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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by chichigirl

  1. He's gorgeous, I want one, LOL, little late in the game for me, but ohhh he's so darling, I just want to cover his cheeks with kisses.

    Congratulations Grandma, keep the pictures coming, they change sooo much their first few years.


  2. I certainly understand your concern, especially as you are quickly approaching your surgery date. I'm glad you paid attention to both the good stories and the unfortunate stories as well. That's life, sadly there is always bad that goes along with good. Though it's difficult for us to admit, we do not have control of the universe and there are certain things that are totally out of our control.

    You've certainly done your homework and weighed all of the pros and cons. You know yourself better than anyone else and have made the decision to do this. That's the best any of us can do, that and pray that we have made the right decision.

    In February I will have been banded for 4 years with zero complications. I consider complications as those things we have no control over, such as band slippage, erosion, infections. We have no way of knowing whether or not any of those things will happen to any of us, it's a chance we have been willing to take. Things like PB's, vomitting, Constipation are all things we do have control over, it's a learning process we go through and even after this long, I am still learning and will probably continue to learn until the day I die, hopefully around 150ish :-]

    The most difficult part of this whole process for me has been facing the emotional issues, but they are worth going through and overcoming. I see it as a kind of insurance policy against my gaining my weight back.

    I wish you the very best of luck and will keep you in my prayers that everything goes according to textbook and that you fly through your recooperation and start a new and wonderful life.


  3. Celeste is right on. The initial restriction was from swelling due to the surgery, which of course subsides over a short period of time. As you begin to get fills, you will begin to feel more and more restriction. Don't worry if the first fill doesn't give you enough restriction. It's usually a good idea to go slowly first with the fills to acclimate yourself with what the restriction really feels like and what you can and cannot eat. Always check your restriction slowly, by taking very small bites, chewing very well and then swallowing. Give it a few seconds and see if you can feel it going down. Then adjust your eating style accordingly. If something feels painful, like you swallowed a golf ball, don't eat it again. Try to avoid dry meats without something on them to help them slide through and many of us cannot eat soft doughy bread. It's all a learning process, one you will catch on to quickly.

    I'm quite sure that you haven't done any harm to your band, you simply have no restriction yet as there is no fill in it.

    Good luck, and remember we are always here if you have more concerns or questions.


  4. Hey Lil, just thought I'd mention you check out the thread with all of the before and after pictures, it's awesome and inspiring. Very uplifting, I visit it often, someday I'd like to be posting my own pics there.

    On the fill thing, I'm sure that each doctor is different, mine does use a long needle, but it doesn't go in too far, I have never had a problem with it myself, and I don't think anyone really likes needles, I know I don't. But the whole process only takes a couple of minutes from beginning to end. If you are really concerned about the pain, ask him to give you a little anesthetic on the area where he will put in the needle. Some people have that done, but I have never needed to have it personally.


  5. Thank you so much Lisa for an incredibly informative post of your experience. You are so intelligent and articulate and you explained things in a manner that few would have trouble understanding. I am praying for you, please keep up your positive attitude. You may not feel like you are being positive, but the simple fact that you are willing to share this extremely important information with all of us in the midst of going through your own personal hell, speaks volumns about the kind of person you are.

    If I were you, I would certainly check with your local news stations and talk to their consumer reporters. I know from my own experience with these guys, they really do talk to everyday people for their stories. If you can get them to give you an interview and air the segment, you may actually find a doctor who might be willing to help you out non gratis. It happens all the time. These surgical centers and the people who work in them are usually caring, compassionate people and it's not unusual to hear stories of them helping someone like yourself. What have you got to lose?

    Whatever you decide to do, I certainly wish you the very best. The odds are in your favor that whatever happens will turn into a good thing for you.

    Please take care, and once again thank you so much for sharing your story.


  6. Hi Lil, welcome to the lapband board. If you are researching specific information on things like diet, doctors, insurance things like that, it might be more helpful for you to go into the search mode for each of these items.

    There are lot's of really nice people here, some who are like yourself and trying to get information and others like me, who have already been banded. You will see a number of people asking about certain problems they are having and wanting advice. This is a support board, so don't be surprised to see that alot. There are others who are doing well and just want to share in their excitement about something postivie going on with them.

    Feel free to ask any questions and I'm sure you will have several people who will respond to you and try to offer some help. This is a very honest group of people that really care about others. I think you will find this site very helpful to you.

    Good luck in your research and ask as many questions as you can think of.

    Merry Christmas


  7. Girlie issues are always a good choice, like fibroids or irregular bleeding. There's also the gall-bladder scenerio, just tell them you had an ultra sound and they found stones and your doctor wants to remove it before you have major problems with it. Just be careful, if you tell them gall-bladder and you still have one, you may need to really use it in the future. I personally would just use the irregular bleeding and that you need a D&C. There are no outward signs and no one can really question you about it too much, especially the men in the group.

    Good Luck


  8. What about trying something like a pureed Soup or chili? Black bean soup is great, nice seasoning and high in Protein. Just whirl it up in a blender and heat, yuuuummmm. Do the same with chili or any other kind of soup that has different seasoning.

    You can also try cottage cheese with no sugar added fruit preserves or applesauce. Scrambled eggs might be tolerable for you now or even egg salad.

    As for Christmas dinner, I don't have any real festive suggestions for that, sorry.

    Also check the food threads here, there are usually alot of receipes of different kinds of meals.

    Merry Christmas


  9. So sorry to hear about all of the complications you are having to face. The fact that you do not have ulcers now, but that you do have the bacteria which causes them, is reason to go on the antibiotics to eliminate it or you may very well end up with ulcers. Not something you would want to contend with after being banded.

    I understand your frustration with the doctors and not being able to reach them. Perhaps you could check with your local pharmacist. He/she would know about any contraindications between the medications and perhaps could answer some of your other questions. Couldn't hurt to ask.

    Good Luck.


  10. This thread is too funny!!! I am no longer married, divorced now for over 15 years, but I remember the year my MIL gave me a picture of an owl for Christmas. Now I collect owls so one would think she was being thoughtful, I know I did at first. Until she told me that she actually found it in the trash pile in front of her house and she immediately thought of me. Think she was trying to tell me something? Good thing she went along with the ex after my divorce as she is his mother and he can have her.


  11. Wow, I am so happy for you Magic, you put your mind to get it done before year end and you made it happen. WTG girl, you are a true inspiration with a positive can do attitude.

    Welcome to the banded side and hope you feel even better as each minute passes.

    Happy Holidays


  12. Oh Lisa, I am so very sorry. I hope that you are now on the road to recovery for your insides. Did they go ahead and remove the band or does that require another surgery? My heart goes out to you, you have been through so much already, this really stinks. I know they have to remove the band and get you all healed up, but are you going to think about what your other options are right now? Please don't give up, you deserve for something to go right for you.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Again I'm so sorry this has happened.

    Take Care,


  13. Due to the simple fact that I was banded almost four years ago, my doctor did not have me on Clear liquids for weeks after my surgery. He simply told me that the first few days, I would probably only be able to tolerate liquids and then to carefully add foods and to be careful when first eating them. So, that's what I did. After day 5 I was eating food, but mostly mushies for a few days and then moved on to more daring foods. The only thing I stayed away from, and basically still do, are breads and red meat. It wasn't until I found this site that I learned about liquid Protein and Protein Bars for weight loss.

    Cheating, as you call it, must be done very carefully, if at all. Your doctor's instructions should always be followed, just because it is concerning food vs not going back to work, doesn't give us a green light to ignore his/her instructions.

    We wouldn't think about breaking the rule for no heavy lifting for a certain period of time, so why would we eat things we know we aren't suppose to. Self discipline is one of those principles we must all learn if we are to be successful with this weight loss journey.

    Does that mean that I have never eaten anything unhealthy since starting this journey, absolutely not, I am human after all and I do occassionally indulge myself with something I really want, healthy or not. The difference for me is, I no longer go on long binges, at least not any more. Retraining ourselves takes time and alot of work. We are constantly growing and learning.

    My advice about following the doctor's orders are quite simply as strong as they are, because this is legitimate medical advice and there are medical reasons behind it. It's not a matter of being perfect or not cheating, it's a matter of taking proper care of yourself following surgery.

    Good luck.

    Happy Holidays


  14. Magic, sounds like things are really going smoothly for you. Moving up the surgery time is a good thing, less time to get yourself all worked up and worried. If I need surgery, I prefer the early morning myself, but we don't usually have any choice in the matter.

    I just know you will do great and I am very happy for you. What a really great Christmas present you are give yourself. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.


  15. Nope, no bowel evacuation ordered prior to my surgery, thank goodness, they're no fun. If instructed to use a Fleet, which is an at home over the counter enema, that's not such a big deal. They rarely cause cramping or discomfort and are easy to use. Make sure if they order that for you to take, to ask if you should get the green box(saline) or the orange box(mineral oil). To the best of my understanding, it would most likely be the green as the oil one is for seriously impacted bowels.

    If anesthesia tends to make you nauseous, let the nurse know when they are prepping you just before going in. Twice I did that and they gave me something to drink, small amount of an orange colored liquid and I had zero nausea. Sorry I don't recall the name of the medication, but whatever it is it works really well.

    Good luck.

    Happy Holidays


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