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Everything posted by Justoperated

  1. Justoperated

    stall at 2 weeks out?! help!

    @@BLERDgirl, I am trying but can't manage. I am struggling to get even enough liquids, even on my best day I can only take 1.2 -1.3 Litres. I get filled up quickly and if I snack, I feel full or reflux. I am also afraid to push more than my sleeve can handle and therefore am careful and stop as soon as I feel full.
  2. Justoperated

    stall at 2 weeks out?! help!

    I am 16 days and have stalled since last 4-5 days but I guess its just how the body reacts. When I was loosing pounds daily, I couldnt figure out, why am I loosing so rapidly, even if I am on zro calories and burn 2000 a day, I should not be loosing that much and now when I am not loosing at all despite being less than 500 Cal daily, don't understand why I am not loosing. Guess there is more to weight loss than simple calorie count.
  3. I had shoulder pain off and on for first 10 days then it went away.
  4. Justoperated

    Who am I? My story

    You are a strong girl.
  5. Justoperated


    My guess is that sleeve is quite high in abdomen, and not very extensive surgery that it would lead to adhesions, but ofcourse that just my guess. But you can get twisting of gut even if you did not have any surgery.
  6. I am planning to resume work next week, I know most will say you didn't need it, or I could do it without sleeve, if I tell them I had sleeve. But I am going to say it. Don't care what they say.
  7. Are you taking Vitamins? Check your b12 and TSH.
  8. Justoperated

    3 days post op and discouraged

    I had significant pain for first 3-4 days, though I could sleep, but any movement would bring pain. I did not take pain medications beyond day 2, as it wasn;t making any difference anyway. Pain decreased considerably day 5 and beyond.
  9. For now daily, havent taken any pictures yet.
  10. Justoperated

    Everyday is a new day

    @@Stephie76, kuds to you for getting the information beforehand. I had not researched so much before the surgery, because at home everyone wanted me not to do it and didnt have neough time at work. Regret-No, but atleast till now, I am not ecstatic at the weight loss, though day 11, and I have dropped below 200lbs, last time I was below 200 was 7 years ago. But I guess if your doctor says, you will benefit then go ahead.
  11. Day 10 post op and can't figure out whats happening. My stomach behaves differently, every day. Different types of pains, different sounds. At times gases, at times fullness, diarrhea, then no stool of 2 days, then diarrhea again. And I have some difficulty figuring out if my stomach is full or empty. Its the same feeling after food and few hours of not eating.
  12. Justoperated

    Dull Pain and Fullness

    I am taking PPI and motilium.
  13. I am day 9 post sleeve, since last 2 days, diarrhea has disappeared, instead now I have a dull pain in stomach and it feels full, specially in evening. As if the whatever I take is still in stomach and hasn't passed through. It has reduced my fluids too. At times I feel I want to burp, but can't. I am passing gas but no motion in last 2 days. Walking regularly but hasn't helped much.
  14. For how long were you prescribed clot preventing injections. My surgeon prescribed for 2 weeks, though he himself says that it differs, some surgeons dont prescribe at all, some for 3 days, others 10-14 days. He did tell me I can reduce to 5-7 days if I am walking regularly and able to drink well, which today I feel I am.
  15. I have always loved to work out, so wondering when will I be able to resume. How about driving? When did you resume driving again.
  16. Justoperated

    My father-in-law is oblivious.

    He seems to be just like my dad.
  17. I am day 6 today and within minutes of sipping Protein shake, ensure or glucerna I get spasms and explosive diarrhea. I have tried it in mornings and get 2-3 bowel motion by noon. I wonder if it is because of shake or time? ANyone had this issue?
  18. Good to see this thread, I wasn't all that low afterall, 36 before surgery.
  19. Justoperated

    Lying about what type of surgery..

    A week off seems too little, I am week since surgery and can't seem to have enough energy or concentration for work. I had planned 2 weeks off, but today felt iffy.
  20. Justoperated

    Diarrhea after protein shake/ensure?

    I think the stomach is not yet accepting food with relatively thicker consistency and inturn excites the whole bowel, as doesn't happen when I take clear juice or broth. BTW you seem to have started at quite a low BMI 31, I though I was low at surgery 36.
  21. I have always loved to workout and though am not a body builder, am muscular. I understand that when I loose, I will loose both muscle and fat. WHen people stall, or gain some back, do they gain muscle as well?
  22. Justoperated

    Not a great Surgiversary at all

    Good luck, I hope you make it through. You have scared me though.
  23. Justoperated

    Meds to dissolve potential gall stones

    Have been told that I should start at week 4.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
