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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Indieflickers

  1. I'm officially scheduled for a Tummy Tuck (ugh I hate the word tummy) and brachioplasty in two weeks! Give me all the advice you've got! How much pain were you in? How long did it take for you to not be in pain? How much pain were the drains, literally and figuratively? We're there any sitting/sleeping positions that were more comfortable than others? Any gadgets or props that were especially helpful? Any kind of clothing that was easier to get in and out of? What did you eat? How much did you eat given that you weren't able to exercise? How much help did you need? I'm staying with my brother for the first 48 hours but then I'm on my own. Should I prep a weeks worth of meals? Two weeks? What do you wish you had known before surgery?

    I'm so excited but also slightly terrified - much more so that before my gastric bypass. Seriously, any advice, tips, etc.!

  2. @@JamieLogical for some reason this surgeon doesn't require the 8 - 12 month rule. What is the reason for that time frame? I had heard that from a variety of people which is why I was surprised when this surgeon said he could do it so soon. He's a well known surgeon who works consistently with my bariatric surgeon so I don't get the impression that he's just hoping for the money.

  3. I had a plastic surgery last week, just to get the ball rolling. My insurance takes so long to do anything that I figured, even though I'm still 19 pounds from goal, why not? To my surprise, the surgeon said he'd be willing to operate as soon as the end of May! Did anyone else have plastics done before hitting goal? Did you lose weight after plastics, and if so, how did that affect your skin? If I went ahead with the surgery at the end of May, I'd be having a Tummy Tuck and brachioplasty.

  4. I second what @@4MRB4PHOTO said. I work 12 - 18 hour days so I completely understand not having time to make healthy meals which is why I prep everything on the weekend. I have every lunch, dinner, and snack made for the week so I never have to worry about it. Having everything made and ready also means I can't use the excuse of not having something on hand to eat crap lying around at work. Plus, because I made everything, I know exactly what's in it. I've developed a bit of a tupperware collection! post-249376-14608261696885_thumb.jpg

  5. @@mngreeneyes thanks for the advice! I seem to have the shin splints under control now. I was fitted for good shoes, got custom orthotics from my doctor, and wear compression sleeves on my calves. That seems to keep them at bay. They only show up when I ramp up distance too quickly.

    What's so frustrating about the lung issues is that, before my chest infection in February, I was able to run a 5k with no breathing issues at all. Now I can't do more than about 90 seconds at a time and the steroid inhaler and albuterol don't seem to help in the slightest!

    @@JamieLogical how long did it take for you to overcome the runner's knee? Did you wear any kind of sleeve or strap to help?

  6. This is such excellent information! I really got into running last fall. However I seem to have the worst luck. I tend to overdo it and hurt myself and have to stop. I kept getting shin splints. Now that I've got those under control I seem to have developed runner's knee. I got a little strap that helps with that and I'm doing strengthening exercises to help as well. I haven't been able to run at all for three weeks because after recovering from an upper respiratory infection I've seen to developed some sort of exercise induced asthma - I cough a lot if I do anything faster than a stroll! It's been incredibly frustrating. I feel like a border collie who hasn't been allowed to herd anything in months.

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