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Posts posted by mspal

  1. a stall after losing 93 pounds is just totally not the same as losing 9 pounds the first 3 weeks after surgery.

    laguerr13, what exactly are the positives of this? i'm a perfectly mentally healthy rational person and not a patient (i noted that you work "in a psych setting"). i assure you i do not belong in a mental ward. the scale tells me i'm still 100+ pounds overweight. there's nothing wrong in focusing on the fact that i'm not losing weight when i should be and that i have 100 pounds of fat that doesn't seem to be budging despite eating 500 calories a day. i'm not sure what's healthier about having surgery to remain on a liquid diet if the results are the same.

    again, regarding recovery, i have not been in pain, tired, or nauseated. i don't care about eating. i have a FT job and a business and 3 children. i don't have time to worry about food. i drink my shake and move on with my day (it has the added bonus of giving me much more time!). yes, i walk on my treadmill. yes, i'm doing everything. yes, i'm on a timetable - the first six months are crucial and it appears that nothing is happening. i've blown through almost an entire month, and this is the "fast" weight loss portion. my body fat percentage hasn't changed either.

    i'd be delighted to hear supportive comments from people that experienced the same issue - extremely slow loss during their first few weeks after surgery. did you end up losing weight? did you end up needing a DS? did you need to cut/increase carbs? i am looking for actionable advice (my doctor has none) that will actually help me tweak what i'm doing so i can lose weight. i am also interested to hear from others that had very little post-op weight loss how well they stuck to their pre-op diets. it seems the rest of my surgical crew is losing tons of weight - and NONE of them stuck to their diets (me, I stuck to it perfectly).

  2. yes, i poop every day. it's now been 3 weeks since my surgery and i haven't even lost 9 pounds. this is probably the stupidest mistake i have ever made in my life. i cut all the carbs out and even purees and am on just shakes again, and nothing.

    i'm trying not to be depressed. there's absolutely nothing i can do. i had visions in my head of losing 20 pounds the first month (just like everyone else). i am wondering if i'll even get to 40 lbs lost in 6 months. like did i really just self-pay and take out 80% of my stomach to lose less than 10 pounds?

  3. Week one: -3.1

    Week two: -2.2

    Week three: -2

    Not jazzed about this at all. I see people at the same number of days out who have lost 20 or 30 pounds. How can you be bad at eating nothing? I have had no pin, nausea, or tiredness. I feel fine.

    everyone assured me I would lose weight. It's very depressing.

    This isn't a stall btw. This is "has not lost any significant amount of weight since surgery." I got 80 percent of my stomach excised and can't eat for less than a ten pound loss. Yippee.

  4. my surgery was only a week ago and my doctor stressed the body fat percentage, to ignore BMI entirely. the number you end up at should depend on your lean body mass. right now my LBM is 123.4 (higher than the highest end of the BMI range). nearly all people lose LBM when you lose weight. it isn't something i'm going to worry about until i get near the end. i could be higher than my BMI range or i could be in it - although i doubt it. mine is 94-119! the weight in my ticker is totally arbitrary. they did a calculation of 160, and then switched it to 120. so... yeah.

    FYI for 5'0" it is 97-123. I don't know where you got the other numbers! here is a link to the NIH chart: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmi_tbl.pdf

  5. @@recordsmom 5lbs! if i could lose 5lbs a week (like i used to be able to do) I would be pretty golden. good for you! the shakes you are drinking have 27 g carbs/3g Fiber each, mine have 5g carb/3 Fiber and i do not eat any fruit whatsoever, i cannot.

    the wonderslim cake has 9g carbs, 3 g of fiber, and that (compared to nothing or only low carb things) prevents my FBS from jumping up by 10 points in the morning (it's usually at 120 and it won't go any lower).

  6. I'm wondering if anyone can chime in on this. I'm booked for May in TJ and am on an extended pre-op diet. I "switched" from my regular low carb to nothing terribly different, and unsurprisingly, am not losing weight. I already eat very little - I switched from low carb bar for Breakfast & lunch, low carb dinner, and WonderSlim chocolate cake to... a Premier Protein shake for breakfast & lunch, low carb dinner, and wonderslim chocolate cake. I eat 1-2 serving of vegetable a day, never any fruit. I laughed when I got the email about 4 lbs of leafy green vegetables. Who has time for that? You'd be eating all day. My dinner is small, usually about 4 oz of Protein plus my veggies. {I eat the cake at night to control my fasting blood sugar for the morning}

    I tried explaining to the nutritionist group that I was already eating low carb & low calorie and the plan that they were "putting me on" was virtually identical to what I have already been doing. I *already* eat around 1000 calories a day (I am 4'11") and it gets me nowhere. They really really didn't understand that I already eat this way, I have had gestational diabetes 3 times and basically am a diet controlled diabetic. Really who would believe someone that's 100 lbs overweight couldn't lose weight like this? I cannot.

    As I have been for the past 6 months by the time I get home I can barely see straight and am extremely irritable and I generally fall asleep right before or after dinner, just from lack of food. I'm at the end of my rope with lack of weight loss but I'm also extremely worried about spending $$$ on nonreversible surgery that won't have any different outcome. I haven't booked my flights yet. I don't feel like throwing away more money if I can't lose the 10% they want to see. I don't have the benefit of the first week of dieting 10 lb weight loss either.... because I already eat extremely low carb. It's not a matter of compliance, which is just even more frustrating.

  7. Thank you so much! You're all so encouraging! I did search and I've read a ton, but mostly people are talking about sipping and getting down their Protein. From the responses here it seems like it may have to do a lot with your pre-existing attitudes/practices about liquids pre-surgery.

    Who knows, I may be more than a sipper than I imagine? I generally drink an ounce or two at a go (I know this because I'm addicted to drinking out of my straw mug that I got with my last c-section, and it's labeled with ounces). But I also look at it and think that I knocked back around 4 of these in a row after that surgery (I was so dehydrated!).

  8. Can someone - hopefully someone that loves liquids - reassure me that they were OK with not drinking them the way they could before VSG? My mind cannot get over this. Being able to really drink a liquid (I only do Water and coke zero, nothing caloric) is a far greater pleasure to me than food could ever be. I cannot imagine not being able to drink down a glass of water. I can't get my head there enough to book my surgery!

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