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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to MsAlaineus in I never thought I'd be saying this...   
    ...but the pre-op diet has helped me to discover that my food addiction is HELLA strong!
    I know many of you will say that I need to think hard about what im doing. Trust me, I have. I'm not complaining, I am simply remarking on how incredibly trained I have become to using food to address issues. I've joined OA, I'm reading books, im logging my food (the good, the bad, and the ugly) in my fitness pal. My eyes are wide open...maybe for the first time. How should I deal with this? I'd appreciate some feedback from all of you regarding this issue.
    Ms. A
  2. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to hcruz in About me.   
    My name is Haley. I'm 19 years old and I got the vertical sleeve gastrectomy on October 22. My surgeon was Dr. Boorse at the Lehigh Valley Hospital in Pennsylvania. I choose to get the surgery because I have dealt with my weight all my life. I tried taking diet pills, did weight watchers and so on. But I always seemed to gain the weight back. What really hit me and made me choose to get the surgery would be my doctor telling me I was at a high risk for a heart attack. It made me think do I want to have a heart attack at the age of 19? So from then on I decided to change my life to a healthier life style than what I was use to. My highest weight was 265 pounds. The day of surgery I weighed in at 245 and as of today I weigh 180 pounds.
  3. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to AshleePage in InsureNutrition.com It works!   
    Guys, I am a skeptic, but I decided to try to get my pre op and post op Protein shakes and Vitamins covered by my insurance through insurenutrition.com and guess what??? I was approved and received my first shipment today!
    4 cases of 18 premier Protein Shakes and a month's supply of liquid vitamins!!!
    No copay, no shipping & handling! Freeeeeee
    They will continue to deliver once a month during my prescription period. (Must renew with your surgeon every 7 months!)

  4. Like
    Nyelaah got a reaction from wannaBthinsoon in Hello, my name is stephanie and I am.......   
    Welcome! It is a difficult journey, but one we are all taking! I am also
    Starting the process and all
    I have to say is to take it
    One day at a time. There were many moments that I went through my own depression throughout this process
    And even before.... But it's for your health and future. Stay strong! If you ever feel down and need encouragement we were here!!
  5. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to B-52 in 10 Things NOT to say to someone who has lost weight!....   
    Ok, copied another one from my Bariatric centers website....again, a re-print from a memebr's contribution...(slightly edited)
    10 Things not to say to someone who has lost weight!!!
    1. How much more do you have to go?
    Um, I just lost 50 pounds, pal.
    I think I'm just about there.
    2. Wow, you look so pretty/handsome now.
    Oh, so that explains why children broke out in expressions of terror at the sight of my former fatness, clinging to their mommy's skirt hems for dear life.
    It's as though a person who loses weight magically morphs from Frankenstein to Fabulous, and it's crucial that people point this out.
    Hey, whatever happened to all that "it's on the inside that counts" stuff?
    3. So, what size are you?
    I know that these days, people are pretty comfortable telling strangers everything from what romantic bedroom positions float their boat to how they have a thing for collecting toenail clippings. But really, is anything sacred anymore?
    Not that our clothing size is on par with revealing salaries or some horrible childhood memory, but I'm sure all of our lives will go on just fine with people not knowing whether I'm a small, medium or large or whether I went from a D or C cup to B or an A.
    4. I bet you have so many admirers now!
    Why yes, I say, as I toss the latest love letter from Brad Pitt and David Beckham into my stash of marriage proposals and naughty notes. (Some letters are more boring: "Jen, you look so pretty now. What size are you, anyway? XOXO, David B").
    This one gets me because well, it's somewhat true. And like most humans, sometimes the truth hurts (some say it hurts, I say it often pisses me off). Because in reality, yes, people do treat me differently. No, not in that admirers-lined-up-at-the-door kind of way, but in daily interactions. Both men and women tend to be more receptive to ideas and interested in general conversation, doors are held open from longer-than-normal distances and restaurant checks with a missing side order will be dismissed with a smile.
    Inside, I'm the same person I always was, just tinier. And it's that latter part that seems to make people a tad friendlier.
    Some people I mention this to become angered, saying that such niceness was really around all along. They maintain that it was me -- grumpy, fat, miserable "the world is against plus-size me" me -- who refused to see it.
    Perhaps they are right.
    5. Do you have stretch marks?
    Thanks for your, um, concern.
    6. Are you dying?
    Seeing another's weight loss transformation can be shocking, especially if they lost a significant amount. But sometimes the questions people ask are very rude.
    "Are you dying?"
    "Are you sick?"
    "Do you have an eating disorder?"
    I mean, who asks such questions? Thinking them is one thing, but outright asking is another.
    7. I liked you fatter.
    Great, and I liked you quieter.
    I'm happier being able to tie my shoes without four rolls of belly bulge beating me to the punch, thank you very much.
    And what's that supposed to mean anyway? Are people losing out on "I think she'll eat another slice in an hour" bets with friends? Am I suddenly void of all things jovial (because, as we all know, rotund folks are always super-duper jolly)?
    8. Oh, c'mon. You can have another dish of ice cream.
    I can. But I won't. That's what landed me in this whole situation in the first place.
    This is by far the most terrorizing thing for those who lost weight. When you've just shed any amount of weight, a dinner out with friends is on par with driving in New Jersey traffic during rush hour: scary. (I can say that; I lived there for over 20 years and survived Garden State Parkway commutes. Bonus: While downing jelly donuts.)
    Let us be!
    9. What was it like?
    Sometimes this question is asked meekly, as if people sense that I might break out in cheesecake-withdrawal spasms or screams. Or both.
    Oh, weight loss is a feat to be proud of whether two or 402 pounds were dropped. Still, I'm not 1) a saver and protector of the world's bad eaters or 2) a sad soul who lost my way along with my weight.
    Yes, I've seen people make mean puffer fish "fat" faces in reference to my heft. Yes, I've become infuriated at the limited clothing styles that many plus-sizes carry. I've cried while consuming an entire box of crackers, I've laughed while eating a tub of family sized popcorn at the theater. I've rolled my eyes at suggestions to lower my weight. Blah. Blah.
    And now, I'm not in that world. I'm happy to not be there anymore, so sometimes, questions that force me to go back to a place and time I'd rather forget doesn't give me a case of warm and fuzzies.
    I'm a green smoothie-making, kale-eating woman now. I eat hemp seeds, enjoy muesli and drink almond milk. Enough of the candy bar memories.
    Next question?
    10. You're so pulled together now.
    Akin to the "you're pretty now" comment, this one makes me feel like I must have looked as if I was roaming the Earth in a state of bleary eyed nothingness. But now, I've lost weight. So you see, I'm all toss-my-hat-in-the-air Mary Tyler Moore with my confident self.
    Funny how people view me because I've changed physically. I was always a hard worker, talking in perfectly-timed "close the loop," "make it happen," and "I'm on it" corporate speak. Hmmm. Perhaps saying it with a thinner body makes people think I mean it more.
    So there you have it.
    I'm thrilled to have kept 70 pounds off for several years, and I truly enjoy my healthier lifestyle.
    I'm not dying.
    I'm not a miracle story.
    And no, I'm still not revealing my new bra size.
  6. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to LISA LAS VEGAS in Pre-op Diet! successes? struggles?   
    I have my operation on April 7th, I started my pre-op diet on Tuesday March 24th. Oh boy, have I struggled! I am allowed 4 pints of milk a day, 2 pints of clear fluids, 1 salty beef drink like Bovril and 1 sugar free jelly a day. The first few days were awful and I suffered from the most horrendous headaches and dizziness. I don't tend to feel hungry but I did nearly fall off the wagon yesterday when my husband tucked into a massive pizza. I am trying my hardest to keep focused and I have not cheated so far. I keep thinking about the end result and how slimmer and healthier I will be. Reading your stories has encouraged me to keep trooping on. good luck everyone.
  7. Like
    Nyelaah got a reaction from wannaBthinsoon in Hello, my name is stephanie and I am.......   
    Welcome! It is a difficult journey, but one we are all taking! I am also
    Starting the process and all
    I have to say is to take it
    One day at a time. There were many moments that I went through my own depression throughout this process
    And even before.... But it's for your health and future. Stay strong! If you ever feel down and need encouragement we were here!!
  8. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to wannaBthinsoon in Hello, my name is stephanie and I am.......   
    @@Big Opie Welcome! You appear to be in the right place. I am old enough to be your Mom, but I totally feel your pain. I'm right there with you. I broke a chair last Christmas at my sisters house, in front of EVERYONE! Read through the forums...the titles may spark your interest. There are a lot of really amazing, wonderful people here who are always willing to help, encourage, and provide you some tough love if you need it. I have been on BP now for nearly a year, my surgery is mid April, so I have been "educated" on some things we don't talk about at the nutritionist visit, or Psych visit. Do yourself a favor, and have a sleep study done, and get it overwith. Even if you don't have sleep apnea, it's a hurdle you'll get over ahead of time. Plus, if you do have sleep apnea, you NEED to have your CPAP with you at the hospital for after surgery, so you do not have sleep problems there. Have you already discussed this with you insurance company? Make sure you find out their "requirements", sometimes you can double up, and get many things done pretty quickly. Best of luck to you on your journey to great health. Keep in touch with us. Now that you've introduced yourself, we'll want to keep up with you to know how you're doing.
  9. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Jessiegirl30 in 1 Year done   
    On the 4th April it will be 1 year since i had surgery so i have deceied to update if any one wants to read
    I am now a size 14 ( US 12) my biggest i was a size 26 ( US 24) so i am super stoked with that, i can pretty much go into most stores now and buy something with out having to go to plus size only... though i still have all my extra weight around my stomach/hips so sometimes i find tops a bit tight and i have massive boobs lol they have decreased in size of course but they are still big lol ..
    If I could go back in time to my early 20's i would make major changes and just do it with eating right and exersize i would not recommend this path for anyone who is young or who hasnt tried everything else first .. I wish i had known how hard it would be and even 1 year out you can not eat any where near a full size meal when you go out, and that you can't drink with meals and that anything too sweet makes you feel so sick i wish i had known that you have to exersize your butt off and it takes real will power .. yes the surgery means you cant over eat but you still need to exersize... this was all explained to me and told to me by everyone before i had the surgery but i was like yeah yeah it will be easy ... the one thing i will say is THIS IS A CHOICE FOR LIFE ...
    After saying all that though i am glad i had the surgery i guess i am just saying think it thru carefully and make the right choice for you
    i am finally no longer the "fat" one and that takes some getting used to i am now average i have never in my life been average and only in the last 2 weeks or so have i actually seen myself as a smaller version of myself.
    I still have 50 odd pounds to go and it is getting very hard to shift this weight but i will get there
    and in other news hubby and i are planing our next holiday on October we are going back to the states ( we go married in Las Vegas in 2010) and are super excited we are going to LA, New york, chicago & las Vegas so its great to have a goal to work towards I hope to have lost most of the 50lbs left by then so thats my focus ..
    oh and btw if you didnt know i am from New Zealand
  10. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Alex Brecher in BariatricPal Launching Online Store to sell Discounted Bariatric Nutritional Products ? (Vitamins, Protein etc.)   
    We're highly contemplating opening an online store on BariatricPal that will sell discounted Bariatric Nutritional Products. We'll most likely stock all the big brands plus some others we feel would benefit the community.
    Would this be something that interests you ?
    Which products do you use most ?
    Would you be interested in a monthly auto-ship service ?
  11. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Jim1967 in 300 pounds later....am I living a dream or is this in fact reality?   
    I had often told myself during my journey that even if I were to ever possibly hit goal I would never post a success story. Maybe I was being modest or perhaps just really hard on myself or…just not able to forgive myself for ever letting my weight get out of control as it had. I guess a lot of it no matter how you sum it up is really just embarrassment.
    Well I had a change of heart. That change of heart came because I can remember so vividly the feeling of the hopelessness and despair. At times I felt I was knocking on deaths door and that there was nothing I could do about it. So I am writing this tonight in hopes that if I can help just one person even if only one tiny bit then it is my responsibility to do so. I believe in paying it forward and giving back. If it wasn’t for the people before me that helped me then where would I be? It would be irresponsible for me not to do the same. You are not alone and there are people out there, really good decent people who can help you but YOU have to want it and at some point you need to swallow your pride and ask for the help. Help will not come to you. YOU have to seek it out.
    I have told my story several times and you can read it on my profile. I lost 170lbs doing Atkins between 2003 and 2004. I went from 393 to 220 and felt great…and then I got sloppy and let my guard down and weight started packing on. I went from 220 to 488 in 8 years’ time.
    At 488lbs doing day to day activities was quite a chore. My knees were taking a beating carrying so much weight on a 5’6 inch frame. I developed arthritis and serious sleep apnea. Walking from the parking lot to my office was a real task and that was even with the use of an elevator. I had to sit out in the car and have my Wife do the grocery shopping because I couldn’t last more than 10 minutes on my feet. I had to sit and fold laundry sitting in a chair. This list could go on and on about the limited mobility. My amazing Wife stood by me and encouraged me to make a change but we both knew until I was ready to commit to change it would not happen. I am not sure how many other women out there would have put up with what she did. My weight affected us both physically and mentally. I did not feel like much of husband at times and I am sure there were plenty of times she felt more like a caregiver than a wife at times although she never said so or complained.
    Something had to give and it finally did and in September 2011 with my wife at my side I attended a local seminar for WLS. We listened to the Doctor discuss all the surgical options available at the time and being new and somewhat naïve we decided Lapband was the way to go. It was reversible and probably the least invasive of all procedures. I signed up for a one on one consult with the Surgeon that night. October 2011 I met with the Doctor and told him I ready to make a life change. He told me he wanted to see me lose 24lbs and work on shrinking the liver. Insurance required me to do a 6 month monitored diet so instead of losing 24lbs preop I lost 38lbs. My Surgeon was impressed and after completing all the preop requirements I finally got a surgery date of April 16, 2012. I weighed in on surgery morning at 450lbs on the button.
    So there I was April 17th and getting discharged from the hospital and all that went through my mind is why the hell did I do this? There was no way it would work and I will be known as the fat guy who couldn’t lose weight with WLS.
    As much as you research and prepare for this new life it seems at some point you say OK well I had the surgery why is the weight not coming off?? This is so frustrating!!! Well apparently I had never heard of bandster hell. Bandster hell is that time from when you have the surgery to the time you actually get the necessary fills to get the need restriction to control your portions. Some very few people are lucky they have the surgery and automatically get that restriction. Not me, it took me 6 months. 6 months of frustration.
    Probably one of the most difficult pieces for me to learn was patience. Lack of patience made this road even longer. I stepped on the scale almost daily these last 2.5 years waiting on a large drop in numbers that never happened. How on earth could you possibly see a large drop if you’re stepping on the scale daily? Do yourself a favor and don’t do it. To this day I still step on it daily but now it is about accountability not so much weight loss.
    Always look for other measures to success. We call them Non Scale Victories or NSV’s. Losing weight is not just about numbers. For a while I was buying new clothes every other month because I was shrinking so fast. I went from a size 62 waist to a 34. I went from squeezing into theater seats to have padded space on each side.
    I could go on and on here rambling about all sorts of stuff weight and band related. If you’ve read this far then thank you and thank you to those who helped me get here. I would like to especially thanks @@Alex Brecher without him I wouldn’t have a home here and I perhaps would’ve remained lost.
    If anyone has any questions or comments or just need someone to talk to don't hesitate to message me regardless how personal you think your question may be.
    My name is Jim and I am junk food addict. I have lost 300lbs and the lapband saved my life. 2yrs and 8 months 488 to 188.

  12. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Bonawanabfree in Dear Starvation mode,   
    Hey Starvation mode, How are you doing? Well me, I'm just peachy. Its been a while since I've seen you and I honestly cant say I am happy to see you again. Here I am minding my own business and you come along and bring everything to a halt. I am eating 800 calories a day and I understand you are just doing your job. Hey I cant hate you cause after all you are a part of me and I need to just embrace you and what you were designed to do for me but I just wanted to let you know that I am not starving, I am actually trying to lose the fat that is on my body and you want to hold on to it. Listen starvation mode, I need to level with you. You need to learn to let go. Thanks for trying to help me but I dont need you right now.
    Yours truely
  13. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to AlanaRN in 6 months post op with pics   
    I've never posted pictures on here before. My co workers found an old picture of me yesterday and wanted to take a picture to compare. We were all amazed at the results. It was very emotional for me. Down about 90 lbs in 6 months. Never been happier!

  14. Like
    Nyelaah got a reaction from elladvyne in NY - NYC/Long Island   
    Hi @elladyne I have not meet with my surgeon (Dr. Bagloo). I ana till finishing up my req. I'll be done by May with weight management and NUT meeting and putting through the info with insurance then
  15. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to HalloweenBaby24 in 6 Months Out 70lbs Down! (With Pictures)   
    70lbs down in 6 months.
    My weight loss has been a slow one, consistent but slow.
    Even though I'm not where I want to be yet I have to remember how far I've come.
    At 6 months out the weight loss has slowed down tremendously, but my success thus far keeps me going.
    No matter how long it takes, I will get to goal!

  16. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Veronica Page in Sick of the drama   
    I agree. I think even though we are human and have the right to our own opinions in life, this is a support group and need to be positive to one another. We have not a clue what is going on within others personal lives and this could possibly be the only way that someone is able to get the encouraging support they are seeking. I will not trash anyone else's personalities or need for advice. I have asked numerous question and looked to my fellow users for info and support. I just wish everyone luck and hope they succeed within their own journeys.
  17. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to ProjectMe in Sick of the drama   
    Monday, I found out that a coworker died suddenly because of an aneurism. One of my friends underwent surgery to remove a tumor...6 hours of surgery later, it was actually many tumors and now needs to go through chemo & radiation therapy. My sister in law just had a double mastectomy and is half way through Chemo.
    Yet we (veterans, newbies, & the in between) are on a support board arguing with one another over some petty stuff in comparison. SMH. Isn't it exhausting to be mean, condescending, judgemental, sarcastic, and argumentative? Goodness gracious!
  18. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Zoey716 in 2015 Crossfit Open   
    Hey everyone!
    Looking to see if anyone else was going to be participating in the 2015 Crossfit Open? I will be registering for it and looking for fellow WLS folks to cheer each other on while we compete!
  19. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Stephanie Salsera Perrott in Submitting to UHC wish me luck!   
    Today is my final weigh in at surgery center and all my paperwork should be submitting to UHC today or tomorrow. Wish me luck!!! First step after 6 month roller coaster.
  20. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to Healthy_life2 in Strawberry Cheese Cake   
    strawberry cheese Cake
    sugar free cheese cake pudding Sliced starwberries Sugar free smucker strawberry jam mixed with lime juice, Microwave and drizzle over berries Crust depending on how far out fro surgery
    You can go without crust
    Chopped nuts
    Crumbled sugar free short bread cookie
  21. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to JamieLogical in Overweight! Including Progress Pics   
    I do have a scar, but it is VERY low so as long as I'm wearing even super skimpy panties, you can't see it. I promised some folks in another thread that I'd have my husband take some pics of my scar soon.
  22. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to andym in Almost there... with pics   
    I do not post here much but I am a frequent lurker and reader. I was sleeved on September 12, 2014. So I am a little over six months out. I am down 105 pounds. I am 15 pounds way from my goal of 215. I am pretty comfortable with my eating plan. I cheat occasionally but not often. My activity level has increased significantly over the last several months. I am hoping to reach my goal by June. Here are a couple of before and after pics.

  23. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to JamieLogical in Food Waste?   
    You will definitely have to become accustomed to leftovers. I always hated them before too, but it's not been so bad post-op. Once I was back to eating mostly "normal" food, what my husband and I have done is this. He is the cook in our house (just the two of us) and I just eat the Protein from whatever he makes. We mostly eat the same things now as we did before my surgery, but I just don't eat whatever carbs are involved. So if he makes meatloaf and mashed potatoes, I just have meat loaf. If he makes chicken and rice, I just have rice. If he makes turkey kielbasa and perogies, I just have the sausage. If he makes shrimp and Pasta, I just have the shrimp. You get the idea. We still split the protein in half between the two of us, like we always did, but now, I put half of MY half into a Gladware container to save for lunch another day. So I am eating half the meat I did for our usual dinners pre-op and none of the sides, but he is able to keep making the same things he's always made.
  24. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to BryBro63 in Finally got the nerve...Before and After Pics   
    After much waiting...and much heat from my sleever homies...I'm posting my before and after pics!!! I hit my goal weight back in August, and haven't had any significant gain whatsoever...swearing that I'm never going back to 'Heavy B' again!!
  25. Like
    Nyelaah reacted to CowgirlJane in I don't know which surgeon to choose!   
    I was a revision from Band to Sleeve. When I had the band I had an internationally known surgeon do it, I am sure it was technically perfect, but I had crappy follow up. When I had the sleeve, I picked a well known practice that was built around patient success. The surgeons are wonderful, but in the end, I feel it was the NUT and others that made a huge difference. My vote would be for the one you feel the most confident about follow up (assuming they both have good surgical reputations).
    My sleeve surgical practice has a mandatory 2 year follow up. when I hit that milestone they told me I had graduated, but was always welcome to be checked or to come back for support, follow up, reassurance.. or whatever. I feel part of that family in a way.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
