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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kiwwi1991

  1. Kiwwi1991

    Wedding 6

    From the album: Pre-Op Life

  2. Kiwwi1991

    Wedding 5

    From the album: Pre-Op Life

  3. Kiwwi1991

    Wedding 4

    From the album: Pre-Op Life

  4. Kiwwi1991

    Wedding 3

    From the album: Pre-Op Life

  5. Kiwwi1991

    Wedding 2

    From the album: Pre-Op Life

  6. Kiwwi1991

    Wedding 1

    From the album: Pre-Op Life

  7. I'm just past the first week after my surgery (was on Feb 11th) and I'm getting sick of eating the same soups I have been. Does anyone have ideas of something different? I just need variety but the canned soups don't offer that much for what I can eat. Just looking for ideas from some creative people!
  8. Kiwwi1991

    Need ideas for food

    Omg cream of wheat sounds amazing. I need to get some of that. I just got some yogurts and it is good too. Just trying to up my variety, I can get bored easily sometimes lol
  9. Kiwwi1991


    That is a great idea! Thank you for this I have been wanting to chew so bad but just couldn't think of what might work with the diet.
  10. I would voice this with your surgeon and the hospital. Most stay fro 1 to 2 days. I stayed overnight but I left a little to dehydrated and had to go to the ER the day after due to complications with that, but that was me and being a bit stupid. I wanted the hell outta there and didn't let my body decide. I just hate hospitals. Make sure you listen to your body after to not end up like I did lol good luck!
  11. My mother had this surgery 4 years ago and you are just fine in my opinion. Different doctors want different time and go my different 'statistics' as well. I would say, so long as your still going for it and doing your best, don't worry about it. My mom had some issues with her weight loss in the first year and some people will, but as long as you are taking with your surgeon and doctors, and doing your best, that is all that is needed. Some will try to pressure you but it isn't like you gained weight, so hooey with them! Cynthia - my insurance is what determined if I needed weight loss before the surgery or not. I would check with your surgeon and insurance to make sure you get the requirements for yourself.
  12. Mine was done in about an hour but I had a very good and skilled surgeon. She has always been quick and efficient. Normally they say between 1 to 2 hours is the length, at least at the hospital where I was. Hope this helps!
  13. Kiwwi1991

    Just curious...

    I did once when I first can home because of my own dehydration, but I have known a lot of people to not be able to or just not have the feeling to as well. I have always had a sensitive stomach so I always get nauseous. My mother-in-law has the bypass and she can't actually vomit. It just depends on the body, some do some dont.
  14. Kiwwi1991

    Ideas for crushed meds?

    If you need to crush meds, I find it best to add to yogurts or protein shakes. It doesn't change the taste normally and you can't even tell most the time, depending on the medication. I was told by my surgeon that I can take pills the size of an eraser head or smaller. Most of my pills I can swallow on their own but I mix others with strong flavored items. It all depends on what your surgeon says you can eat and then go from there.
  15. I would sit and have a serious talk with him. This is a change that sometimes changes relationships, for the better even. I feel he needs to understand where you are coming from and why you feel the need to have this done. If he can't be your support through all rough times, how is he fulfilling his role as husband? Isn't is for better or worse? I have a wonderful (new) husband but if he told me anything like that, I would start to think he isn't right for me. That is such a hurtful thing to say. I would just talk it through with him. Ask him why he said that and doesn't want you healthy. A family friend actually has allowed herself to stay unhealthy and turned down surgery because her husband like "extra meat" he said, and she was afraid to lose him. Don't let someone else take over your life and your choices. You are your own person and I'm here to say your not alone in this. I volunteer to be support if you need it. I have this on my phone and can easily message at any point. I want YOU to be happy and healthy, no matter what your husband says. Do what you feel is right.
  16. For me, it was a bit scary. Mainly just that things will change was my fear, but I was worried about the physical surgery too. I don't really have a religion I go by, but I tried meditation. It helped ease my mind and reassure that my doctors and nurses knew what to do, have done this many times, and that I'm at an age and weight that doesn't make it more difficult. I'm 23 and I have severe anxiety as well. Try to use your support around you and talk with your doctor about your worries. Sometimes just hearing of their achievements helps reassure you. I hope you feel better. It is a hard step to pass, but your journey isn't over yet. I can feel that.
  17. Kiwwi1991


    What I do to help this, because this is hard for me to, is bringing my water or drink with me everywhere and just put it where I can constantly see it. It reminds me I need to sip. I also have a husband that reminds me all the time as well but not everyone does lol I hope this helps. Just put it where it will bug you so you see it and remind yourself to sip.
  18. Kiwwi1991


    Have you talked to you surgeon and primary doctor about this? There may be a slip in the band. I haven't had the band myself but you should always bring up your concerns with them. I'd schedule an appointment to meet and chat with them about what they think could help. I'm sorry you are going through this. I wish for the best.

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