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mrs kaje

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mrs kaje

  1. On a side note, I love how your point B ) came out as
  2. mrs kaje

    It's all i think about

    I'm obsessed, too. I started the process last September, then had a 12 month wait from December (for my insurance to kick in) - so it feels like it's taking forever for me. It's all I think about and I spend hours and hours on the internet devouring information. I can't even talk about it with people because nobody knows I'm having the procedure done, and I don't know anyone who's had any type of WLS. At least the long wait has allowed me to get a head start and lose some weight before surgery.
  3. mrs kaje

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Reddit. /r/amiugly 90% of those posts are just attention whores who already know they're not ugly.
  4. mrs kaje

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    257.17lb today Thank you :-)
  5. mrs kaje

    Hypnotize those pounds away!

    Wow, cassettes!
  6. mrs kaje

    WLS Eats

    I made some a couple of days ago. It is like a very light and fluffy meringue, and does taste a little eggy on its own, but when I had it in place of bread for a ham and egg sandwich for Breakfast, and for a ham salad sandwich for lunch, I couldn't taste it at all (either texture or flavour). It works perfectly as a food 'holder' in place of bread; even though it feels fragile, it held up really well.
  7. I had an awesome one the other night. From the menu: "Moroccan chicken salad Tossed with crisp salad greens, pearl cous cous, Spanish onion, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and carrot & finished with a sweet chilli yoghurt dressing."
  8. Total blowout - put on several pounds... (also had a birthday on Friday so it was basically a three day binge-fest).
  9. mrs kaje

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    266.54lb this week :-/
  10. I love the pattern on the top. I was so happy when tankinis became a thing!
  11. mrs kaje

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    259.7lb today. Thanks :-)
  12. I have a one year wait. It sucks, lol. At least I've gotten a head start on losing weight during the last five months.
  13. mrs kaje

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    258.16lb today. Thank you ☺
  14. mrs kaje

    Sad, haunting rendition of Wrecking Ball

    Wow, made my skin tingle in the first five seconds! My husband thought this song went "something, something, raiiiinbowww". Lol, idiot.
  15. mrs kaje

    I blew it

    Yep, you stuffed up... ...for an hour - not forever. Your mum's recovery is more important than having a clean eating record today.
  16. I've had my surgery date for two months and haven't told anyone yet. I'll have to tell my husband at some point if I want a lift to the hospital, I guess, lol.
  17. mrs kaje

    Protein /Food

    (Sorry, phone double-posted).
  18. mrs kaje

    Protein /Food

    I have some shake powders that are high in calories and taste good, and some that are high in Protein and taste bad. I usually use half a packet/serve of the tasty one and add in a smaller amount of the high-protein one to get the protein level back up. I also use Water instead of milk.
  19. mrs kaje

    Overnight bag? What did you pack?

    In addition to the usual underwear, lip balm, thongs/flip-flops, phone I'm taking: - A maxi dress, instead of having a waistband in the way. - Dry shampoo, as I need to wash my hair every day.
  20. mrs kaje


    A whole banana? Shame on you!
  21. I have mine set so that it doesn't subtract those calories. I want any exercise to be in addition to my diet, not instead of it.
  22. mrs kaje

    Accidental Sip

    Well, you either follow your diet rules or you don't. That's what it boils down to.
  23. It comes across to me in two ways. Firstly, like he just used the surgery as a way to complain about another issue he has with you (considering I don't know what the whole conversation was), as he knows the surgery is super important to you so that angle will hurt you the most. Or, it's his way of telling you that it's all you think/talk/care about and he's a bit over it. I don't think either thing makes him suddenly unsupportive.
  24. mrs kaje

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    263.12lb this week. Thank you :-)
  25. mrs kaje

    Double booked!?

    If it was me, I'd want to check just to make sure. No point getting to the big day and it turning out to be an issue. It's not like the surgeon just blows in and does a quick 15 minute procedure so they can line a few of you up, ready to go. Bit strange.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
