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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Mariggle reacted to WitchySar in why no soda??   
    Your stomach isn't made out of latex, it's not going to react like a ballon. And especially if you have the sleeve it's a myth that it will stretch it. With the sleeve all, or at least most, of the stretchy part of the stomach is removed. And even if a little bit or the stretchy part is left carbonation is no where near strong enough to stretch it, nor would the small amount left be able to stretch enough to make a huge difference. You might go from being able to eat 4 ounces to eating 4.5 ounces instead. And any stretching that MIGHT occur would not come from carbonation, it would be from forcing in too much food at once time. The research supports this.
    The myth of the stretching came from the bypass pouch which can stretch, but even then again carbonation isn't strong enough, especially once combined with stomach acid, to have any true effect. It's much more likely to stretch from eating too much though.
    Surgeons are human, they are not infallible. They make mistakes, and many are prone to telling horror stories to scare their patients into doing what they want them to do.
  2. Like
    Mariggle reacted to leebick in why no soda??   
    You don't have a pouch, you have a sleeve, and air and carbonation aren't going to stretch your sleeve. The part of your stomach that is made of tissue that can stretch is gone, and air/carbonation aren't anywhere near strong enough to stretch a pouch of a bypass patient. You aren't supposed to have carbonation because it'll fill you up and it can be painful. You need to remember that the small capacity you now have in your sleeve needs to be dedicated to the nutrients that will maintain your health. Regular soda is just liquid sugar... liquid that fills your pouch, carbonation that fills your pouch, sugar that is empty calories... so drinking soda is really counterintuitive if you have a sleeve (or pouch). Also... there is no evidence that straws are bad for you. Some surgeons think that you are going to swallow more air if you use a straw, which will (a) be painful, and (b) fill you up so there's not as much space in there for the nutrients you need to stay healthy. That's the logic on the straw prohibition.
    I drink soda occasionally, and beer. I ONLY drink diet soda- I can't remember when I started, but it's been decades. I'll occasionally have a little diet Mountain Dew, or diet root beer (maybe once a month or less). I can't drink much of anything without getting overly full, so it's a balance. I also have trouble drinking Water. One liquid that's worked for me is diet root beer, but I pour a can into a glass and let it sit overnight to get flat. THEN I drink it!
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    Mariggle reacted to SeahawksFan in Protein bar that tastes good   
    I don't like Quest either. I like Power Crunch. They are around $1.50 each on Amazon and taste like a wafer cookie.
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    Mariggle reacted to The Candidate in 1 Month Post Op   
    The first couple of months are when you're most keenly aware that you've had the surgery. The head hunger and cravings are at their optimum as well. The further out you get and the more you practice mindful eating and exercise along the way, the easier it gets to lock in a healthy lifestyle.
    For me, I've pretty much gone with an all or nothing approach. I've had no bread, rice, Pasta, soda, or sweets in over six months now, and I've incorporated exercise into my daily routine. I don't want to open a gateway back into obesity by sampling even a taste of the food I've listed above. I've never kept weight off long term as a pre op. WLS has given me the elusive tool I needed to finally break out of the yo-yo dieting cycle. And the longer I go without it the less power it wields over me.
    Today I'm only 12 pounds from goal and I'm loving life again. I have more energy and feel at least 20 years younger. I was pre-diabetic, had high blood pressure, and my joints were screaming in pain, just to name a few. All of that is gone. This surgery is a god send, and I would do it all over again in a second!
    Best wishes on your journey. It's truly beautiful being on the other side.
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    Mariggle reacted to leesee0702 in 1 Month Post Op   
    Hi all. I'm Lisa and I had my sleeve surgery 4 weeks ago today. I have type 2 diabetes, hypothyroid and PCOS so my goal is to eliminate my health issues with weight loss. I'm
    still adjusting to my new life style. It's like a grieving process with food. Does anything else agree? I've gotten nauseous a few times from eating too much. It's creating new habits I guess. Anyway I'm down 18 pounds from day of surgery. Does anyone else have health issues? Also any advice to break old habits would be appreciated. Thanks all! ????
  6. Like
    Mariggle reacted to Babbs in Stretched Sleeve   
    Haha! Some people crack me up.
    So defensive and indignant.
    "I know I'm eating like sh*t and grazing, but it's my SLEEVE!!"
    Comedy gold.
  7. Like
    Mariggle reacted to JamieLogical in Stretched Sleeve   
    I certainly don't eat like that every day! Of course you would gain weight over time. If I go to a birthday party, I will eat some of that stuff. What is that, like once every couple of months? I have to live the whole rest of my life. There's no way I'm doing that without EVER having pizza, cake, or ice cream again. I'm 17 months post-op and struggling to find a way to eat ENOUGH calories to maintain my weight now that I'm training for a half marathon. I don't apologize for having an occasional treat at a party at this point. I have ice cream in my freezer at home in fact. It just sits there. I haven't eaten a single bite of it in weeks. But if I do decide to have some, I'll just work it into my day.
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    Mariggle reacted to Marie8777 in Pic time   
    I always tell my sister I don't see the difference. I went from 410 to now 236 I totally see it now I needed to do this to see it and I'm happier and most of all healthier I still have a long way to go but for my 1st year I'm so proud of myself <3
  9. Like
    Mariggle reacted to ebwinslo in Unrealistic expectations   
    I am with you on this!
    From reading these forums I honestly thought that the surgery would 1) not hurt that badly 2) would decrease my cravings.
    First of all, I woke up from surgery and immediately started dry heaving because I was in so much pain. I had to beg my nurse to find my doctor and get me stronger meds STAT. Even after I got those, it was still 2 weeks of intense pain, a week of moderate pain, then a week of minimal pain. At 5 weeks out I can now say that I don't have any pain. But, having said that, I still feel very weak (probably because I don't eat that many calories).
    In terms of cravings it has been quite a journey. Immediately after surgery and for the first 4 weeks I was experiencing intense cravings. I was wanting things that I could not have- I managed to buckle down and power through. Now that I am no longer on all liquids or pureed, I have a chance to eat some of the normal food that I have been craving and I am trying to get most of my nutrients through food. Finally, with the transition to soft foods my cravings have disappeared. I am not sure why! I think it is because every meal is now a battle (I take a few bites and no longer want to eat) and occasionally (and sometimes inexplicably) feel bad afterwards. Eating is no longer fun for me and my body/mind is starting to notice. That was not an immediate change but has been a gradual pavlovian one.
    My point is that even though you had cravings right after the surgery it could change. Also, people who have not had surgery should set their expectations correctly. I do not regret anything- pain is temporary and food does not HAVE to be fun. But, I wish that my expectations had been set correctly.
  10. Like
    Mariggle reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Burger and Fries   
    I'm 17 months post-op. I started at 235 pounds highest ever, was 216 pounds surgery day, hit my goal of 150 pounds in 8.5 months post-op, and today (9 months later) weigh 136 pounds. I'm doing great.
    By the end of Month One post-op, I was eating one slice of toast (Sara Lee 45 calories/slice high-Fiber, high-Protein bread) with no difficulty.
    Around 3 months post-op I could eat HALF a McDonald's cheeseburger including the bun VERY SLOWLY (150 calories). And no, I didn't eat that very often.
    By the time I was 8 months post-op, I could eat a whole McD cheeseburger. That's about my fast-food limit now, too. And no, I don't eat these things often at all -- usually once every month or two when I get stuck on a road trip and have access only to fast -food on Interstate off-ramps.
    This journey is about doing what you're supposed to do most of the time. When I was still losing weight, I stuck very close to my program probably 95% of the time. Now, 9 months into maintenance, I eat according to my program about 80-90% of the time.
    P.S. I'm eating 1700 - 2000 calories/day now to maintain my current weight.
  11. Like
    Mariggle reacted to JamieLogical in I can't believe I can wear this sort of thing now!   
    I wore this outfit to work today! A junior size 11 dress, sweater tights, and calf-high boots. Really?
    I used to look like this!
  12. Like
    Mariggle reacted to Ashlegal in Just a little brag..   
    I know many of you won't care but because I am so excited, I had to share; I was lucky enough to get tickets to see Adele!!!
    That is all.
  13. Like
    Mariggle reacted to fly-high in Now I understand why we dont tell people we are getting the sleeve...   
    I told no one but my spouse. The best of people get jealous of you and go on the attack and all you can ask yourself is, what did i do. You did nothing but tried to better yourself. That is all it takes for some to single you out and make sly remarks and ridicule you...
    Push forward it will pass. We are here for you!!!
  14. Like
    Mariggle reacted to psvzum in Hair Loss & Using Permanent Color   
    Thank you for your feedback! @Djmohr-my thoughts were the same, "you're going to shed whether you color or not". Good to hear a couple of you confirm this.
    @@jjmama, totally agree about ugly roots and how they make you feel.
    I've been taking extra B Vitamins and Biotin since pre-surgery in an attempt to keep Hair loss to a minimum. Who knows if it will work, but it can't hurt.
  15. Like
    Mariggle reacted to RaginCajun in Very nervous about 2 weeks liquid diet.   
    You might be nervous, but let me tell you that 2 weeks of hell will jump start aggressive weight loss like you can't believe. My Doc had me doing these shakes that were just nasty. Instead of 4-5 a day, I could only do 3. And, when I drank them, I held my nose, guzzled them down, and then washed my mouth out to remote the taste with Crystal Light Lemonade.
    I lost 32 lbs in just those 2 weeks.
    PS The comment above that its the first 3 days thats the worst is spot on, around day 4 your body adjusts and its just a 'ritual'.
  16. Like
    Mariggle reacted to bugsy72 in Updates on December 2015 Surgeries   
    I think my doctor must be conservative, protecting the pouch....allowing it time to heal. That's what I was told. I had one week of clear liquids, now I'm on two weeks of "full liquids." Then two weeks of pureed. Then one week of "soft" like cottage cheese, applesauce etc. THEN...week seven...normal foods as tolerated.
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    Mariggle reacted to kimb926 in Updates on December 2015 Surgeries   
    @@bugsy72 they only kept me in the hospital one night and when I was released, they moved me to phase 2 which are the Protein Shakes and Clear Liquids. They said I was doing well enough to start. I went back to work yesterday too. I'm actually at work now. No rest for the weary
  18. Like
    Mariggle reacted to Jasmine Smith in 4 months out...   
    Hey guys. I try to post on a monthly basis just to keep you guys updated on my progress!!! Hopefully it's motivational for someone. Well, today marks exactly 4 months since my life changing surgery. I am down 97lbs since surgery...91lbs prior to surgery for a grand total of 188 down!!! I can not be more happier. I still have an extremely long way to go seeing that my current weight is 331lbs but it sure beats being 519lbs anyday!!!! Well wishes to all!!!
  19. Like
    Mariggle reacted to Djmohr in Easing in to pre-op diet?   
    I have to say, I just ripped off the bandaid and honestly it was no big deal. The first 3 days were the hardest and after that I just kept my eye on the goal.
    After day 4 I could not even drink all the Protein skakes they wanted me to. I was drinking 3 a day and then broth.< /p>
  20. Like
    Mariggle reacted to wannaBthinsoon in Am I going to be starving?   
    At first you're going to be starving, or at least you will be HANGRY. But it goes away. Grazing is a real thing too.....don't do it, or you will stall your weight loss.
  21. Like
    Mariggle reacted to BLERDgirl in Anyone made a big deal out of surgery before having it and turned out not as bad as they thought?   
    I didn't make a big deal about it, but I was pleasantly surprised at how little pain I had. No real pain just soreness.
  22. Like
    Mariggle reacted to Shylarose in Pre op diet diet tomorrow   
    My last day on the Pre-Op diet is tomorrow. My surgery is on Tuesday! I just wanted to say that you can do it! There are some not so comfortable times, like possible headaches and loose stools, but there are also great benefits of watching the scale go down. I have lost 20 lbs over the last two weeks. You don't have to think too hard about what to eat as the list is fairly short and concise. My biggest tip is to add flavor and texture to your Protien drinks. My favorite is vanilla protien powder, a scoop of PB2, a couple tablespoons of Sugar Free Chocolate Torani Syrup and 4-6 oz of whole milk. Blend well and then add ice and blend it again. It tastes like a fairly good PB and chocolate shake. I will be praying for you during your surgery.
  23. Like
    Mariggle reacted to Healthy_life2 in I'm a size.... WHAT?!?!   
    Great gift for Christmas! Size 14. NSV
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    Mariggle reacted to byebyedarkpassenger in I'm a size.... WHAT?!?!   
    Hi everyone! So the other day my Mom and I went Christmas shopping together. I also wanted to buy pants for myself as mine are pretty much falling off. I've been wearing 18W or 20W for years. I told my Mom that plenty of contributors on this forum say there's a big gap between sizes 16W and 16 and thought I might be stuck in that no man's land.
    So I try on a pair of 16W jeans. Too big.
    Next, a pair of 16 (regular size!) jeans.
    ... too big.
    Next, 14s.
    They fit perfectly.
    In my heart of hearts I never thought I'd ever see that number on a tag on my clothing.
  25. Like
    Mariggle got a reaction from GeorgiaPeach65 in Any December 15th Sleevers Out There?   
    I get sleeved on the 15th. 11th day of the liquid diet, first 3 days I had a horrible headache, after that pretty smooth sailing.
    Good luck to everyone out there anxiously awaiting the big day!

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