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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by GingerDiane

  1. I was always wanting the bypass...but my surgeon wanted me to have the sleeve..I reluctently agreed as he was the professional...but in the same day he asked me to go for an Endoscopy..to see if I had reflux as Im taking "omeprozole"...Last week I had the Endoscopy and glad I did..as it showed not only having a hole of about 2cm....I had a Hiatus Hernia and full reflux. An hour later my surgeon came in......he said right you will now have a full bypass...due to what I found in the results...im happy so happy..I finally got what I knew was best for me..and it will get rid of my reflux and repair the hole too. So those who suffer reflux must be better to have the bypass..seeing from the notes Ive read on here and my own experience. Id never have a Band..no way...the bypass I feel will give me back a certain control Ive never had before...rather than food controlling me!

  2. Hi there! I started my 6 month journey last month and am hoping to have surgery in June. I was told the vertical sleeve was a no-go for me because I have a terrible time with acid reflux and the sleeve can really exacerbate that. My surgeon doesn't really do the lapband too much anymore. He says he takes more out then he puts in -- that was the one I really thought I wanted but when I heard that.....well, bypass it is for me.

    My husband seems more concerned with me losing "the girls" than I am.....I've usually been pretty proportional. But as kyrickchick64 said, I don't think you know until you lose what you lose.

    This forum has been so helpful for me.....even though I routinely check facts before I believe what I read, the emotional support has been amazing. Most of the info is good here, too.

    Good luck! I have my psych eval today.

    like you first of all my surgeon wanted me to have the sleeve so I was booked for one...then last week I had to have an Endoscopy due to me having heartburn and on "Omeprozole" to help it. Once the camera went down..the surgeon said I do have reflux and a Hiatus Hernia and the sleeve is no more of an option for the exact reasons you had..so Im now for a bypass which I wanted in tje first place. We know the bypass is permenant...no going back once its done...but i wanted this...a new education of food control. The band was a big no no and like you..the surgeon said...he dudnt like them as hes had to take them out..either to them slipping..not working...the thought of having a "port" that had to be revised all the time wuth extraction and re inserting of saline for the control band. And its a foreign body...a lump of plastic that the body might want to reject. The surgeon said..with the bypass and the sleeve...you still end up with what you had at the beginning but re plumbed into a different position and rare chances of rejection as its your own body. It made alot of sense for me. So next week..I be the same when they start to put me "under"

    ...excited but nervous...I mean...who wouldnt be!

    • MisforMimi That's great! I love hot tea, it's been my drink of choice for 20+ years (not a coffee person). I was worried I wouln't be able to tolerate it afterwards. hopefully I'll be like you!! although I'm told that hot or cold beverages arent good for a new stomach. so more like lukewarm???
    ...I hope I can have hot drink after my op....as I do enjoy a good cup tea/coffee...even if its decaf...oh Next week is my op.

  3. I have to do a 4 week pre op liquid diet! Yep four weeks..its been ok..as hunger means its working..but I have slipped but not with anything bad...one evening i felt so sick ..my hunger on 2nd week was enduring so i have small portion of plain porridge..nothing else....and i slept so well. Although i slipped off the diet it was a glitch...but i didnt go mad and eat fatty foods etc. The next day i cut back by drinking 1%milk instead of 2%...to balance it up. I still lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. My op is next week...I just keep focusing that 5 more days wont hurt..i just keep distracted...ive cleared out old clothes...its just the evenings when my stomach moans at me...i just keep Water nearby! GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL! My op is on 28th too!

  4. Yes, they always start with my right arm, figure they can't find anything, so they go to my left arm, can't find anything, then go back to my right arm and are eventually successful. One person actually used the top of my hand with no problem. If they are experienced, they can usually get a vein.

    this sounds exactly how I was ..when having my pre op bloods...in the end they done back of hand. Us women eh? Haha

  5. I've been wondering if this has an effect at all?

    My veins are impossible to find - they couldn't get my blood sample in pre-assessment and I have to go back tomorrow to try again.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    I have my surgery booked for this Saturday.

    I'm worried about them not being able to get an IV in or something.

    hi Anne..I have awful veins too....My left arm is useless in getting any bloods out of! My right arm is very faint with viens..but after clenching my fists..before I sit in the chair helps..but dont worry as while youre under theyll find the veins they needs.. to give you fluids ..these surgeons are hood at finding veins.

  6. Ive read all these interesting comments...and thank you all for being so honest and open...as I dont see these as mistakes but pure new education...the brain is the last thing we have to re educate isnt it...the brain has to catch up with our new "plumbing"....I get re plumbed next week..and I like to absorb all the info I can get.

  7. I don't think you should worry too much. The experience is so different for everyone, I personally had very little gas, and only vomited once. It was a little bile, hardly anything. There was definitely some nausea, but the pain meds allowed me to sleep during those times, and feel much better upon waking. I did try and walk as soon as I was allowed, and I've heard that helps dispel the gas pumped in for the surgery. I'll hope that you have an easy time in recovery. Rest as much as you can, and try to relax. Best Wishes - S

    last time I had Laprascopic proceedure ...I didnt have too much gas..but the nurses are fully aware we need to expel it once in recovery..I remember a day after and still bloated up..i felt pain..so i thought Id sit up..as I did this i belched so loud everyone looked around haha I kept apologising but the Nurses were very happy..as they said its a hood sign to here these sounds as ut shows all the gases are leaving and believe me DONT HOLD BACK...nurses are used to this aswell as Drs..they want to hear these noises ...so BURP away..the more you do the better you feel. Oh and most importantly if you feel the urge to be "flatulant" then just do it...youll feel so much better than trying to hold back and the pain getting worse. I go in next week (28th) and getting excited.

  8. Ladies I completely understand. I truly had to keep myself busy during the two week liquid diet. I painted several rooms, cleaned carpets, changed bedrooms, organized cabinets, and anything else to keep me from focusing on eating. I lost a total of 15lbs during this time and I have to be honest there were a few days that I didn't succeed and managed to eat a small salad. I didn't go nuts, but I couldn't resist the need to eat something. (i know, bad me)

    Surgery was on Monday and went well. I'm extremely tired from the anesthesia, and morphine prescribed, but I'm slowly but surely coming around. Having gas was the worse part of surgery and learning not to swallow more than I should is a new experience. Other than that, I'm looking forward to this new lifestyle. I'm on high Protein diet now to help with healing, and I"m hoping that goes well also.

    how you feeling today..are you home or still at the hospital my surgery is just over a weeks time...im getting "stage fright" haha ...im on my liquid diet still.....so I hope my surgeon will be pleased with me. Do you feel "full"..I dont know what that feelings like? If you know what I mean..I never felt full up or content to stop eating.

  9. Im getting so nervous...ONLY for an Endoscopy I have to have on 19th January. As the surgeon asked why I was on omeprozole...I said heartburn as he knew already. But now wants me to have one to make sure I dont have a Hiatus Hernia...me and my big mouth! Haha...but Its always best to be truthful and honest to your Surgeon. I will be sedated but it still making my anxiety levels high..in turn Im taking more Propanolol!! I WISH they could do this while im under. Sigh...U guess I will grin and bare it for a few minutes! Anyone else had one before surgery.

  10. Thanks GingerDiane! You are so right, and I do think I'll complain. When I began considering VSG I started seeing a food therapist. The self examination of that process was what made me realize that I'm truly an addict. It was so hard for me to come to that realization. I felt like such a failure for not being able to control myself. One I moved past that point, I began to feel better because I finally began to understand that I needed to approach a solution as an addict, and also to realize that I'm not alone in my addiction. That nurse momentarily brought back my feelings of shame, and self punishment. It is a vulnerable time before surgery, and the nurses especially need to be supportive, and kind.

    you are spot on!! Its like saying to an alcoholic or a gambler " oh you look a normal non addictive person..you dont look like an addict" those words could ease anyone to think " you know what shes right im ok.....lets go have a drink and have a gamble" just one word can make me go into flashbacks.

  11. Oh my!! That nurse has no right to "Judge"..its very unprofessional..if that was me I wouldve complained ...as you may of panicked ..not had the surgery and ate yourself silly..people do not realise how deep our issue go and our history is different from others. ...It couldve undone all that hard work you put into it...this nurse may say this all the time and no one saus a thing. It was the same with me but with the psychologist that kept holding me back..said she "understood" my pain as she sat back showing off her size 00 figure! I complained as these people play with our lives...i must say not all are like that..but this woman thought she had control..within 3 weeks if complaining i got my surgery date which is in 2 weeks!! Stay in control you have come such a long way! X

  12. Lately I have been eating alot more then I was able and I think I am getting carried away. I'm eating about 5 meals a day and I was told it had to be 3 meals a day I'm so disappointed on my self and I hope I didn't stretch out my sleeve I feel like I can eat so much now im almost 10 weeks out please help me how can I get back on track and how do I know if I stretched my sleeve out can I do some things to shrink it again ? Seriously freaking out now

    The good thing is that you have identified theres a slight set back if you want to call it that with yourself. Do you feel full and still think " oh maybe a little bit more...." ...with your next meal...try to not only time how long you bite...chew swallow.....is it fast? Also as soon as you feel that SLIGHT ...suggestion "oh i feel a bit full......STOP...just sit and chat..or take some water...remember it usually takes 20 mins for the brain to realise youve eaten...(pre op) im not sure if same post op. If you then start to feel....yep getting full...stop. try to trash thecremaining food so youre not tempted...ive heard it takes linger for the brain to catch up with the stomach.

  13. Are you ready for our big day? I've been packing a few things today too. It seems so unreal. My husband is excited again so, glad he's back on board with me. Can't handle my own nerves and his too...lol.

    Im thinking of you from my home in England! I will pray for good fast recovery...im sending thoughts of Healing!! Mine is in 2 weeks! You go girl!

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