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mrs kaje

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mrs kaje

  1. I just bought this - thanks for the tip, but my wallet is not so impressed. First time I've been on that site... spent $150 lol.
  2. mrs kaje

    How did you determine your "goal weight"?

    I was reading a gossip mag one time last year and there was a typical two-page spread of chicks on the red carpet. My then-6yo daughter said "Look, bobbleheads! Why are they like that?"
  3. mrs kaje

    What Are You Reading?

    Yeah it's great to be able to knock one over in an hour or so! Takes less than half an hour to read a Babysitters Club book (I read one every now and then for nostalgia!). Did you not read Judy Blume et al when you were younger? Those were groundbreaking, really - considered outrageous, even. I think some are still banned in schools!
  4. mrs kaje

    My two year surg-iversary!

    Wow, you look amazing!
  5. mrs kaje

    Today is the day!

    How exciting! Hope everything goes great!
  6. What does your surgeon recommend? Mine said he would only recommend bypass for me if I had bad type II diabetes.
  7. mrs kaje


    My surgeon said he doesn't use them (or drains) because he wants you up and about asap after surgery. So they're obviously not compulsory, is what I mean.
  8. mrs kaje

    23. Male. From Uk

    Welcome, Dan. What procedure are you having done?
  9. It's not failure when you've had courage to ask for help. You haven't failed, because you haven't stopped trying - this is just the next thing you've decided to try.
  10. I'm pre-op but dieting and haven't gone over 900 (my target) for a couple of weeks. I feel like I am eating enough food even at these low calories (also trying to eat low carb and high protein). I've been wondering how I'd be able to get the same calories in with a smaller stomach - I feel like I'd have to be eating all day! I'm worried that if I had to let some calorie rich foods back into my diet post-op, it'll derail me.
  11. mrs kaje

    Easter's Challenge

    OK, my numbers are: SW 125.90kg / 277.56lb GW 120.65kg / 265.98lb (Sorry, I like to be exact as I keep tight records, lol).
  12. mrs kaje

    What Are You Reading?

    Never heard of that author. I just looked at it in the Kindle store and it looks like something I would enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation.
  13. mrs kaje

    What Are You Reading?

    I recently read Gone Girl and absolutely hated it, lol. I also re-read East of Eden. I love John Steinbeck. Just now I'm downloading Pride & Prejudice and a couple of others to listen to whilst walking on the treadmill. Haven't read that for a few years.
  14. mrs kaje

    Pancake question:)

    I made one the other night with two frothed egg whites and a 25g shake sachet. Can't remember whether I put any yoghurt in it, but I did have some on top. It was very fluffy, not as heavy as a regular pancake. It was quite big, too. I've made one with just the shake mix and milk or Water and it made a very small pancake, but it was still quite filling. I add stevia, Benefiber plus 10g of another powder I have that's disgusting but really good protein-wise. None of these extras are really necessary.
  15. Ugh, it sucks, doesn't it? I have ten months to go. It's all i can think about! If not the surgery itself, I'm thinking about food and exercise. I too bought a fitbit and am back on a last ditch diet attempt.
  16. Surgeon said I would stay two days. I guess if I go late in the day it might be two nights; if I get in early, maybe one night. I would like to stay in for a few days and get some quiet me time, lol.
  17. mrs kaje

    Rant ????????????

    I'm glad you complained to someone. I would have told the doc I wanted her to leave, and explained why after she had left. She won't get far with a bedside manner like that!
  18. mrs kaje

    Fat People programs

    I love Whitney. She's not all "woe is me" like a lot of the people on these kinds of shows.
  19. mrs kaje

    How did you determine your "goal weight"?

    179lb / 80kg would get me to a "normal" weight, but I doubt I'll be able to get there. Neither my surgeon or dietitian mentioned a goal weight.
  20. Everyone certainly does have a right to eat food; nobody else has the right to judge or dictate how you exercise that right.
  21. I'm not in the US but just thought I'd say I asked my surgeon the same question two days ago - he said because my higher BMI is documented, he'll still do it even if I drop below his BMI lower-limits. He said it would be different if I came back with a BMI if 25; I laughed and he joined in. Thanks for the vote of confidence there, doc
  22. I finally had my first consult on Monday - got my date... 8 December 2015. Yeah, that's only about 292 days away... It's gonna be a loooong year.
  23. There is an app called Eat Slower (I think) that times your bites and counts down to your next one. Something like this may help you get in the habit?
  24. Had my consult yesterday and got my date! And it's only, ohhh 293 days away. Ha, I thought the wait for the appointment was bad - it was nothing compared to this! (Booked for 8 December).
  25. mrs kaje

    Easter's Challenge

    Count me in

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
