3 days before the surgery. I was on an IV to stay hydrated. I remember being wheeled into the operating room and placed next to the table. I don't remember getting on the table. I just awoke in a recovery room. For a second I didn't know what was going on and started to get up to leave before the nurses stopped me. I'm trying to get in the best shape I can but I'm most concerned with dying on the table.
  10. The surgeon I'm going to see works out of multiple hospitals. How do I pick what hospital to have it done at? What am I supposed to be looking for in the hospital?
  11. sgc

    Would you move where has someone died?

    I have lived in my house for 3 years now and the previous owner was 85 and died inside the house. Haven't noticed anything. A lot of times if you think something is paranormal, normal things and noises will make you think there is a ghost. My grandmother died in the house I grew up in and even as a child didn't have issues. We moved from that house to a new house where the previous house had burned and the people inside died. No issues. I seem to have a knack for following death.
  12. I was on Prilosec for a while. My doctor said I had silent reflux that was causing me to cough a lot. I was on it and the symptoms went away and she took me off it and the symptoms stayed away. I really didn't notice a difference in hunger before, during, or after taking Prilosec.
  13. I always have an empty feeling in my stomach unless I gorge myself. My stomach starts to rumble and make noise and I give in and start to eat until I can't ingest anything anymore. For dinner today, I had two boneless skinless chicken thighs and a bowl of tomato soup and it seems as if I didn't eat anything.
  14. This is going to drive me crazy waiting until April 25th to meet with the doctor. I keep thinking about the surgery and get new thoughts in my head. I now worry about getting surgery having a BMI over 60 and if I will survive the surgery. I'm also worried about post op complications and the effectiveness. I'm 31 so is this going to last for the next 30,40, even 50 years? I guess on the flip side if I don't do it, I will assure myself I would last for 30+ years.
  15. I had the same experience pre-op. I could eat MASSIVE amounts of food in one sitting. Like an entire large pizza by myself. Then pint of Ben & Jerry's right after. Now the idea makes me laugh! I'm 19 months post-op and I can eat ONE slice of pizza and the toppings (cheese and meat) off of one or two more slices at best. Definitely no ice cream after! And even when I try to eat ice cream on it's own I'd be impressed to get down half a pint! And definitely eating crap makes you want to work out less. It weighs you down instead of fueling your body. I find that the more I work out, the BETTER I want to eat and the better I eat, the more I want to work out. So it's a nice little cycle to get into. Edit: Oh and that one piece of pizza I can eat now is from a thin crust medium pizza, not a thick crust large! I can definitely put away an entire pizza and usually some breadsticks. Since I can eat an entire pizza, I usually order one. If I'm only able to eat a slice, I would only order a slice. I quit eating pizza but that is just an example.
  16. I would love to be able to get up in the morning and make one scrambled egg and be good to go. I think the sleeve will be helpful for me. I noticed to when I go to restaurants with people, they can't finish their plates and I can finish the plate and want more. I can diet and lose weight but eventually I start getting cravings and just start eating more. When I eat and gain, I lose energy and my exercise decreases.
  17. Quest Bars are the ones I eat. Problem is, I can eat two at a time with no problem. I also used to make shakes. Used some Quest powder, little skim milk, crushed ice, and a banana. I actually found those shakes rather filling. Also read a lot of people eat eggs as part of their diet. I can eat about 3 or 4 large eggs in one sitting. I'm hoping the surgery can help me reduce my portion size and frequency. Eating lean meats and Protein is great if you eat the appropriate amounts.
  18. My question is, how long does it restrict how much you can eat? Is it 30 minutes? An hour? Getting under 400 pounds will get me close to a BMI of 50 and then my insurance will require me to pay for weight watchers which I know will be a farce. I think around 380 is when I start to hit 50 BMI. As I said, the restriction is very dependent on WHAT you eat. Post-sleeve Protein will fill your sleeve longer than slider foods. If you eat slider foods, you can continue eating or eat again right away, because they pass into your intestines quickly. If you eat dense protein, it takes a long time for your stomach to break down and pass into your intestines, so you feel fuller longer. After I eat a high protein "meal" post-sleeve, it's usually a good 45 minutes before I can even drink Water I feel so full still. This is what I was looking for. I can eat Proteins now and don't feel full. I have moved off is slider foods. I used to eat a lot of chips and Pasta. Trying for more lean meats. Also tried some high protein and low carb/sugar bars.
  19. My question is, how long does it restrict how much you can eat? Is it 30 minutes? An hour? Getting under 400 pounds will get me close to a BMI of 50 and then my insurance will require me to pay for weight watchers which I know will be a farce. I think around 380 is when I start to hit 50 BMI.
  20. My insurance does not require six months of supervised diet since my BMI is over 50. I do exercise about 60 minutes a day. It's light bike riding but as I have lost in the past, I can increase the intensity. I do try to eat good foods. I like fruit and eat a lot of fruit. Last night I had some boneless skinless chicken thighs. Just baked them plain. I ate four of them and could still keep going. I can eat a whole chicken breast and still keep going. I'll have to research more diets for sleepers, but I read protein and low carbs fill you up but I never get to that point unless I over indulge. Realistically I need to lose at least 250 pounds. I don't think that can be done without surgery.
  21. Did get to speak to someone at Dr Hawasli office. He is pretty booked up and won't get an appointment until April 25th. They said my insurance will cover and since my BMI is so high, I just need a letter and can go right to the table.
  22. I looked up Beaumont's program and saw Dr Hawasli was listed. I thought he was with St Johns. It appears he's with both. How long from the first visit until you were in surgery? I have been dieting for a year under supervision with my doctor and only lost about 30 pounds. I'm hoping I won't have to go through more supervised dieting. My insurance waives the required dieting program if your BMI is over 50 which mine is.
  23. Instead of creating a new topic, I decided to bump this one. Has anyone else seen Dr Hawasli since this topic was created back in 2008? My doctor recommended him. A couple nurses on her staff got surgery from him and they appear to be thin. My doctor also said a few of her patients have gotten surgery from him and recommend him. I haven't decided on the band or sleeve. I wanted to fight the right doctor first and discuss the options before I go further.
  24. sgc

    New to dating

    Your remark about questioning the point of losing weight is bothering me. Did you decide to do this hoping to find a girlfriend? I hope not. Love yourself my friend...and everything else will fall into place...even if you never find the 'right girl'. I decided to start because I had high blood pressure and sleep apnea and am only 30 years old. Finding a girlfriend was a high priority. Even if I get down to a normal weight, my body is still ruined. I started questioning why I was dating on the last date. We went to a restaurant and sat in a booth and I barely fit into it. How can I date when I have to worry if I'm going to fit in places? Now wasn't the right time to start. In the past 6 weeks I gain a pound. Granted I didn't undue what I already did but I was losing about 3 pounds a week. I'm about 20 pounds behind schedule.
  25. sgc

    New to dating

    So an update. I went on a couple dates with the original girl. We had gone out to dinner on the last date and everything seemed fine. She had talked about her cooking and said she would need to cook for me. We decided to go out that weekend. I texted her the day before and she said she had a fever. I told her I hope she feels better and let me know when she is ready. She never texted again. She has since moved changed her status to moved on so I guess that's it. Haven't generated much interest from women. What I thought would happen has. I've plateaued on my weight loss. I've begun to question the point of losing weight. I probably wasn't ready to jump into this.

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