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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773


    Now that is a wonderful NSV!!!! Pants feeling comphy and $$ to boot!!
  2. shedo82773

    Finally Brave Enough...

    YAY!!! You should be PROUD!!! You look great!!
  3. shedo82773

    Help! Not meeting protein and water intake.

    I was told by my Surgeon that we need Whey Protein. I'm not saying my Dr was right just passing on information. I hope it helps. Take care
  4. First let me say my husband had the Sleeve June 2016 and I had the RNY July 2013. I lost my weight in 6 months and have maintained the loss with a 5# up and down. He has lost 100#'s in almost 2 years. Some of his problem stems from salt and sweets. (I also am a sweet eater) We have found that with the Sleeve it seems to be harder to lose the weight. I had problems with Strictures and feel like that is why I lost so quickly. More of a struggle. Have you buy chance (don't get mad please) let some of your bad habits come back? It seems that he can and does go up and down in his weight with just a small diet change. If you want to try to get back on the loser's train. Maybe go back to your diet guidelines. We all have to fight still to keep our new lifestyle going. I am by no means one to preach at anyone because I have no room to talk. I hope this helps. And remember you know what to do!! You have done this before.
  5. shedo82773

    Blended / Pureed Food Ideas

    Take it slow on advancing to the next stage. Make sure you push the fluids and strive to get your protein in. Cottage Cheese blended with a small amount of sugar free strawberry jelly is good taste like a strawberry cheesecake. Your next step will be better with more choices. This stage is a hard one for sure. Did they tell you that anything that can be blended is ok? My PA told me that and I thought oh I want some watermellon. I didn't puree it I thought I could chew it enough. Yikes Iy gave me the back door trots so bad, and watermellon I guess has a lot of acid. OUCH!!! There are some Protein drinks that are clear. ISOPURE. I commend anyone that can do those. Good Luck and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  6. shedo82773

    1 Year Anniversary

    You are working it girl!! You will be alright, you have the knowledge and the uummp to do it. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!! KEEP your Eyes on the prize and keep on keeping on!!
  7. shedo82773

    Need advice from 1+ year plus

    I had a very bad insulin problem: I went for my walk (as I always did) when i got home I decided that I needed to rake the leaves. I became so dizzy and weak I almost didn't make it in the house. I checked my blood sugar, it was 294. Before this (I was diabetic before I lost my weight) I was confused because my BS had been in the 120's. I drank a protein drink and headed to lie down. When I finally went to see my DR he looked at my ledger and seen what had happened. He told me that I had REACTIVE BLOOD SUGAR. My blood sugar had dropped so low that my Pancreas kicked out lots of insulin, that is why I had the super high BS. Strange but true. I hope you figure it all out. Good Luck
  8. shedo82773

    Not feeling good

    Have you kept track of how much you are taking in: Fluids and protein. It really helps to write everything down, so then you will see where you are at. Sorry this is going on. When I got dizzy and had heart palpataions it was because I was dehydrated. I thought I was ok with it but I found out I wasn't. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  9. shedo82773

    Post op diet

    Hi Ya Cindy, It is great to chat with you. I use to be on Facebook alot!! I mean alot. But...I don't go on as much. It would be great to have you as a pen friend on Facebook. If you would send me a request (I am not great with stuff like that) I will gladly accept you!! There are a few Bariatric support groups that I follow, I will give you my email. scharbroughsherrie@gmail.com. Thank you again
  10. shedo82773

    Help! Not meeting protein and water intake.

    You are pretty new and only 12 days out. I would concentrate on your fluids more than the protein right now. It doesn't take long to become dehydrated. That is the worst feelings for sure. Also, my Surgeon told me that the protein drinks count towards your fluid intake. Be kind to yourself and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  11. shedo82773

    Post op diet

    You have done amazing!! 17 Years and still going STRONG!!! KUDOS. I had my RNY 4 and 1/2 years ago. I'm still amazed and in AWE at how I have kept it off. I'm also 5.4 and I lost down to 117#'s within 6 months. But I was very sick with Strictures. I now weigh between 125-130. I also live in Oregon. Where do you live? I live in Roseburg, Oregon. Its nice to see fellow Oregonian's
  12. shedo82773

    Clothing Sizes

    WOW I can definitely relate. It does depend on who makes them. I wear a size 8-10, but recently I bought a pair of jeans on line. I ordered a size 10, they were just to snug for me, I go for comfort!! So I gave them to my granddaughter, they were a little big but it won't be long until they fit her. I reordered a size 12 then I took my 8's and put them together they were the same size. I hate to buy anything off line. If I know their sizes and how they run it is alright. But it is much better if I go try them on down town. I hate to return things but we are kind of addicted to online shopping!! LOL
  13. BARIATRICPAL sells a non acid coffee. It is really good. But way to much money, I thinl it is $11.99 for 12OZ. It is yummy. I bought it for awhile but I went thru it so fast. LOL
  14. WOW!! Thank you for the ideas. I am going to make me some gummys soon.
  15. shedo82773

    Reversal After Sixteen Years!!!

    WOW!!! This is so sad!! You have worked so hard to get the weight off and now you have all of this coming up. I wish I had so kind info to share but....I really don't. Just realize you are SUCCESSFUL with your WLS. I can offer what worked for me and quitting smoking. I have quit at least 4 times. One time I quit for 20 years and when my daughter moved out at 18. (she did move in with her boyfriend) So I do have lots of experience with smoking and quitting. The last time I quit with CHANTEX (this has been 10years ago) and let me say I have no want to's!! It was amazing. They say you can use it for 3 months, but I didn't take it just for 1 month. I never looked back!! It works!! I don't want to come off as I am preaching to you and with every thing you are going thru you might think that smoking is the lesser evil. Again I am so sorry.
  16. shedo82773

    Surgery in two days

    Hey I am so sorry, I misread your post. ENSURE is totally nasty too. Boost is ok tho. Flavor wise
  17. shedo82773

    Nervous wreck

    Hang in there!! You are going to begin wonderful steps toward your goal weight. Keep your eyes on the prize!! And my favorite one: KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  18. It will defintly get better!! If it becomes to be more than you think you can handle ask your DR. for something for nausea. Hang tight!! You are starting one of the best journies you have ever had!! Mostly concentrate on your fluids at this time. It doesn't take long to get dehydrated, so sip sip and sip some more!!
  19. shedo82773

    Surgery in two days

    I wouldn't think so but BOOST does have more calories i them. Just quit them and do the ones on your list. I'm pretty sure you might be able to take back the ones you didn't use or open. BTW Congratulations on your up coming WLS.
  20. shedo82773

    Tummy tuck quote

    Always remember they are NOT going to post failures. I'm not saying this to be rude but it does happe sometimes
  21. My hubby had his Sleeve done by Dr. Rodriques in Juarez, Mexico. He among 4 or 5 others lined u like cattle. We paid $8000 but he had lots of scar tissue, but a normal Sleeve was $4,000. Plus it wasn't anything like they quoted us. Very poor care. The Dr was at the Hospital until 10pm that day. Doing surgeries. Don't go to Juarez. The price was even higher han BariatricPal Mexico but my hubby thought that you get what you pay for. And they charge more than this site did. This was the one time that it didn't work out for us. Research everything before you make a decsion. Good Luck
  22. shedo82773

    1 month out, feel like I'm starting over

    Hon, you MUST push for yourself!! Get them to do something or like was said go to another Baritric Dr. You are not getting enough protein and fluids to keep you going. Have the check for Strictures. It is kind of like scar tissue and it makes it hard to eat or drink and then to keep it down. Keep eating what you can tolerate and please get more fluids down It only takes a short amount of time to getn dehydrated. It amazes me that your Nutritionist gave you a thumb up. This is NOT OK!!! And of course you are weak and doing horrible. Or bodies are not made to get what it needs to function. n I am really sorry that this has happened to you. Like I said PUSH for your right to get well!! I hope you feel better soon.
  23. shedo82773

    Bariatric Vitamins

    When I had my RNY they started me on the B12 sublingual once a day. My blood-work came back and I was to high on the B12. So they had me go to 1 time a week. I started taking HAIR SKIN AND NAILS every day, again to high. Now I am taking it 2 times a week. Everything came back GREAT!! Now I didn't think men needed the extra iron. I am 61YO and thru the change so because I don't have my monthly any more I don't need the extra iron. Sorry if I offended anyone. Because that is never what I want to do. have a great day
  24. shedo82773

    Constipation advice?

    One thing you can do is, take dried prunes and just cover them with water and then steep them until they are soft. Drink some warm juice then eat a few of the prunes. Be close to the bathroom because it feels like it is just gas but don't trust it. My hubby has had them a couple times. The one was the size of a baseball. OUCH!! They told him if he had surgery it could make his spincter unable to control his bowels. Then my daughter went thru it a couple years ago. Bad News. I'm sorry that you have to go thru this.
  25. shedo82773

    First time getting food stuck

    Oh Yes, I know I have OCD. It started raising its head when I became very ill. But I think it was always with me. I have problems even when I change my furniture around, I hate any kind of change!! I just want to leave everything the same. Don't ask me to do something because my 1st response will be NO!! After I calm down and think about it I can make up my mind. I am very weird. My daughter has it in less of a degree. But my grandson is just like his NANA!! Poor baby!! I am what I am. LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
