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Everything posted by sgc

  1. sgc

    New to dating

    From the pics she has a goth thing going on it looks like. She doesn't look like she is a pleasant person. This is a part of her profile. She doesn't come off as the sweet, gentle, nurturing type I'm looking for. I feel like responding and calling her Jess and that may end things. She also lives in the same city as me, and judging by one of her pics, I may know the street she lives on.
  2. sgc

    New to dating

    So I made a faux pas. I was using the mobile version of OKCupid looking at matches and accidentally swiped the wrong way and indicated I liked the woman. Problem is, I don't and she frightens me. She likes me back and sent me a message. I'm not sure what to do. Out of about two dozens emails I have sent so far, she is the only one that responds to anything from me.
  3. At 6'0 and about 225 and I'm wearing a loose 36 but most 34 fit. I started at a size 60. Most of my weight is in my stomach. My stomach almost hangs over my pants. If I wear a pair of pants higher, I can only go above my belly button, anything else just slides off. My father is about 5'10 and 176 pounds and wears a size 36. I can't believe I can wear his pants now even if they are a little short. I think he also wears them pretty loose and can go down a size or two.
  4. Some carry the weight in certain places too. My weight has settled around my mid section as if I'm wearing an inner tube. I use a compression shirt and dark colored button down short to hide is. My shoulders and upper chest though are about the size of someone who weighs less than my actual weight.
  5. sgc

    New to dating

    I tried to incorporate what was in her profile in my message. eHarmony is different where you don't create your own message but choose from the questions they provide. I guess the goal there is just quantity and hope someone bites.
  6. sgc

    New to dating

    I sent the message and got no response. It's not long distance really since I live only 15-20 minutes from the border. It would be the hassle of crossing every time we wanted to meet but I do know people who do it daily. I've really liked the matches I have gotten on eHarmony. I sent out about 16 messages in two days and got nothing. It's hard to tell on eHarmony if they are still active. eHarmony also gives you questions to send. Women probably get a lot of messages so there is no real way to stand out. I tried OKCupid last night. Sent one message. I'll see if I get a response.
  7. sgc

    New to dating

    eHarmony gives you questions to send but has an option to write your own message. I decided to use the write your own message. This woman said in her profile she lost 62 pounds and has a passion for fitness. I decided to write to her and congratulate her on her weight loss and tell her I lost weight too. She also mentioned she is starting boxing and jiu-jitsu. I asked her questions about that. I'm hoping it shows I read her profile, can relate to her, and have a genuine interest. We'll see how it works. She lives in Canada but says she's willing to date across the border. I may just start reaching out to more women from Canada.
  8. sgc

    New to dating

    I still don't know how to send my own message that is more than hey how are you? Not sure how to open and grab their attention.
  9. sgc

    New to dating

    Also, what would you think of dating someone in another country? I am matched with someone right across the border and she mentioned how she has been on a weight loss journey and seems like a good fit. How would you propose I ask a question about her weight loss and should I indicate that I have lost weight in said question?
  10. sgc

    New to dating

    That's pretty much what I have done. I don't want to go too much into activities because I've been overweight my whole adult life so I haven't done much. There are things I want to do but I don't want to come off as having experience when they call me on it. I wish I could link my eHarmony page. I copied and pasted the bulk of it. Hopefully it comes out all right.
  11. sgc

    New to dating

    Had some good matches right off the bat. Hopefully they respond. Already had one person contact me but don't seem too interested. I'm not sure if my profile is actually interesting enough to attract someone. We'll see I guess. May set up a profile on free site and see if people message me. I've heard mixed things about the free ones in my area.
  12. sgc

    New to dating

    I set up a profile on eHarmony for now. I'll see what happens there and then expand.
  13. sgc

    New to dating

    I have another picture from before but I was a little bit heavier. Not sure if I should use it. I feel like the pictures make me look bigger. I was just at the store and I feel like I looked smaller in the mirror.
  14. sgc

    New to dating

    Since pictures were mentioned here I finally took one today. The facial hair experiment is going to end but I'm not sure the picture looks natural. I've been reading that the best results are profiles with about four pictures so I guess I have some work to do. For shits and giggles I also added a before pic. That will obviously not be included in my dating profile.
  15. I've had the same haircut since 8th grade. I think I'm ready for a change but not sure what. I looked up men's haircuts and they all seem so complicated.
  16. sgc

    New to dating

    I've been waiting until I lost more weight before I took some pictures. I'm only about 30 pounds over where I want to be so this is probably a good time to take some new pictures. I wanted to create my online profile soon.
  17. sgc


    My surgeon required a clearance from my primary care doctor. My Primary care doctor did a pre-surgery check up which included an EKG.
  18. I eat the same thing every day of the week such as Monday's are the same meals, Tuesday's same meals, etc. No need to keep track of my food. I know exactly how many calories I will consume each day and I know I'm losing weight and getting enough nutrition.
  19. BMI doesn't determine if you are healthy or not. Most professional athletes are considered overweight by BMI. LeBron James is considered overweight by BMI. Do you think he really cares that his BMI is 27.5? I will guarantee you he is more fit than any person with a BMI under 25.
  20. sgc

    New to dating

    I still have to meet people in person though. We had some pretty serious wind which took out power to a lot of people here. I had to go into the office and she was here and couldn't work up any strength to talk to her. Back in high school, I was told I had social anxiety disorder. It seems worse now that I've lost weight. Maybe because I'm trying to push myself to be more social. When I was heavier, it was ok to just try and hide. Now I want to be more social and I get anxiety and spend hours and days analyzing meaningless interactions. I can meet someone online and it can go great until I have to meet them.
  21. sgc

    Diet coke

    9 months out of surgery and 230 pounds later, I'm still drinking the same amount of Coke Zero. I can't seem to get upset by something that has zero calories and zero sugar. It is 99% water after all.
  22. sgc

    New to dating

    Only thing I don't like about Match is that I have to come up with some sort of opening. At least approaching someone online would be easier online than in person.
  23. Anyone experience back problems after surgery and losing weight? I'm about 9 months post op and have lost a total of 230 pounds. I never had back pain before but now my back hurts when I'm sitting at work, sitting in my car, or standing for a while. I figured losing weight would help with back pain but it's actually giving me pain. Not sure if my posture somehow got out of whack or what.
  24. sgc

    New to dating

    I was on eHarmony over a year ago and liked it. I wasn't ready and still weighed over 400 pounds so I didn't have any pictures or completed my profile. That's where I first found out this woman from work was single. I'm writing drafts of my profile and looking to stage some pics so I'm ready to go right from the beginning. I may expand to Match. The free sites seem to have mixed results in my area. More unsavory people.

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