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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by emalou47

  1. emalou47

    3 week stall?

    It lasted nearly 3 weeks for me but if you have measured yourself you may find you have lost inches instead
  2. emalou47

    Sweet things

    Hi guys I am currently 4 weeks post op and I am.craving something sweet. So far I have not given in to any temptations but I was wondering if anyone has gone through this and if there was anything I could have to take the feeling away ??
  3. emalou47

    Sweet things

    Thanks guys if any of you come up with any other ideas throw them my way
  4. emalou47


    Congratulations I am really pleased for you. I currently have lost 48 pounds in the 4 weeks since surgery and that includes a stalling period of just over a week. It has completely changed my life for the better as I hope this will do for you.
  5. emalou47

    WLS on St. Patty's Day

    I have lost 3 stone in total ut nothing in the last 2 weeks. It is very disappointing
  6. emalou47

    Pureed stage

    I'm not sure on the ricotta bake but good luck for tomorrow! !! I'm sure everything will be fine and congratulations on making a brilliant choice for yourself
  7. emalou47

    WLS on St. Patty's Day

    Of course let me know how you get on at the gym it's always good to have someone there
  8. emalou47

    WLS on St. Patty's Day

    Apparently I was severely dehydrated and that caused my stomach to contract. I am at a stand still myself I went on an hour long walk up and down hills and plan on going swimming next week to try and get my weight loss to continue. Has the pain decreased now your not wearing trousers??
  9. emalou47

    WLS on St. Patty's Day

    Tlemieux220 I would suggest letting your surgeon know. I was sleeved on the 17th March too and I ended up back in the hospital but they couldn't tell me why I had the pain. Can I ask though what's your weight loss been like??
  10. Whilst I understand both sides I think that lipstick lady's point was that you could cause damage to yourself if you are throwing up all the time and pushing things too far. I understand that as the diet is restrictive you want to branch out and try other things but you should listen to your body and work with it and not with your cravings for other types of food. Take your time and look after yourself.. personally I would hate for you to end up back in hospital or your journey to take a step back
  11. emalou47


    That's the same reason I chose the sleeve... less complications and similar results
  12. emalou47


    Hi all I am 25 from the UK and was sleeved on 17th March and I can honestly say it was the best thing I have ever done. . It is difficult as the cravings that are in your head are still there but if you are strong you can do well. So far I have lost 3 stone which is more then I expected. Good luck to all those going for the surgery and if anyone wants to ask any questions or needs any support contact me
  13. Is anyone taking forceval tablets at the moment and how have you found them ???
  14. Hi I'm from the UK too and I am 16 days post op. I went out last night and couldn't hold down anything except soup. I couldn't imagine eating any meats just now. Did you find it difficult before your latest meal to eat anything or has it been easy so far??
  15. emalou47

    Pureed stage

    I am not 100 percent sure if I am eating more as my nutritionist said that it will take longer for the pureed food to leave your stomach so you won't eat as much. But your body maybe getting used to eating a different type of food so it could be possible I would check with your medical team to be sure.
  16. emalou47

    My Thoughts 5 Days Post-op

    I am the same I am going into stage 2 and I am missing the act of chewing food. My partner will eat a salad and I find myself feeling jealous. Whilst I know I am doing this for the right reasons and to improve my life I am just missing certain things
  17. emalou47

    Pureed stage

    Thanks, as I am allergic to cheese I have to cut that out of everything. I am fed up of just eating soups at the moment so my motivation isn't what it should be. Any tips are appreciated
  18. emalou47

    Pureed stage

    Thanks did either of you find the transition hard ??
  19. emalou47

    Long hospital stay?

    I was in for just one night, I was scheduled in for 2 but I didn't need it as I was up and walking around. You will be fine and take your time if you feel you need longer then speak to those looking after you.
  20. emalou47

    3 days in...

    thanks guys i appreciate that
  21. emalou47

    3 days in...

    Hi everyone, i had my surgery on the 17th March and i have not been taking pain relief for 24 hours as i haven't needed it... so far i have lost 16 pounds over the last week.. shilst i dont feel hungry anymore and i am off work for 3 weeks does anyone have any advice on coping with the boredom or any exercises i can do or even how to encourage the weightloss. i have 10 stone more to lose and i just want to ensure i am doing everything i can to help myself.
  22. emalou47

    3 days in...

    thanks for that Sally. all i am having is soups and water at the moment is there anything else i can have at this stage? ? I am frightened of pushing my luck
  23. emalou47

    3 days in...

    do you have any other tips for coping ??
  24. emalou47

    3 days in...

    thanks do you have any tips on getting up and about i am still tender in a certain spots.. my family have been supportive but are trying to make me eat more then i think i am ready to and im not surr how to make then understand

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