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Status Updates posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. When an unexpected event arises, consider first the obvious before you make yourself and everyone else cuckoo. Be like the electrician who gets a frantic call and asks, "Is it plugged in?" Often enough it isn't and how lovely that the solution is so simple.

  2. Grr, it's been taking so long for posts to actually post for several days. The result is trying again and then finding duplicates in the topics.

  3. The Psychiatrist Is In - 5¢. I know why the Dubster uses so much space for his posts. There are at least five reasons, not necessarily all in play each time.

    1. emma4884


      I love Dub's posts for many reasons, including content AND spacing!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    1. songsmith


      Name of the Rose?

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Yes, and countless others. He died yesterday.

    3. songsmith


      Oh, no! I hadn't heard about him. I wondered when I scrolled down and saw Harper Lee. Too many people this winter.

  5. Sending hugs and warm wishes to all the Valentines.

    1. Cervidae


      Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  6. It's a mere misunderstanding over the "E" misplaced in the middle of J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T. I've never laughed so much over a BP thread. This has to have been a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

    1. Sharon1964


      It has the word JUDGEMENT the title, misspellings and all

    2. Cervidae


      I found it, but it's been deleted. Darn. I was all ready to bring my protein chips and watch.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Deleted? Rats, it was so funny and the trashiest I've seen in BP. It was locked to further posts when last I saw it. Deletion must be reeaaalllly bad, but is it of the CIA variety or simply a parental tap on the hand? We all know, don't we, that the First Amendment does not apply here?

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. What's this? No fun allowed? I'm out for the first half of the day and come back to find that I'm locked out of a trashy, wingding topic exchange? I demand a recount!!

  8. Jazz in my ears and a mirror giving me a good view out the foot of the MRI tunnel made for a not all all bad experience. Two MRI's done simultaneously for a total of 30-35 mins.

  9. Gleefully looking forward to today's MRI's of lumbar and cervical spine. That'll teach me to stand on a crowded NYC bus. The grown-ups amongst us will understand when I say that the driver might have announced "No more on!" oLooking No

    1. ssflbelle


      good luck with those MRI's I am hoping for us both with the additional weight gone they are easier to get through. Let me know the results .

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks, @@ssflbelle. I suppose the good news might be that my weight had nothing to do with falling. Lots of people fell, including the two who fell on me, taking me down with them. Overall, though, of course you're correct about excessive weight not helping most things. The exception is the concussion I sustained, too.

  10. Taking the Jeopardy online test this eve. Anyone else?

    1. Valentina


      My cousin was a three time winner on Jeopardy. She came home with $36,000.00. Go for it!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      That's fun. Three times isn't bad at all. Thanks.

  11. Went to an info seminar this eve, first step in learning about sleeve in case my band is FUBAR, as I think it may be. Next step, see my surgeon and find out.

    1. jane13


      Keep us posted :D

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks,, Jane. Will do.

  12. Hear ye! An important NSV that has never been mentioned is not having to spend on shipping charges because local stores have puny selections of plus and big & tall sizes.

    1. jane13
    2. borg/assimilated
    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks for this NSV awareness go to Inner Surfer Girl, who yesterday mentioned the savings in a topic about being able to shop anywhere.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. "Good show!" to all those who blithely encourage a member requesting advice on exercise for weight loss and is dissatisfied with excellent rate of loss and has considered enemas to speed weight loss. Sheesh.

    1. Sharon1964


      Do you want to borrow my clue-by-four? Someone needs a whack upside the head.

    2. PayItForward


      You are talking about two different threads. Everyone discouraged her from getting an enema. In the other thread, she was discouraged about her rate of weight-loss and people in that thread were encouraging her to realize how well she was doing.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Sharon -- Thanks. I'm working to train myself to skip past the disturbing topics. I'm not paid enough here to get a stomach ache.

      PayItForward -- Don't forget the third thread about exercise. It and the one about feeling discouraged appeared together, unmissable. The advice re: exercise was fine in and of itself, but not in context with her other two topics. Her thinking is skewed and she probably needs professional help.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. After sustaining a concussion back in May and still having some effects, I chose a driving eval for safety's sake. I wow'd the evaluator, who was also aware I hadn't driven in 18 years -- for no particular reason. I'm back in the saddle, so take cover!

    1. songsmith


      That's great news!

    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Let me know if you are coming to Chicago and I will hide in the basement!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks, SONGSMITH. I'm stoked. People have always said that driving is like breathing and it turns out to be true.

      MISS MAC, you can run, but you can't hide. I've driven into basements in better places than Chicago, whatever that means. In truth, there are plenty of things in Chicago I'd like to visit. I've been there only once, but that was a thousand years ago and for less than an hour as a break from I80.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I found a great recipe for Turkey-in-a-Blender for those consigned to purées.

  16. Donald Trump and Rob Ford, separated at birth?

  17. Edith Piaf is one of the reasons we have ears.

  18. Where's yesterday's topic by someone who seems to have intertrigo? Want to add a tangential, valuable note, but can't find it.

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Is it this one about how to care for the raw areas under the belly flap?


    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch
  19. Bought a spaghetti squash today, the first in eons. It will be the foundation of a brilliant concoction and I can't wait to chow down. The hardest part is cutting it open raw.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      That's what I've heard. Maybe someday. Sorry the link doesn't work. If you do want to take a look, just copy over. But you knew that.

    2. dhrguru


      I nearly lost a hand trying to cut the damn thing open. It honestly has turned me off from making one again. I've gotten used to not eating pasta with sauce anyhow.


    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Cutting a hard squash is a feat. It needs a super-sharp knife which can be just as nervous-making as any other.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. How very cool to read three women's updates, almost in a row, about downhill-rolling clothing sizes.

  21. "Jeopardy!" championship tournament, anyone?

  22. Some posts are so bloody good, I'd like to be able to hit "Like" twice.

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