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About ThreeCrows

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 11/07/1970

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  1. ThreeCrows


    My nutritionist also recommend Flintstones complete. I don't know that they are "sufficient", but they are about the same ingredients as the Bariatric Advantage--my list has them both as either/or. Plus I take extra B6, B12, Calcium, D, Biotin.... Think that's all? All required by my surgeon.
  2. I was home, mostly in bed, for two weeks. My fatigue lasted even once I was back at work for a month or so. I would come home from work and nap. The taste thing my nutritionist told me about--side effect of ketosis. Rapid weight loss puts you into ketosis... (Google it for all the chemistry) When you burn fat, most of the ketones are excreted through your urine, but others are exhaled when you breathe. It gives you bad breath, and leaves residue in your mouth that can give a bad taste. People often say "things taste different after surgery". Think about it as an incentive not to eat things you shouldn't. I definitely can tell when I'm losing weight--everything tastes yuck to me.
  3. ThreeCrows

    Nauseous at night

    Are you waiting a couple hours between food and bed? And sleeping with your head elevated? That has helped me with occasional nausea.
  4. ThreeCrows

    Tofu Recipes

    Many stir-fry type recipes that call for chicken are easy to sub tofu. I prefer extra-firm, cut into slices, pressed with paper towels to remove extra water, then cube and use as chicken. I so order most Asian dishes when O go out with tofu--I've found my pouch tolerates it far better than chicken.
  5. ThreeCrows

    STILL STALLED. help :(

    I'm stalled as well. Argh! So frustrating!
  6. ThreeCrows


    I agree. My pre-surgery "normal" was every 2-3 days. Now it's more like 5, but I don't feel constipated and everything seems to be working. Just not enough food to push it all through, I think.
  7. ThreeCrows

    Scale not moving

    It's normal to have stalls, but exercise is important. Is there somewhere near that you could take water aerobics or another pool-based class? Supposedly great for bad knees!
  8. ThreeCrows

    Stomach feels full?

    Tried a bit of protein shake... Ugh. Feel like my pouch is made of wood,sore to touch. Generating massive amounts of spit, which is just adding to my nausea. I'm gonna call in the morning.
  9. ThreeCrows

    Stomach feels full?

    Oh, thanks! Guess I'll call my surgeon to make sure. I also had thrown up last week once---hmmm.
  10. I'm almost six weeks out, and haven't had any real issues. But the last two days, I've just been having trouble eating. I feel absolutely stuffed all the time. Drinking Water hasn't been a problem, but after just a couple bites I feel uncomfortably full. Almost nauseatingly full, but not to the point of throwing up. Like my pouch has gotten smaller, or something? Up until this point I've easily been able to eat almost a cup of food with no problem. Now even easy favorites like cottage cheese seem impossible. Thoughts? I struggled to get in 300 calories today. The Protein shakes have not treated me well, and my nutritionist had said I could forgo them if I ate enough protein.
  11. ThreeCrows


    What a great thread! Been married for over twenty years, but it's so nice to hear these body-positive stories. My TMI NSV is to be on top without crushing the poor man.
  12. ThreeCrows


    My nutritionist recommends Flintstones Complete. Go figure!
  13. ThreeCrows

    Exercise - what do you do 1 month out

    I was told no strenuous exercise for the first six weeks. My husband and I decided the whole family will join the gym together--I've got another week or so to get that together!
  14. Thanks for sharing that, Crosby. It is a great parallel for my experience. I stand in front of hundreds of people every week--it's not like they won't notice me dropping 180 pounds (if I make goal). Whether we like it or not, people already can see I'm overweight. I'm a pastor, so eyes are on me. The 50 I've lost since surgery is noticeable enough already. Why wouldn't caring friends inquire--could be cancer or any of a myriad of troublesome health issues that cause weight loss. I'd be worried also if someone dropped 50 pounds suddenly and weren't trying to. People do have a right to privacy, but unless you wear a burka or never leave your house, what your body looks like clothed simply can't be kept private. I told the other staff about six weeks before surgery--other pastors even sooner, because I did have to schedule two weeks off. Then I shared with oh, ten or twelve church members. I knew that would be plenty to "tell everyone"--word gets around. Plus I posted on Facebook the week before to keep my far away friends up to date. I wanted to be able to brag on my weight loss without trying to hide a "secret'. I truly don't believe that weight struggles or anything we do to overcome them, including WLS are something to be ashamed of. Not talking about it publicly just enforces the myth. There may be some people who don't "approve", but it's not necessary for everyone to agree. I've personally heard nothing but loving comments and supportive inquiries. I had three past WLS folks come forward and share about their journeys, including one with my surgeon! Our choices have consequences, and I read a lot on this site about shared upset with those (like the Dr. on Biggest Loser) who badmouth WLS. I don't think it can be both--a shameful secret and a positive life tool.
  15. ThreeCrows

    Ready to Stop Crushing

    I never crushed either. I take some good-sized capsules every day, and I've been taking them since right after surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
