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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Velocity

  1. Bottomline...she has to make that decision. You need to support her process for reaching it no matter what she chooses. If you can't support that...then I say the marriage has more problems that weight issues. My husband is 56 years old, 6'4", 360 pounds, diabetic, and has had 4 heart attacks in the past 10 years. All of his docs and myself have suggested strongly that he get the bypass. He is scared of the surgery. PERIOD. I don't give him long lists of why it would be good for him. He has a 180 IQ. He's scared, and until he can deal with that...it is what it is. All I say to him is, " look at me". He's very happy that I'm losing and feeling healthy and wants that too. But that doesn't take away the fear. I love him. I support him in any decision he deems right for him. I take care of myself and I don't contribute to his bad eating habits. I love him and when the time is right...he will do what needs to be done. Until then I just love him and treasure him for as long as I can. You know what they say, " You can lead a horse to Water...."

  2. I bought some a couple months ago. For some reason it tasted better as a sample. I've opened 2 cans over the past 2 months...and it's very "meh". I can eat anything....and I mean ANYTHING...so it's not an issue of tolerance of the food. If you buy this...be very creative with the flavors you add...because I never have finished a whole serving of it....lol It is a great Protein source...but it definitely needs something on it!!

  3. So it's been 11 months now and I'm happy to say that everything is the same. When I originally started this post I was curious about the "no complications" because I only had seen people talking that had them. Even in this thread there are posts from people that have "no complications" except for: dumping. Constipation, nausea, etc. I am so happy that there are people that have little to none. I actually have NONE! I don't dump. I can eat anything I want including fat and refined sugar and nothing happens. To be clear....I only tested those items but it's not what I consume. I do eat healthy and I am confined to whatever my pouch can hold. I'm now down 175 pounds....and probably don't really have too much more to go. The guess is I will have about 40 pounds of total body skin removal...so I'm looking at maybe losing another 60 pounds before I start the next process. I hope everyone is doing well and visits my island. We can all bask in the beauty that is US!!!

  4. MSWDiet

    I'm right inline with you. Now 8 months out and zero problems. I actually went to a baseball game in Toronto this weekend. I ate whatever I wanted, healthy of course, for 24 hours...and it was all good. I even lost a pound...lol Probably from all the walking around town. We got lost once...;)

  5. Madeleine...the only way to answer that is to say trust your body. It will let you know if you're up to it. I do know the 5 hour drive from Toronto back to Sudbury 3 days after surgery was taxing. I also know I would get very tired really fast for the first few weeks. I made the mistake of just hitting Walmart 8 days post op...and I felt horrible just being up for that hour. Everyone is different. Though after 8 months I have still had no complications and everything is perfect with me...surgerys can wear you out. Age makes a difference as well. I'm sure if I was in my 20-30's...it might have been different. I'm 54.

  6. @@angelinnc32,

    ​Did you go thru a program to get the surgery? They should have provided you with all the information. Biggest thing is to stay hydrated and get your Protein in. I suppose right now you can do soft foods. Greek yogurt is good...Cottage cheese...anything high Protein, low fat , low carb. Just listen to your stomach. It will let you know when it's full and if something isn't agreeing with you. Check into the other forums that talk about diet. They'll have some great ideas.

  7. REexMom6525

    So happy to hear that...and we all do that first oopsie of eating too much and getting the sternum pain. Only did it once...it's all it took...lol I'm now 6 months out and still no complications to speak of. I hope all goes well for you and welcome to my island...;)

  8. Beni,

    Biotin does not prevent hairloss. It just strengthens hair and nails. Your hair and nails are made up of Keratin Protein. Nioxxin is a haircare system made for people that have problems with Alopecia...( hairloss). If the loss is due to health reasons...ei: nutrition issues, Cancer treatments, etc....then this system will help restore lost hair. It's not cheap...but it does work. Hairloss in our case is due to something lacking in the nutrition package...ei: not enough Protein. Until the hair does come back...you can cover it with scarves, hats or even a wig. Hang in there...it's not going to be like that forever. It will eventually grow back and balance out. Just keep your health up..:)

  9. Hi Prada..:)

    I hope all is going well with you. As far as hairloss goes, you can take Biotin 5-10.000mcg a day. You can use Nioxxin hair system. It does help growing hair back and keeping it healthy. You can purchase it from a salon. The stylist should be able to tell you which system will work best for you. If you're having very noticeable hairloss...you can't wear extensions because they won't really have anything sturdy to hold on to. You can get hats, scarfs....or maybe get a wig. There are some very cute ones out there. It would be nice to try a new style until the hair grows back...:)

    Hope that helps a little.

  10. No, I'm not having a heart attack. I went to my GP today for a checkup and all is well. Tonight after I ate I started to develope pain across my left shoulder. It's like an ache...not shooting. I'm 4 months out. I'm hydrated and get all my Protein and Vitamins in. All my bloodwork came back showing no deficiencies. My Iron is actually a little on the high side and I haven't taken any supplements. Has anyone else experienced this type of pain?

  11. I was skyping with my son this morning. Usually he only sees my face as I'm sitting at my desk. I had to get up to do a quick load of laundry and he freaked. Even though it doesn't seem like a lot to me...he made a comment to the effect that I'm really looking slimmer. I don't know how slim 368 pounds looks...but compared to 455...I guess it's noticeable...lol I'll take what I can get. Remember....we don't see what other people do. My brain still sees a very obese person staring back. I am...but almost 100 pounds down...everyone sees it but me. Don't be hard on yourself. Embrace every little thing you can...:)

  12. @@Velocity I haven't had anything bad. Thrown up a few times but it's because the meat was too dry. My frustration is that compared to many, I'm a slow looser. It's frustrating! I'm following my doctors plan, I must be doing something wrong. I have 120 to loose at this point and lately I'm only dropping 1-2 lbs a week.

    You'll be fine. As long as you're losing it's going down. It's not a race...:) I have been on a stall for 20 days and not frustrated because inches are coming off. I notice it in the way my clothes are fitting and how my face is thinning down.

  13. Wow....I wonder how many people in here have medical background? I was a nurse back in the day (among other things). I agree that it has a play on how you view things when this surgery comes into play. I just had to tell myself that what was instore without the surgery was way worse than getting it. I had been researching wls for about 20 years....so I was probably more informed than the staff at the clinic. I have to say the orientation on the first day I about died of boredom. I was desperately trying not to fall asleep during it. I just reminded myself it was part of the hoop jumping process... :D The thing I was happiest and most excited about was that the process was finally started and I was on my way.

  14. Martene, I wanted the sleeve...but the powers to be in Canadia decided I wanted the RnY. My problem wasn't that I didn't eat healthy...it was that I ate WAY too much. I use to be able to down 1 large pizza no problem!. Now I can eat a small piece...lol All I wanted the surgery for was to use as a tool for Portion Control. Both types do that. After 3 months, I'm actually ok with the bypass. I wasn't scared going in...I was excited to finally have it done. I was concerned about malnutrition....don't have any. I must be an enigma. Anyway, I'm happily eating whatever I want...( healthy of course)...and dropping weight like crazy. Either surgery will help you. Honestly, it's a personal choice. For lack of a better way to say it..."go with your gut". Research both options and talk to your doc. Based on your health and body...you will know which one is best for you. Keep posting...I want to know how you're doing.. :)

  15. That's awesome. Not feeling so alone anymore. I had my 3 month check up with my doc and nut and they said I'm doing great. They actually had me cut back on my Vitamins because everything was coming back high. lol Leave it to me to get everything backwards. I'm down 85 pounds right now and stalling. However, this too shall pass....so not worrying about it. MisforMimi, I'm not sure what the island is called.I think we should have a contest for the name. The winner can be president for a day. ( Of course we have to trade off each day to make it fair...lol)

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