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    ylssan reacted to Babbs in Discouraged   
    Really? You're complaining about your weight loss and then say you're not exercising and not getting your Protein in? Get 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 days a week, eat a minimum 70 grams of protein a day, keep your carbs at 50 grams or lower a day, and drink 64oz of Water a day. Try that and you should see the weight coming off at the pace your body wants it to.
  2. Like
    ylssan reacted to AJW in NSV shout outs   
    OK, some of mine; some might be a little X-rated or offensive, sorry 'bout that but we've all been there:
    1. Not having to be a contortionist to wipe your butt. Sorry, I warned you.
    2. Being able to glimpse the hoo-hoo in the shower over the belly which is getting smaller.
    3. Being able to feel the "C" down below whereas before it was hiding like a turtle and you had to hunt for it with both hands.
    4. The "U-Touch" works much better now because the nerve endings are much closer to the skin since the fat's gone. (If you need an explanation of what the U-Touch is, think I-Touch and you'll get the picture.
    5. Crossing legs is a matter-of-fact position rather than a pretzel twister.
    6. You can undress in front of your significant other instead of hiding in the closet with a warning DO NOT ENTER sign on the door.
    7. Your jammie bottoms keep falling off you when you turn over in bed cause they're so loose.
    8. You're beginning to give yourself some credit for doing all this hard work instead of slamming yourself for how you got into this situation.
    9. You look into the mirror and smile focusing on your achievements instead of all your imperfections.
    10. You need a calculator to figure out how much you've lost on any given day instead of having it in your head at all times.
    11. You catch guys looking at you out of the corner of your eye because you've removed the blinders that didn't want to see anyone looking at you before.
    I'm sure there's more, but these come to mind first.:crying:
  3. Like
    ylssan reacted to Chancie in NSV shout outs   
    You are so right- you don't realize what our kids absorbe!!
    My kids are older, and the first time my youngest son saw me was 6 months after my surgery and I had lost over 100 pounds- He came home and he Actually cried! I was almost afraid... I asked him he thought I looked sick or something, he just replied..... I wasn't expecting such a change!!
    And speaking of kids and a NSV moment.......
    Several of my kids friends hadn't seen me since my surgery, and he had been home here for the past two months, well....... I finnaly saw two of them...... the one came in the kitchen, and I could see the look in his eye and the double take and the big smile and then I got "WOW........ LOOK AT YOU!!!!!!!!" A big hug and kiss followed and I was touched!
    The other kid I saw while I was working..... samew thing....... double take and just the look of Surprise!
    Big hugs and a kiss there tooo!!:001_tongue:
    My kids never commented on how big I was, I know they loved me regardless of my size, but I'm sure I was an embarresment to them, altho they never would say it.
    So seeing these reactions really makes me smile!!
  4. Like
    ylssan reacted to Chancie in NSV shout outs   
    First off I gotta say I'm soooooo happy for Tiff!!
    And "TRIVIAL"????????.........NO WAY!!!! I don't think any of us can say we wern't touched by that statement!!!
    "I literally fell asleep in my love's arms. "
    I Know I was!!!

    Second- I have been having computer problems, so sorry I havnt been around... still got them, so gotta take this back tomorrow if he can get me in......... YUCK.... bad virus going around, but guess I been lucky... this is the first one I've had.

    OK.... Now for my NSV!!!!

    I worked this week end- and I work for a major retailor.....
    I was working away when this woman stopped me... she said I just have to say something to you... well.. I had no idea what she was gonna say but working in retail I thought it was a complaint.

    she said "I have been shopping here for a long time and I have seen you forever, I know you;ve worked here a long time
    ( I have been there 12 years)... and I just I just have to tell you how great you look, you have lost so much weight, and you really look fantastic!!" I was shocked!! I know alot of our customers, but this woman didn't look familar to me... but I was really surprised at how someone could notice things, and she continued to say I just had to tell you ... you really look good.

    Talk about a WOW moment.... even customers noticed how big I was!

    Anyway.. it made my day!!
  5. Like
    ylssan reacted to Tiffykins in NSV shout outs   
    This is probably going to seem sooooooooo trivial to everyone else, but I had a great NSV last night.

    John and I have never been cuddly when we sleep. #1 I would get so hot that I couldn't stand having him right up on me #2 He's a tummy sleeper with his elbows spread out over the bed, I sleep on my side with a body pillow.

    Anyways, last night, he pulls me in super close to his chest, my back is touching his chest, and he wraps his arms around me, like completely around me (that's never happened before), and he nuzzled his head next to my neck and was asleep in a matter of minutes. I laid there just smiling like a goofy kid at a candy store, and I could feel his heart beating on my back. I laid there and actually felt his heart rate slow down as he began to drift off into a deep sleep. It felt so amazing to be that close, and not be hot and feel gross about myself. He had one arm under my head, wrap it up over me and the other arm wrapped around me the other side. I don't think I've ever realized how many "little" things we didn't do because of my weight.

    He then started snoring (which he never did before), and I had to move a little because he was right next to my ear. But for the first time in 3.5 years, I literally fell asleep in my love's arms.
  6. Like
    ylssan reacted to snowkitten in You know you lost weight when   
    My husband and I were shopping and he had to run to the bathroom. When he came back 15 mins later he said that he literally walked past me 3 times and didn't realize it was me. He did recognize me !! Lol
  7. Like
    ylssan reacted to Texasmeg in You know you lost weight when   
    We got t-shirts to wear for a special work event. My coworker saw me in the ladies room trying to decide whether to tuck it in or not. She said "with your flat stomach, you should tuck it in." Nobody has ever said my stomach was flat!
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    ylssan reacted to jacileggs in You know you lost weight when   
    A woman came into our office. She went over to my co-worker and said. "I see you have a new girl here"
    She laughed and said. "No that's Jaci, she lost a lot of weight". The woman didn't believe her. Lol. I've worked there for almost 14 years. The woman was embarrassed and said it was that my hair looked different. My hair was in a ponytail, which it often is. This honestly made my day.
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    ylssan reacted to SparkleCat in You know you lost weight when   
    When you spend your lunch hour exploring downtown rather than eating
  10. Like
    ylssan reacted to kclaws in You know you lost weight when   
    When you don't go an entire day without someone telling you how amazing you look!! ????
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    ylssan reacted to MissCK in You know you lost weight when   
    Men practically fall over themselves trying to help you with ANYTHING at the office, home depot, grocery store, you name it! Not used to the stares, smiles, and flirting. It used to make me self conscious and I would think people stared because I was chubby. Now, if a cute guy is staring at me, it takes me a second but I realize oh, he thinks I'm pretty!
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    ylssan reacted to beachplum in You know you lost weight when   
    When you haven't seen someone in a while and they gasp and can't believe how fabulous you look!
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    ylssan reacted to skinnygirlwithin in You know you lost weight when   
    old habbits die hard.... was feeling a little low today just not myself so went shopping during lunch... out of habbit, i went to the plus size clothes till i held something up to me and the light went off... so i scooted out of that section and went to larges... still too big... found a few tops size MED scored a pair of Jeans size 8!!! bye bye mush mush mood... and hello size 8!!!!
  14. Like
    ylssan reacted to MissCK in You know you lost weight when   
    When you become focused on counting calories in order to prevent further weight loss!!! First time ever in my life!
    Or, making sure you cook eggs in real butter and ordering the full fat caramel frapp with whip cream because you need the extra calories.
    I'm 18 lbs from my goal weight and have started tracking calories to slow the loss.
  15. Like
    ylssan reacted to skinnygirlwithin in You know you lost weight when   
    Took my son to FL to see the EX & family... one day it was raining, so X-mother in law wanted to go shopping... we all went.
    She picked out 2 form fitting dresses - SIZE 10!!
    I go into the dressing room with just her waiting for me, to coming out of dressing room to everyone waiting...
    Ex-Husband says "HOT DAMN ummm.. REMIND ME WHY WE ARENT TOGETHER?"... my reply "cause you were an idiot" and his mother & Sister laugh agreeing with me...
    how does the saying go....
    Flight to FL $400
    New Dresses $150
    Expression on Ex's Face... PRICELESS!!!
  16. Like
    ylssan reacted to sleevie.wonder in You know you lost weight when   
    All the double-takes when you walk past a window or mirror. I can barely believe it's me every time.
    My knees and even calves not rubbing together anymore when I walk. Don't think I will ever have the "thigh gap" but not being able to hear the friction shuffle is enough for me.
  17. Like
    ylssan reacted to jjinWA in You know you lost weight when   
    When you can put your wedding ring back on! I have not worn my ring in many years cuz I was too heavy and refused to resize the ring. I was always going to lose weight! Well finally I have. Put it on for the first time today! Sooooooo happy.
  18. Like
    ylssan got a reaction from FinallyFit50s in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    The last guy who told me that I was perfect except for "one thing" --my weight.
    I've been hearing this all my life. I'm tired of it.
  19. Like
    ylssan reacted to piercedqt78 in You know you lost weight when   
    When you try on a size 4 and they fall off, same with a size 2. I got into a size 0 today. Does that mean I no longer exist?
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    ylssan reacted to Susysleever in You know you lost weight when   
    You get to go to the 5-7-9 store for the first time
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    ylssan reacted to KeeWee in You know you lost weight when   
    Can't wait for this! My husband always wanted to show that he could do it no matter what but now I won't stop him..he's so strong and sexy! Our life will definitely get interesting again after almost 18 yrs.
  22. Like
    ylssan reacted to NewSetOfCurves in You know you lost weight when   
    When your husband or significant other can lift you up and...
    ...carry you up the stairs! Lol!
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    ylssan reacted to huligoo in You know you lost weight when   
    When your hubby walks right passed you at Target and texts you 'where are you'!?? lolol
    When a security guard at works stops you in the hallway and says ' hey you lost weight huh you look great! With a huge smile on his face! I felt flattered....
  24. Like
    ylssan reacted to Texasmeg in You know you lost weight when   
    When you buy a dress with horizontal stripes.
  25. Like
    ylssan reacted to skinnygirlwithin in You know you lost weight when   
    How about when a reg size bath towel fits around your body???

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