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Everything posted by KendraLynnKerr

  1. KendraLynnKerr

    post op 3 1/2 years RNY in Maine

    Karyn, my heart goes out to you. I wish I could give you a hug.???? . You are awesome . you've come a long way. I am proud of you. You are stronger than you think. Most of the battle is in our heads . That's control central.. Some times its like a hijacker has taken over the controls and locked the door so we can't get in. And we are standing on the outside looking in , hopeless .. But we have to realize we are not locked out because we have the key and hand cuffs and taser to take control back and we have backup for support ..I will gladly be your back up.. And proudly stand by your side while you take back what's your. Your friend , Kendra
  2. KendraLynnKerr

    Butler Pa

    Just a thought on my mind. I look in the mirror and pose with flexed biceps. Don't laugh.... And I have great muscle tone in my arms and shoulders and neck, BUT...... There is all this extra skin hanging down off my arms like I'm made of plastic and melting.....????
  3. KendraLynnKerr

    Post op veteran needing a mentor/buddy

    Hi I'm Kendra , 5 years for me and I'm a human yoyo.... From 367 to 209 now in 230' s .. I'm in if you want me...????
  4. KendraLynnKerr

    Just a note

    Remember , your not going any where unless you take action. Good intentions keeps you in the same place . ( Goals will always be dreams , unless you take action .)
  5. KendraLynnKerr

    Worried it wont work

    Its been 5 years in for me. I had bypass. Now I have to be very careful because I have all the cravings that I had before. I still want to bake and do all the things that will start me on a down hill slide. So I have to police myself. For those of us that have been surrounded by food all our lives it can be very difficult . So you have to understand your triggers and be able to do you best to redirector your mind and actions. And there are those family members and food friends that can lead you astray. Its like walking a mind field. You have to arm yourself with as many helpful things as you can. If you want it bad enough.... To change your life... To be happier and healthier... All the struggles will be worth it, and one day you will look back and be proud of yourself that you did it... You made it through... And then you will inspire others...
  6. KendraLynnKerr

    Just a note

    Love your screen name dear friend. I know you will.....????
  7. KendraLynnKerr

    1 band, 1 year, 1 new life

    First , I am so happy for you. And you are so right, I always say a little of any thing could either help or hurt. You have to know what you need and what you don't. I'm pulling for you dear friend..
  8. KendraLynnKerr

    Working to get a surgery date

    Dear Sam and Requiem, my heart goes out to both of you. I had surgery in 2010. Food was every thing .. All my emotions , happy , sad ,mad ,and just because it smelled or tasted good. My biggest problem was and still is sugar.. I come from a long line of home cooks and bakers. Going into this I knew I did this to my self with food . I loved it and hated it at the same time and I still do.. I knew this surgery was a tool not a magic wand. I knew all the hard work , sweat and tears were on me to put in not anyone else . I have had great days on top of the world since. And I have had days of utter darkness. For every one the mental and physical struggles will be different. There is no one way to fix us all. We will get through this with each other by giving support , praise , love , and gentle but firm pushes. Just know that in the dark days there is sun shine on the horizon, you just have to want to make it there and know deep down inside you deserve it , your worth it , you will make it . And we will pull you through. With much love , Kendra
  9. KendraLynnKerr

    Introducing Myself

    Hi Candice , good to see you. You are doing great and I will be here to help push you along. Lol ????. You are strong and fearless.... You are a female warrior... I have faith in you and together we will both be victorious
  10. KendraLynnKerr


    Fantastic...... You are awesome... I'm cheering you on .
  11. I had bypass in Sep 2010 . I started out at 367 at my heaviest as far as I know. I have been down to 209 my lowest . Today at 240. For all of us that become so heavy it is for many different personal reasons . There is no one answer that will fix us all. And many that go through this process will fail. The surgery is a tool not a cure all. And for many including myself it is an emotional problem with physical results. For me it is a moment by moment struggle. I Am 47 years old . I pray for strength for us all to succeed .
  12. KendraLynnKerr

    Introducing myself

    Thank you my dear. These are very important things that need to be put out there to all that stop by to read . These are important gems to be past on to others so they know that they are not alone, we all have separate lives but for some of us we share the same struggles. And there is hope and there are people to hold you up, you just have to reach out sand grab the life line that's being tossed out to you . May God guide us all to do the best for our selves and others. Your Sincerely , Kendra
  13. Obituaries always list the year you were born and the year you died , separated by a dash , 1919 - 1999 . When you were born or when you died is not nearly as important as what you did in between the dash , its what you put in that dash that matters. ( Enjoy your life while there's still no date at the end of your dash .)
  14. KendraLynnKerr

    Reality Check- I hate my new body

    O my dear , I totally understand you , completely . As a woman my self , it is so hard to except that we are so much more than physical beings. We live in a world that the physical appearance is how we are judged . Then we are brain washed that we judge our selves as others do . I do it to my self . Its not right . On both account. But this is the hurtful truth. Yes we gain our lives. Our families get to love us on earth longer . But there are sacrifices. They are hard pills to swallow. And you are not alone in your sadness . There are many of us who share in this with you. There are no easy answers. For many of us we can not afford to pay to fix our imperfections. I can't . So , I try to be be an illusionist to the world. I try to look the best I can . But it is hard to look at the truth by myself behind closed doors . Sincerely , Kendra
  15. KendraLynnKerr

    Introducing myself

    Dear rhodywoman , you are a bright spot to my day . First I want to say thank you for the extended hand in comradeship , and I am greatly honored to except it. You have inspired me to make today the best day I can. I will pledge to you and all others that read this that I will hold my self accountable and be strong for those that will need me. I will keep my shoulders square , my mind centered , my heart open , and my arms open to welcome others to this worthy journey that we will all take together. May God bless you , my sweet new sister .Yours truly , Kendra
  16. KendraLynnKerr

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    From spring to fall I work construction at Pitt international. That great on the 38.5. Way to go....
  17. KendraLynnKerr

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    I'm Butler Pa . had bypass 2010 Sep.
  18. KendraLynnKerr

    Introducing myself

    Thank you very much. There have been many good day too. I just understand that in all things there are many layers that consist of good and bad. I want people to understand its OK to fall down , you just have to be willing to pull your self back up. And sometimes you need to lean on others for support and be willing to in turn be able to support others in your time of strength. I guess I'm putting this out there for new people as an advisement.???? we are all warriors in the struggle of life .

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