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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lily0327

  1. Screwed up my post op diet and went through my stages and found I could eat actual food. Not making unhealthy choices or eating too much. Chewing til mush. But. I should be having purées. Should I go back to them? I am more concerned about my belly than my weight loss in that regard I guess.
  2. Screwed up my post op diet and went through my stages and found I could eat actual food. Not making unhealthy choices or eating too much. Chewing til mush. But. I should be having purées. Should I go back to them? I am more concerned about my belly than my weight loss in that regard I guess.
  3. lily0327

    Hunger pangs!

    How much omeprazole are you all on? I feel like my dose is super high.
  4. When I first read this I was 3 days post op and was like heck noooo! But now I am 10 days post op and have been back to work all week. I'm sure I would be tired, but I could do a Christmas dinner.
  5. lily0327

    8 days post op

    I know everyone is different post op. I am not supposed to have purées until next Wednesday, but I had some today and was stressing it so I'm glad to know that it's more dependent on the surgeon. Will still work on following my dr's orders, but glad I didn't screw anything up.
  6. lily0327

    8 days post op

    I am in the same boat (surgery was 12/2). I was thinking it was because I was home during the day resting, whereas I'm usually so busy. Went back to work yesterday and was more tired last night, but still up Til after midnight lol. (Wish I was productive and cleaning though lol) Are you eating regular foods? Like not liquids? Just small quantities?
  7. lily0327

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    Just read my post from last night and saw it changed u n j u r y to medical quality protein and made it a link. I see that they're the same and have seen lots of people post about it. Is that a sponsor or something for this site?
  8. Hey all... Question for people who are further out on their journey (I was sleeved 12/2 so still in liquid phase obviously). Prior to the surgery I had done a or of research into low carb. And it seems like post op low carb is recommended, though not necessarily called that by my surgeon at least. Do you find that you're eating differently than you did before in terms of choices, not just quantity of food? Are you trying to watch carbs? Calories? Both? Also, what are the foods that sleeved people typically can't tolerate post surgery? I had a lap band in 2008 (was removed in Jan '13 after slipping) and I remember I couldn't tolerate salad, shrimp, and some other things I'm sure. How about with the sleeve?
  9. lily0327

    Post op nutrition

    Awesome! I did exactly that- picked out potatoes and also tomatoes which was easy cause they were in huge chunks. And now I've got 6 meals in the freezer ready to go. Should have done more, but I ran out of little teeny 3oz containers. Love the idea of being prepared with healthy and suitable options though!
  10. lily0327

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    Thanks everyone for those yummy ideas! Can't wait for next week to try some out! Has anyone used unflavored protein powder mixed in with purées? I saw a brand Unjury makes a kind I guess you can add. Any thoughts on that?
  11. lily0327

    Falling back into habits

    I am just starting this journey and the thought of sliding back scares me to death. Because I did it once. I had the lap band in 2008 and I worked hard to lose and maintain a loss of 150lbs for 1-2 years. But my band slipped while I was pregnant. Ended up weighing like 115lbs!!! (Try to maintain 150 so that was toooo skinny). Ended up in the hospital and almost died. (I didn't fully realize how bad the slip was, just thought it was also pregnancy sickness). Anyway I had emergency surgery to remove the band. The nurses were so interested in my story and I remember them asking if I would have it replaced later on. I confidently answered no! I left the hospital at like 145 (all the iv fluid). I was exhausted and I allowed myself to slip back. Started with ordering out to celebrate being home and finally being able to eat. Spiraled into a food addiction that is unbelievable even to me. I ended up back at 270lbs before my surgery on 12/2. I had stopped weighing myself. Had every excuse in the book. So I'm scared about failing this time too. Ok... Point of sharing all of that is that no, please do not beat yourself up over 4lbs, but YES- recognize it and do something different. Don't allow yourself to make any excuses or to relax about it because man that weight creeps on darn fast! You can do this (saying this both to you and to me lol). It is going to be hard, there will be ups and downs, but it is so worth it.
  12. lily0327

    December Sleevers?

    Hey y'all! I would love it if us December sleevers could support each other. I had surgery on 12/2. Was so so much harder than I thought, but after the first few days I was fine. I also had a very large hiatel hernia repaired so I'm thinking that had to do with the pain and nausea. Also, I chuckled to myself reading this post as I guess I'm not the only one hiding the sleeve part from my family! The only one who knows I had the sleeve is my boyfriend. Everyone else just thinks it was the hernia. Easier this way I think. How's everyone doing in their pre op/ post op stages?
  13. Ugh I stayed 3 nights. Surgery was 9:30am on a Tuesday and I went home at noon on Friday. But I also had a hiatel hernia repair that was huge and also removal of my lap band port (wasn't removed when the actual band was removed as that was an emergency situation and I was not stable). I was in a lot of pain and was so so nauseous after the sleeve, but was absolutely fine when they released me.
  14. I'm still home in recovery stage and am just using a cup, but I plan on using a nalgene type container when I go back (reusable, no straw). I've heard some people say the straw hasn't bothered them, but I don't want to risk it at this point. I know my team said the straws were bad also because they cause pressure in the belly while sucking, but maybe that's just during the healing phase. And I'm glad you posted about the toddler items! It's funny, but I sort of unintentionally began choosing to use my daughter's tiny spoons for my broth. Seemed easier to manage tiny sips that way haha! Not sure I always will do that, but I will say I'm getting a new set of dishes as ours are massive and not conducive to good portion control (something I probably liked about them pre-surgery).
  15. lily0327

    Post op nutrition

    That is awesome! I know things will be different for awhile, but I'm glad to know there are so many options later on! And sorry, but one more question popped into my head! What do you all do about puréed food? Do you eat foods that are naturally that consistency or do you purée things? Example... A coworker knew I had hernia surgery, but not the sleeve. She is so sweet and dropped off homemade vegetable beef Soup. Good lean beef and veggies. Can I purée this to freeze for when I'm in that stage or is that not an acceptable purée?
  16. lily0327

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    What are some other puréed foods that people have? High nutrition, but goes down easily?
  17. Hey there! I'm pretty new too. Surgery was 12/2... Go back for my post op on 12/17 so I'm excited for that day to come as well! This is a great site for info and support!
  18. lily0327

    Post op nutrition

    I think when I had the lap band before and was so successful I would do a protein shake in the morning and then for lunch something high protein or at least with added unflavored protein supplement in it and that took care of the majority of the protein needs. I was also able to eat things like beef jerky (ok not so good in the sodium area, but worked for me) but I'm guessing I won't tolerate that now. Anyone do things like broccoli florets? Cauliflower? Spaghetti squash? I'm so excited to use this tool (the sleeve... Well and this forum too!) to really set myself up for long term success.
  19. lily0327


    I just recently came across a low carb popcorn substitute... Unsweetened coconut slivers. Google coconut popcorn and you should find a recipe. I've never actually tried it and have to admit I'm not sure how close it can really be, but there were a lot of rave reviews about it
  20. lily0327


    It always helps to at least go through the motions of showering and taking care of yourself, but if you're noticing it's more of an occasional "lazy day" kinda thing, then you should consider talking to someone. It can help.
  21. lily0327

    Post op nutrition

    Thanks! I'm figuring things will balance out as long as I stick to my fluids and then eating protein first and what not. Just trying to get myself prepared for what "meals" are going to look like later on. I want to be ok and make good choices. Because I'm sure I could eat a cheesecake over the course of a day if I really wanted. Need to make smart and healthy choices.
  22. lily0327


    The first part of your post hit me hard... I was so sad at the thought of having to give up binge eating. I could easily have eaten a large pizza before. And probably more. And that type of eating became so regular to me I was scared i wouldn't be able to break it even with surgery, but I was shocked at feeling a sense of grief and loss at not being able to consume 4 meals at one time. I know now that this sense of loss is exactly why I needed this surgery. I need to live. Not just breathe and feel my heart beat, but truly be ALIVE. I have a long way to go, but I'm at peace with where I'm starting.
  23. lily0327

    3 days per op

    I had surgery on 12/2 and the first three days were terrible for me. I even wished I'd never gone through with it. Now I still have some soreness in my abdomen, but most of the other stuff has gotten better. I had been on 3 nausea meds and now don't have to take any, so it really does get better. Although I too can't sleep much at night... Though after surgery I slept for like 48 hours, only waking for meds,vitals, and walks lol.
  24. lily0327


    Thank you everyone! Today is the first day I'm allowed protein shakes so I'm hoping that will help. I know for a fact part of it is in my head cause my family was eating normal foods last night for dinner (grilled chicken, rice, and corn) and I was just craving it! But today I do feel my stomach grumbling so I decided to work on my fluids and focus on that. My food addiction is just so much worse now than it was in 2008 when I had the lap band so I think I'm just scared that this is not going to work. Deep breaths lol.
  25. Grr. I had my surgery on 12/2. I'm not new to bariatric surgery... Had the lap band done in '08 at 311lbs and maintained around 160 for awhile. But the band slipped. And I got pregnant. And very sick. Ended up having emergency surgery to remove the band after I'd dropped to 116lbs. But I took advantage of pregnancy and ended up going up to 210... And then 270, after giving birth!!! So, I had the sleeve. I was not prepared for the pain and nausea I experienced, but I also had a very large hernia repair and the removal of my lap band port at the same time. Anyway, I'm now like 5 days post op and I'm finding one more thing I wasn't prepared for- hunger! At first I was fine, but right now I seriously want to eat! Not going to, obviously, but it seems like most people have no hunger at all for awhile. Am I alone in this?

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