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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sgc

  1. sgc

    New to dating

    I'm on POF. That's where I seem to attract the crazy ones. I just got liked by a woman whose entire profile only says "sweetheart" and one of her pictures shows her smoking weed. POF in my area seems to attract an unsavory crowd. I did exchange messages with her but I don't think she lives near me and I'm kind of wanting someone near by. I also haven't ruled out the co-worker. She's been on vacation this past week so I'm just going to ask next week how her vacation was and see where that leads. She did say she was going to set me up with a friend and she has a lot of them.
  2. sgc

    New to dating

    Some early observations in reading men's profiles. -Their profiles don't seem to be any better -Men seem to not care much if their profiles have spelling errors -I'm definitely skinnier than most men who consider themselves as having a few extra pounds. Going to change my body type to about average -Definitely seems to be more women than men. One would think this would be to my advantage.
  3. sgc

    New to dating

    I'm going to try something. I'm to create a fake Match profile but as a woman and then look at mens profiles my age and in my area to see what theirs compare. Only problem is I won't know whose are successful or not. Not going to upload pics and fill out as little as possible.
  4. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I shortened it up and added back what I'm looking for. Hopefully this will be better. I'll go back to some of the people I emailed and look at their profiles and maybe get their attention again to go back and look at my profile.
  5. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I did have it short and too the point and then I changed it and it became wordy. I did have a part about what I wanted in a woman but then I didn't want to turn off someone. I'll have to revamp it. I tend to have a dry sense of humor and I'm not sure that comes out in text. My emails to women have been asking something about what they have in their profile. I purposely avoided commenting on their looks.
  6. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I also keep falling for this trap. I say I'm taking a break but when I logged in to get the link to my profile, I noticed a new match I like that I never saw before and just had to send an email.
  7. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    https://www4.match.com/profile/about/ndh5gUe81mPUyibF_Bv49Q2? I can post my profile publicly. I've changed it a few times. I tried going a bit silly and then figured maybe they didn't think I was serious. I then made it more serious but it became long so I trimmed it.
  8. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    All 85 people I have emailed live within a 30 mile radius of me. The positive here is that in one week I found 85 women who live near me that I felt were worth getting to know. That doesn't include the ones who I deemed were out of my league or who I was on the fence about because they didn't have much in their profile and I was too tired of emailing. All the ones I emailed on Match were online within 24 hours and all but two have read my emails. I figured I would back off for a couple weeks and maybe a new crop of matches will come up. I've changed my profile multiple times, tried different approaches in emails, uploaded new pictures and nothing. I'm close to my normal weight so I have a full body pic. I would say a good amount of the women I emailed probably have a higher BMI than I do. I even made sure on the body preference they chose no preference or a few extra pounds. I'll have to go back in a week with a different approach. Like George Costanza and do the opposite.
  9. sgc

    New to dating

    I'm really not sure how this online dating etiquette goes. On Match they showed me some matches and I check yes or no if I'm interested. I checked yes for this woman who had looked at my profile but didn't send me a wink or message. I've noticed now she has been viewing my profile a lot. Every day. Does this mean she is interested and wants me to send her a message? I'm getting gun shy sending messages because no one ever responds.
  10. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    33 of them were on eHarmony where you just pick questions to send. Every email I sent I asked something specific about that person's profile. I just quit because it's exhausting writing these emails all differently and getting no responses.
  11. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I will admit, I find thicker women more attractive. Not sure where this idea came from that men are attracted to skinny women. This may not be a popular opinion, but I think a lot of the body image issues are created by other women. It seems like a lot of magazines and TV shows talking about the perfect female body are run by women. I've been on Match and when I do searches, I put in curvy or full figured. To me the women who lost themselves as curvy or full figured seem like a normal size to me. Also, if they are willing to say they are curvy or full figured, it likely means they are comfortable with themselves.
  12. sgc

    Will anyone see me?

    I'm having no luck either. I've sent emails to 85 different women the past week and got 1 response which I think she was just being polite. I stopped online dating and am looking for pets to adopt in my area.
  13. sgc

    New to dating

    AsI suspected, the conversation fizzled out. I didn't think she was that as interested and then I started to lose interest. I got an email from Match about a 7 day progress report. Apparently I sent 32 more emails that successful Match users, and receive 4 fewer emails than successful Match users. By their math, I should have received 16 responses if I were successful.
  14. sgc

    New to dating

    I'm on eHarmony and Match. I've actually sent 48 emails on Match, 33 on eHarmony and 4 on OKCupid. The only response was on OKCupid. Non paying customers on eHarmony can respond. They just can't see pictures or respond after the first couple interactions. When I first started this thread over a year ago, I weighed over 400 pounds, had no pics on eHarmony, and yet got a couple dates within a month or two. Now when I'm actually trying, I can't. eHarmony you can't tell who is active. On Match, I send emails mostly to people who are active at that time. I can see about 98% of them have been read. The one who responded to me on OKCupid doesn't seem promising. Conversation doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Not sure she's interested.
  15. sgc

    New to dating

    I sent a reply. I'll see what happens. If all goes well, I'm not how and when to advance this to an in person meeting?
  16. sgc

    New to dating

    After 85 messages, I finally got a response. It wasn't very enthusiastic so I'm not hopeful.
  17. sgc

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    If it's anything like my experience, awful.
  18. sgc


    I lost 100 pounds about 9 years before my surgery and had my gallbladder taken out. It's fairly common for bariatric patients to have to have their gallbladder taken out. It can happen to anyone who loses a significant amount of weight.
  19. sgc

    New to dating

    I must be a glutton for punishment. I keep emailing to no avail. 78 emails and not a single response. At this point, I want to try for 100. It's either got to be my profile, emails or I'm not that attractive. I kind of lean towards the latter because most read the emails and then view my profile.
  20. sgc

    New to dating

    I can't really say I'm too surprised. I figured after 62 emails I would get one response at least. I can tell most of them have read the emails and checked out my profile. I decided to completely redo my profile and been looking at theirs again to get them to check my profile out one more time.
  21. sgc

    New to dating

    So far the likes on my profile I have gotten are from the crazy one, a professional dominatrix, a woman whose profile picture is of her holding some sort of assault rifle, and a woman who spent a paragraph detailing the race of people she will not go out with but fortunately for me I am one of the few races she will go out with. I think I need a break. Maybe next week there will be a fresh crop of matches.
  22. sgc

    New to dating

    I think I will take a hiatus for a bit. 60+ messages and not a single reply. I'll take some time off and see if matches come to me. I've lost energy trying to come up with good emails so I'll take a break and try next week.
  23. sgc

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    I haven't even gotten close to that stage in a relationship but if my partner didn't have a problem with it, I wouldn't. The hard part is attracting someone with it.
  24. sgc

    New to dating

    Up over 50 messages and no responses. Only like I have gotten is from a dominatrix.
  25. sgc

    New to dating

    I've sent about 35 messages the past week and nothing so far. I'm trying to make each message unique and not seem like I'm copying and pasting. I know women have to get 100's of messages so I'm not sure if mine are standing out. I'm going to post a couple examples. This woman talked about how she has traveled and lived in New Zealand for a year. She also mentioned how she wanted to travel to Italy which I want to as well and am not bullshitting. She also mentioned her name in her profile so I decided to address her by name. She also ended the profile by saying if you like what you hear, than message her. This next one talked about traveling the ocean for a guy (and traveling the ocean for her) and she seemed to have an off beat sense of humor. She also said she preferred men older than her and she is 31 and I do turn 32 on April 12th. She also mentioned that her prince charming fell out of a tree or got hot by a buss.

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