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  1. fernanda.markus

    We have to talk about this...

    Guys thanks a lot for the great help!! I will look for those and buy them. Thanks again!
  2. fernanda.markus

    6 Months Post Surgery

    Amazing!! Congrats
  3. Hey guys. My name is Fernanda and I am 1 month post op of gastric bypass. My family have been complaining about one thing in particular that I would like to know if happens or happened to any of you... After I get out of the toilet (after making poo) there is this terrible, terrible smell. Even if I just made a little bit. It's the most terrible smell of the house and in the past I didn't do it! Does anyone here went through the same?? What can I possibly do to make my family not want to kill me? ???? like eating what...?? Sorry for the bad English!
  4. You look absolutely fantastic! Keep up the good work!! Congrats & happy 2016 ????????????
  5. Hey guys. I am having a dilemma recently. I don't know which type of surgery I should go for. My endocrinologist and my nutritionist say bypass. My surgeon is not quite sure, and I am not also quite sure. I am 23 years old, 114kg and 1,77 cm. My BMI is 36,6. The negative about going for a bypass is that I am too young and this would give me too many restrictions. And a sleeve could maybe not make me reach my goal, because I am a "sweets addicted" and I know the bypass is more helpful in those cases. Just can't decide. Can someone help me? Tks and sorry for the bad English!
  6. Thanks for your answer! I had the same. First I didn't want any food, but now it just doesn't work anymore... It's bad, all medicines doesn't work anymore after a while... That's why I think I go for the surgery.
  7. Hey... Congrats... Really happy to read your great experience!!
  8. Hi. I am on victoza. They say it simulates the experience of having a weight loss surgery. Is it true?
  9. Hello everybody. My name is Fernanda, I am 108 kg and 1,77 m. My fat percentage is 35. Since I can remember, I struggle with my body fat. Let's say, 12 years old (I am now 23). I have been visiting doctors and nutritionists and trying every method you can imagine. Recently, I came across a thyroid disfunction, which made me easily gain more than 10 kg. I am now treating it, but as you can imagine, I am very unhappy for a long time with my body. I am determined to have a weight loss surgery. My doctor, nutritionist and psychiatrist said they will recommend it to my health insurance. However, my parents are not supportive at all. They say I will put my life in risk, during the surgery and after it. Well... I came across this app, and I have seen so many of you helping each other, I just thought I might give it a try. Can someone give me an opinion, should I go for the surgery or not? Thanks a lot! Regards, Fernanda

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