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Everything posted by matos08

  1. Im 3 weeks in after surgery what can i eat?? Help ..
  2. I experienced something terrible! I had surgery jan 22 and i decided to make loght mashed potatoes . I made the one that comes in a plastic bag that u mix with milk or water to make it as thick as u want.. But i made it real light.. I had some and a couple hrs later i had this terrible pain at the top of my stomach which lead me to the hospital and the pain sorta went away after 10 hrs! .. When can i start eating purée?? Do u think it was the mashed potatoes or the a little bit of butter that i put on it? Im home now and im afraid to drink or eat anything!! Help???
  3. I had surgery January 22nd 2014 , im sick and tierd of chicken broth ! Anyone knows anything i can eat or what kind of soup can i make so switch things up? Not only that but i have not been taking any protein shakes because i feel like i can't tolerate it. Can anyone suggest any protien shake that i can drink?? .. One last question, when can i start doing squats ?? Btw im down 16 pounds!!
  4. Thank you so much , i will head to GNC today. I just feel like the shakes get stuck on the top of my stomach!! Its a very uncomfortable feeling.. Also i havent lost any weight for about a week why can it be?
  5. Hey everyone, i had surgery January 22nd and before surgery I was 292 pounds.. A week after surgery i was 276 pounds.. I stepped on the scale yesturday and now im 277 pounds.. I havent lost weight ever since .. Does The protein shakes have to do anything with that because i havent been drinking any.. I dont seem to find one i like ???? .. Can u guys give me ant suggestions?

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