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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by chichigirl

  1. Yes, my doctor also stitches the band in place and always has. He says it should prevent slippage, which is a good thing. As far as how high on the stomach he went, I don't have a clue, but it's probably what you're doctor has found to work best for him.


  2. For any of those of you who are covered with Medicare or Medicaid as you insurance carriers, you need to know about a decision they are in the process of making regarding their coverage of bariatric surgeries.

    At the moment, they are seriously considering approving both the RNY and the lap band surgeries for people with at least one comorbity under the age of 65.

    However the site I will give you the information for is their site for people to make comments on how they feel about this. The hearing was done on the 23'd of November and there is a short window in which they are accepting comments. You can also access the comments by others, so prepare to put on your boxing gloves, casue believe you me there are an awful lot of people out there that believe the only reason we have weight issues is because we are too lazy to diet and exercise and they oppose the tax payers money going towards these surgeries. So, if you would like to voice your opinion, please go to the following site: www.cms.hhs.gov, choose Consumers, then Media Headlines, then Medicare proposes new coverage policy for bariatric surgery procedures. This site will take you to what they are proposing so you can read and understand what they have in mind.

    The other site, www.cms.hhs.gov/coverage, Public Comments, Submit a comment, go to second box at bottom of page and choose Bariatric Surgery for the treatment of the morbidly obese. This will take you to the site where you can read other peoples comments and make one of you own.

    I can't tell you how important I believe in fighting the ignorance of those making uneducated comments and judgements about people who suffer from obesity. I will not stand idly by and allow these kinds of people dictate what is best for me, especially when they don't have my welfare as their concern. One comment that was made even made the statement that the statistics only show an average of a three year extension of life and the money used for the surgeries should go towards better causes. Does this have a ring of the things Hitler used to talk about or is it just me. He though if you were Jewish, gay, or didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes, you didn't deserve to live.

    Okay, I have alreay made my comment on this site and I have spread the word here. Now it's up to any of you who are interested in fighting the good fight to add you words. Whether or not you agree with me, that is not what's important, the fact that we get involved, and aren't we already by having had the surgery or are planning on it already involved?


  3. Two older Himilayan Kitties, one girl and one boy. Missy and BJ

    A two year old Chihuahua - Sadie Rose

    I love all animals, except maybe for snakes and rats, they're really low on my list of animals that I could even cope with. I even like lizards, they're kinda neat, but I don't have one, only live in a one bedroom condo. Any more pets and I'd have to find another place to live:-]

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  4. Congratulations and good luck with your surgery and I will pray for a speedy recovery for you and everyone else going through this. I hope you enjoy your new journey, there may be a few bumps now and again, but it is soooo worth it, IMHO.

    Happy Thanksgiving - Keep us posted!!!!


  5. It's just the inflammation of the stoma, where the band is around your stomach, is irritated and inflammed from the surgery. Depending on how you heal, it could be as short as only a few days up to 6 weeks or more. That's one of the reasons the doctors put you on an all liquid diet, usually for the first two weeks, to allow that to heal. As you know some people will heal faster than others, but we all eventually get around to healing:-]

    Hope this explains things for you a little better. Good luck with your new journey, keep us posted.


  6. It's interesting your pointing out all of the horror stories you have been reading on here lately. Please remember this is a support group for people, those of us without any problems aren't posting here. There's no need for them to come here and read, unless they just want to be supportive of others, which is sometimes the case.

    I have had my band since 2/2002 and never had the first minutes trouble. My problems are psychological in nature, rather than a problem with the band itself, thank God. I also enjoy being supportive of others.

    Is there a risk, of course, but you knew that already. But you're a week away and the scardy cats are setting in, no big surprise, but recognize it for what it is, pre surgery jitters. I don't think you would be that frightened right now if it weren't that your surgery is so close.

    Call me if you want to talk more, I'm here for you, as you have been for me.



  7. Good for you, keeping a good attitude, that will get you through most if not all difficulties in life. I'm glad you're not caving in, I often tell folks that finding the right surgeon who will either take your insurance without a hassle, getting approval from the insurance and jumping through their hoops or having to come up with the money for self-pay, some how some way, is the most difficult part of this whole process, more often than not.

    I know there are people who have had problems with their bands for one reason or another, and believe me my heart goes out to each and every one of them. But I think the majority of us haven't had a problem, and I mean something other than PB's, or being too tight, things that are easily preventable and/or resolved easily. I myself went through the surgery like it was nothing, no recovery time at all and have never had a serious problem, thank God!!!! Everyone is different, but I wasn't the healthiest person when I had the surgery, diabetes 10 yrs+, heart attack, heart disease and a few others not worth mentioning. Yet this was a cakewalk for me, go figure. There is no way of knowing how you will react to the surgery, but hopefully yours will be as uneventful as mine was. I say it's still worth fighting for and looking into every option possible. But as I have pointed out, I am absolutely one of the extremely lucky ones. Hope you will be too.

    Good luck and I hope you find your answer sooner rather than later.


  8. Jonathan, first of all, please allow me to ad my name to the long list of people who are extremely sorry that you are having to go through this. It's not fair and it's not your fault. Remember, you have done nothing wrong.

    You lost 40 lbs on your own, without the help of the band as it wasn't working. You are an outstanding inspiration to all of us here, for which I thank you.

    I also feel that you should report this doctor to the AMA and any other professional organization he may belong to, such as the American board of gastroenterology or bariatric medicine. This information is usually printed on their business cards. I am a strong believer that all medical students should be required to spend two weeks in the hospital as a patient as part of their medical training. Then perhaps they would learn what it's like to be treated without respect or dignity. Some of these doctors think they are Gods and don't have to account for their wrong doing. We should absolutely make them accoutable for wrong doing or they are never going to stop. Most people get angry and just want the problem resolved. I understand that, but I also understand, that as long as we allow people to get away with doing the wrong thing, they will continue to do so. Fortunately not all doctors are like this. I hope you find a sympathetic doctor who will repair or replace your band and accept your insurance. That's my prayer for you.

    You live in or near a large city, so you should also check with your local news stations to see if any of them have investigative consumer reporters. This is a consumer issue, and nothing will get his attention faster than a reporter asking him to give his side of the story, and you can bet he won't be charged for the interview either. If they pick up your story, you may even hear from a doctor who will agree to take your case and your insurance.

    Finally, I would look into getting a contingency attorney, that only collects if he wins the case. This doctor is wrong and he should be called on it. I am not a sue, sue, sue person, but there is nothing frivilous about messing around with people's health and well being.

    Sorry for the long post, I hope you get this resolved soon. I will be praying for the liquids to correct the band and that you also find a doctor who can help you and take your insurance.

    Take Care


  9. Oh Becky, I'm so sorry to hear of your ordeal. You sound as though you are handling everything with your usual postive attitude, God Bless You.

    I haven't heard of anyone having seizures due to rapid weight loss, but I do know someone who was losing weight rapidly and he ended up with atrial fibrilation because of it. That's a problem with the heart beating out of control at an irregular pattern.

    It's funny, because I was just thinking about you the other day and was wondering why you hadn't been posting. Little did I know that you were having such serious problems.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the doctors can get to the bottom of this and know what actually caused it.

    Take Care,


  10. I was 367 when I started and my PCP's scale only went to 350 as well. The surgeons office you are using should have a scale that handles heavier people, I know mine does, and they would certainly be understanding or as you put it fat friendly considering the business they are in. Maybe you could work out something with your PCP by letting him/her know that you realized you were over their scale limit and that you went to the sugeons office and give them what you weighed there. He/she could even verify it with them as someone should record that information in your file.


  11. OMG ROTFLMAO!!! You guys need to stop, you are too funny! Not exactly a glowing endorsement for XENICAL, I never took it, and from the sounds of it, glad I didn't. The last thing I need to do is add bulky underwear to my already ample rump!!

    If you really need to take this medication, I'd double check with your surgeon first before taking anything regarding weight loss just to be on the safe side. Another thing you might want to consider is I believe they have something called carb blockers at the health food stores, that may be milder on your system. I don't know anything about them personally as I have never taken them, but I have heard of their existence. I also don't know if they work.

    Gosh you are a brave soul to be working in an ice cream specialty shop. They'd have to knock down a wall to get me out of place like that, cause by the time I'd have gone through everything, I'd be much wider than any doorway, lol.

    Good luck with the business. I wish you success both for the weight loss and the new business.


  12. You are obviously so committed to this, if the doctor needs any confirmation, just tell to visit this site and we'll let him know.

    Glad to hear that you were able to get the testing out of the way, with the exception of the upper GI, do you have that scheduled yet? At least they get the results of that one immediately, usually send the doctor the results the same day, at least that's how it worked here in Miami.

    Do you think the doctor will give a surgery date tomorrow? I hope you are able to get it done in December, I remember that you mentioned that you need to have it done before the year's end due to insurance changes.

    Getting everything done, scheduled and approved is probably the most difficult part of this whole process. The fact that you're under the gun with the time line only adds to the stress. It's all worth it though, in the end I believe that you will be so glad you did this. It's also a difficult time of the year to be going through all of this, we all getted more stressed during the holidays trying to get everything done and to throw this in on top can be overwhelming. Just remember we are all here for you, whenever you need that extra shot of persistance and strength.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything goes as smoothly for you as possible. Good luck tomorrow and let us know how things go.


  13. Hi Andrea and welcome to bandland. You are so good to be going the day after Thanksgiving, it's always the leftovers that get me, lol. I wish you the very best in your upcoming surgery and wish you a speedy recovery. This is a great place for support and guidance. Many of us here have been banded for awhile now and whatever your question or concern is, there is bound to be someone here who has been through it and will help you out.

    Keep us posted and enjoy your Thanksgiving!! Talk about having your 'last supper', enjoy every bite you can and then get ready for a brand new, exciting journey.


  14. Oh you poor thing. I don't think any of us haven't experienced this at one time or another, I know I can totally relate to the shakey and crying feeling. Try some soothing tea, like chamomille(sp) and a hot shower with it running down your neck and back might be soothing as well.

    I'm glad no one was seriously hurt, although you are probably in a lot of pain from the sounds of it, I hope that passes quickly.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

    Take care,



  15. Hi and congratulations on your upcoming surgery. It will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself in terms of losing weight.

    Gas-X is a must to have before you come home from the hospital. Although I personally didn't suffer from any gas pains, there are a lot here who have and some have really gone through a tough time with it.

    It's also a good idea I have read to bring a pillow with you for coming home in the car. It takes some of the ouch of the bumps in the road on the way home.

    As for what you can have during the liquid phase, any of the broths should be fine, chicken and beef are the only two that I am aware of, but two weeks can be an awful long time of consuming the same things day in and day out. Also they are great for putting something warm in your tummy, which is usually very soothing.

    As for tea, my doctor had no objections regarding the caffeine persay, just no carbonated beverages. sugar free Jello and sugar free frozen popsicles are also nice for a little something sweet to enjoy.

    That's about all I can think of right now, however, I am sure more people will post their suggestions, as this is a wonderful and supportive group. The best sight I have ever found for support, education and caring.

    Keep us posted and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you have an easy surgery and swift recovery.


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