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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LittleJ

  1. I was wanting to get some feed back on anyone that has United Healthcare Choice Plus plan for their insurance. I called and I know this procedure is covered. The person that I talked to listed all the requirments that I need to be able to be approved. One of them was that my bmi needed to be over 40. Well... mine is 42. So I asked what other stuff they needed if my bmi is over 42 ...she said nothing else. I also have high cholesterol and about to be put on medication for it. I am scheduled for December 3rd for my seminar. I was wanting to be prepared of what my insurance company is going to throw at me to get approved. :help: Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hello Forum people. I am wanting to get the lapband done. This forum is wonderful place to see all kinds of questions and responses. This is something that I have been pondering for quite some time. I am really scared of having the surgery. The biggest fear is having a reaction to the materialsthat they put inside me and erosion around the ring. I am set up to go to my first seminar on Dec 3rd. I have tried and tried to loose weight and just can't seem to get it off. I am 4'11 with 42bmi, my weight is 212pds. I have high cholestrol and about to be put on medicine for that. Other than that I have only the typcial swelling, sore back and feet, out of breathe,and sore in the morning kind of body. But I have a feeling I am going to be going south here if I don't get this weight off my body. I went to my doctor to discuss about having the lapband and to my surprise she was not supportive at all. :faint:I couldn't believe it!! I was speechless after she gave me a lecture that 9 out 10 people could lose the weight if they just stuck to a good plan. I have to say she is wrong. I was anorexic in high school and after getting over that I started gaining weight. I have done several diets and was successful with them losing the weight, but as we all know it comes back 2 folds. When I had my second child I think it did some hormonal damage to me. I delivered a 10pd baby by c-section 7 years ago and have not been able to get the weight off. I even went to a gym with a personal trainer and worked out 4 days a week ( she kicked by butt)and also was dieting. In the 4 month that I did that I did not lose on size in clothes. Yes... some fat turned to muscle, but no great shrinkage. Even the trainer was suprised that I wasn't shrinking. I believe with all the dieting yo-yo's that I have done, my body metablism is dead. :cry And with having some sort of disorder with eating it has sent my body into a shutdown mode. Well, again I really enjoy reading everyones postings. Good luck to those that have and going to have the band done.:clap2:
  3. Nope, she is against the lapband. Only if it is someones last option due to some medical reason. And she also feels that there has not been enough study on it and since it is farely new that no one knows the longterm effect it can have on the body.:think I think the longterm effect of me being over weight is much worse.
  4. LittleJ

    Very new, very excited!

    I have pretty much the same history as you. Done with children, no serious medical problems, I do have high bad cholestrol, been debating the lapband for awhile, and have been doing lots of research. I just found this forum yesterday and I really love this sight. Lots of great and valuable information. I have done all the steps you have done. I did have my doctor visit to talk about the lapband. I figured since my bmi is 42 and I am 100 pds over weight and been battling weight loss for years, and I am about to be put on medicine for cholestrol, this was a great life choice. That did not go well with the doctor. She is not a supporter of the lapband. I was crushed and speechless. Does anyone know if your family doctors is the one that has to submitt to the insurance or can the bariatric doctor do it? I know that all doctors have their own view on procedures and what they think is right way and the wrong way. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  5. LittleJ

    Ready to be thin

    Hello everyone, this is my first time posting in this forum. I am really enjoying reading all the questions and responces. I am very interested in having the lapband done. I have already checked with my insurance and they will pay for the surgery if my bmi is over 40 or have other complications. Which I have really high cholestrol and my bmi is 42. I do not have to many problems but I feel that I am getting at the age that stuff is going to start going south if I don't get my bmi down. I am 4'11 and weigh 212 pds. I have tried all types of weight loss programs and have been successful. But since my last pregancy when I delivered almost a 10pd baby, I have been unsuccessful with losing weight. :cry I even went to a gym and had a personal trainer work with me and I worked intencely four days a week and dieted and did not loose a 5 pds in the 4 months that I did it. :think I thought it was time to visit with my doctor and talk about my options. When I went to my doctor to talk about having the lapband done she was not supportive at all. I have been with my doctor for several years and I was really shocked by it. She is not a fan of the lapband. She said that this hasn't been around long enough to know what the long term effects it can have on the body and my organs. And that I am not trying hard enough to loose weight. Of course she is skinny and has never battled being heavy in her entire life. I have read a couple of posting of people having the band and then having complication and then having it put back on again. Does anyone know the longest that a person has had this procedures done? Most of the postings that I read are individuals that have it done for about 5 years or less.

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