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LAP-BAND Patients
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    lulalove reacted to Rogofulm in Discouraged and regreting   
    About the stall...
    Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the weight will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again!
    (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  2. Like
    lulalove got a reaction from JoJoNYC in Successfully banded 12/3/14   
    Surgery couldn't be better! I feel good, positive and determined. Lots of tightness specially laying down or sitting but I try to move around ad much as possible. Still feel a bit oozy from meds. Not much pain only at the site of port upon getting up (back to pregnancy days and rolling off to a side to get up:) My biggest challenge will be away from my almost 23 months old son. My awesome mom is taking care of him for the next 3 weeks until I heal (cannot lift anything heavy). My sister is my biggest inspiration, she was lap banded in 2012 lost all the excess weight and keeping it off. Her only major complication was lifting her son (then 2.5 yr) and having port twist and stitches open slightly, she was only 3 weeks post op. So yes, I will learn from that mistake!
    Otherwise I make sure I drink plenty of Water, broth, kefir, fresh squeezed juices and Protein Shakes. So far so good, learning to swallow nice and slow. Biggest challenge was to go #2 , but milk of magnesia did the trick . Still a bit bloated but feeling much better.
    Hope to hear some great stories of encouragement.
  3. Like
    lulalove reacted to gowalking in Today is my Bandiversary!   
    On the day of my surgery, January 14th, 2013, I was morbidly obese with a BMI over 50. I was suffering from horrific knee pain and was seriously looking at spending my life in a wheelchair. I couldn’t walk more than a block without having to sit and rest. I couldn’t do the simplest of things like put on socks, or pick up my legs to shave them in the shower. I knew I was probably done traveling. I had just been on a cruise where I couldn’t get off the ship because of the pain I was in. I was wearing 4X tops and 26/28 slacks. I knew I was going to have to buy clothes online soon because I was growing out of these sizes and even places like Avenue didn’t carry sizes much bigger. The larger I got, the more invisible I felt. I worried about being able to move in spaces that were no longer big enough for me. I made sure to get to the conference room at work before anyone else so I didn’t have to bring unwarranted attention to myself by forcing my colleagues to squeeze in just so I could pass them if I couldn’t get a seat near the door. I worried about restaurants with tight seating…airplanes with narrow seats and the looks from whoever was stuck sitting next to me. Oh God…just thinking about this even now makes me so very sad and hurt because the list of painful and embarrasing situations is a long one.

    That, however, was before my surgery. Today is my two year bandiversary and during those two years, I have lost around 150 lbs. That’s an amazing amount of excess weight to carry around on a very small frame. No wonder I was so uncomfortable. Today, I feel light as a feather. I can move normally again. As many of you know, I needed my hips replaced even before dealing with my knees. Turns out that my knees are fairly stable now as there is no excess weight to put unnecessary pressure on the joints. I can do all those things healthy people take for granted. I can walk anywhere and everywhere, I can cross my legs like a woman should be able to do, I can go up and down stairs…..hell, I can open my legs again and feel that marvelous weight of a man on top of me (sorry if that’s TMI but we're all adults here and sex is an important part of life that I thought was also in my past) Most of all…I fit in the world again and because I fit, the world has opened back up to me.

    After 20+ years, I'm wearing petites again. I'm in small sized tops and size 6 slacks. My legs aren't tree trunks anymore and I'm wearing dresses. And just an FYI for you ladies…If you want to attract a man, wear a dress. Works like a charm.. I love to clothes shop again. In these small sizes, the clothes are cute and pretty and I don't buy anything anymore just because it fits.

    I wear makeup again. My hair is styled attractively. I match the jewelry/bag/shoes to the outfits. Like I said above, I am very much aware now that people notice me. What an amazing transformation that is. To know that people see you again is such a powerful feeling….especially when you've felt invisible for so long.

    I’m traveling again. In fact, I’m planning a trip to China or now possibly a Nordic cruise to Finland and Norway sometime later this year. I hope to go on one big trip every year. There are so many places I didn't think I'd ever get to and now I need to make up for lost time and go wherever my heart desires.

    My grandson is due in April. I’ll be able to play with this one. My granddaughter missed out on a lot because I couldn’t keep up with her. She and I did a lot of arts and crafts, and reading books together or watching TV. I’m sure she didn’t feel like she missed anything but I know she did and this time around, Grandma is planning on climbing the monkey bars with this little guy when he gets old enough.

    One last thing I wanted to put out there. I must thank Alex for creating this site. It has been my salvation. The people here were and are, instrumental in my success. I have said things in my posts that no one outside of this place can truly understand and for that I am so very grateful. I am also blessed to call many of the folks on this site good friends of mine and I can’t wait to meet some of you face to face so I can give you a big hug.

    Here’s how I feel today..and most days in fact….I’m a person with two birthdays now. One in August of 1958 when I was born, and one in January of 2013 when I was re-born.

    For anyone reading this post, congrats if you have also found success in your weight loss journey and to those struggling, or who are pre-op and full of doubts and worries, know that a new life is possible for each and every one of you. I'm not special so if I could do this, so can you...no matter what your co-morbidities, starting BMI, or any other challenges you are facing.

    Here's a couple of before/after pics so you can see what 150 lbs. gone looks like. The ticker is just data but a picture is worth a thousand words as they say.

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    lulalove reacted to samcat681 in Now on the other side!   
    So here I am finally on the other side. I am 3 days out from surgery and feeling good. A little sore but he'll I did just have surgery. The worst part has been the gas pain which I was warned about. I don't get it, why does the gas pain sit in your left shoulder? It is so bizarre. liquids are going down well and I have no nausea at all. This still feels so surreal and I can't believe I have been given this opportunity to change my life. I am already down 20lb and it's amazing how much lighter I feel. I can even fit in the jeans that made me hit my breaking point because I was busting out of them. Good luck to everyone who is starting their journey and thank you to the ones who have shared their success. It is such a motivator in my life:)
  5. Like
    lulalove reacted to s_suther in Accountability Group   
    Okay, guys, this it is!

    No excuses, no whining, let's just make it happen!

    We know how to make this band work for us and 2015 will be our year!

  6. Like
    lulalove reacted to Carissa.Logaras in 17 weeks post op   
    Thank you everyone for the support!!! You guys are awesome!!!
  7. Like
    lulalove reacted to JoJoNYC in Before and After   
    Incredible Job, all the best in the new year
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    lulalove reacted to B-52 in Need serious help!   
    I had my first fill 4 weeks after surgery...4cc's
    was told to come back in another 4 weeks, and that I would be coming in every 4 weeks for at least 6 months.
    Anyway, after my first fill, I started to GAIN WEIGHT!!! I too was a little hesitant about going in for my second post op visit...
    My Dr. laughed at me....said all new patients are the same, we just don't "get It"
    He explained everything the best he could to me, how the band worked, it is adjustable and can take time, explained why I had to come in every 4 weeks, explained the "Yellow-Green-Red" zone poster he had hanging on the wall.....
    So he gave me my second fill, 2cc's for a total of 6, which was 8 weeks after surgery. After my second fill I stopped gaining weight....really did not loose either, just held steady until I came in for my 3rd fill....now 12 weeks after surgery...he gave me only 1cc, which now came to 7cc's total.....
    That last fill, of 1cc, put me over the top fir sure....like many people here reported, I could not keep anything down, even trouble with liquids...this went on for weeks. called him to get that last 1cc taken out, but he talked me into waiting it out a little longer....I'm glad he did. It was not the band that was the problem, it was me...I had to to change to meet the expectations of the band....but that's another story.
    I read posts her everyday from people, many who have just has surgery withing the last 90 days, sometimes as little as a week or two, complaining or rejoicing about the weight they either loosing or not loosing....
    IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!!! We're talking about something that will change you for the rest of your life (if you let it)...it takes time to get it all balanced out...took me 4-6 months before the band really kicked in and I started to loose consistently....took around a year before I started to feel comfortable and normal living well within the Green Zone...been there ever since, longer I'm there the EASIER it gets!
    EASIEST THING I COULD HAVE EVER DONE!!!! But getting there was the hard part!
    It's now 4 years and I don't think about it all that much...what and how to eat is now second nature, normal.
    So to all those just starting out, stop and think about it.....give it a chance...give it time....and start now to learn the lessons that you will need to survive later down the road as the band starts to do it's thing. Lessons like a new way of eating. Which foods to give up. What kind of foods to concentrate on...and most importantly IMO, is how to "LISTEN" to your band, learn how it will speak to you and what it is trying to say....if you get stuck, etc, it's saying something!!!
    And remember, in spite of the negative posts, this thing DOES WORK!
    I have no fear of the Holidays, no needed strategies or challenges (other than enjoy myself) because I have learned to live with the band and let it dictate everything. Not me.
  9. Like
    lulalove reacted to TheProfessor in Had surgery yesterday   
    ReDianne - Me too, me too! Well... I had mine on December 18th. Yours was the 19th? We can hold hands and dive into this adventure together!
    How is the gas? Mine is just now dissipating. Yowch. Lots of Water. Resisting the urge to just stay lying down.
    Yaay, us!
    Keep us all posted on your progress. You will find loads of support and caring people on this forum!
  10. Like
    lulalove reacted to ReDianne in Had surgery yesterday   
    Well I had my surgery yesterday. Everything went great and I am feel very good. Not much pain only a little tenderness around the incision areas. Have some discomfort in my should but they warned me of that. Anyway I am excited that I am now on the other side of surgery and feeling good.
  11. Like
    lulalove reacted to Joel in What the band did for me   
    Hi all!
    I havent been on here in a while. I was banded almost 2 years ago. I was on here every day in the months before my surgery, and the months following.
    Just a quick re cap for all that dont feel like searching my old posts, My story began at the age of 29. I was right at 360 ish pounds give or a take a cheeseburger or two;) and going up. Miserable, High blood pressure. It was taking a toll on my marriage, However my wife was always supportive and loving. I can see now how much it affected our marriage though in the size 32 pants I wear today. It was also effecting the life I wanted to live with my two little girls. I could not be the daddy I needed to be for them. So with that being said, I took the leap, lost the 30 pounds needed for my surgery and went for it.
    I made a solid, silent commitment to myself before my surgery. I took what my doctors had said to heart. This was not a fix all cure all. I would need to change my thinking process. The band was there to help and that is it. So Oct 25th 2011 I had my surgery.
    The next week was hell as all you bandsters know. All kinds of crazy pains to get through. Then came all the steps up to moving back into regular foods, and very small amounts as you all know. As soon as I could I was back i the gym 6 days a week. I walked 2 miles a day, until i was fit enough to run. Weightlifting 2 hours a day. In the month of december following my surgery I dropped 33 pounds alone. I have never been so focused toward a goal in my life. My doctors were and still are today at what I did in the amount of time I did it.
    By June 7th 2011 I had hit my goal mark of weighing 180 pounds.And I did it in less than 9 months. The band is the real deal, IF YOU make up your mind to use it properly.
    Today I stand at a healthy 200-205 pounds pending a piece of chicken Breast:) I have been able to maintain my current weight for a good year without any issues whatsoever. The single best attribute of the band is not the fact that it creates a little pouch so you get full faster, but it TRAINS you on how to eat properly which is the best gift of all. My high blood pressure is gone, I can run with my daughters at the park, I am still in the gym 5 days a week and I absolutely love being healthy and fit. I am so addicted to fitness and weight training, my wife has threatened to commit me to an asylum.
    180 pounds lost. Exactly 1/2 of me in under 9 months
    To all the nay sayers that come on here and bash the band, and I have seen plenty of them. It is what YOU and a band make of it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
    For all the people on here that are struggling with staying with it and miss the food. Press on;) The gift of health, the gift of wearing normal clothes, the gift of a longer life. Is is far more valuable than that value meal:)
    And to all the doctors out there that are slowly moving away from the band, saying "you can only lose 40% or so of the excess weight" Ha!!. Dont let that move you from your choice of the band. Because again. Its you, Not the band.
    I am here for any and all guidance, questions and or concerns any time. I have a few pictures before and afters as well on my gallery for you guys to see.
    God bless
  12. Like
    lulalove reacted to zinhaa in The Eight Golden Rules - Lap Band Videos by Dr. Paul O'Brien   
    Thanks Alex every newbie should see these. I watch them from time to time when i need a good reminder.
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    lulalove reacted to Alex Brecher in The Eight Golden Rules - Lap Band Videos by Dr. Paul O'Brien   
    One of our members posted one of these vids recently. I'm going to post the entire series here. I feel they're a must watch for anyone considering or living with the Lap-Band!
    "Dr. Paul O'Brien of the Centre for Bariatric Surgery in Melbourne gives a presentation on obesity, weight loss, and gastric banding. The Eight Golden Rules are meant to guide you to your weight loss goals in partnership with your surgeon."


  14. Like
    lulalove reacted to MarieMarie in Successfully banded 12/3/14   
    I had other surgeries when my kids were small. They want mom. I sat with them. Lay in bed beside to read stories. I just didn't pick them up
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    lulalove reacted to PuraVida37 in Surprise BFP   
    My somewhat normalized period (only in the last 6 months) was a little late, so I took a HPT, and holy crap, it was blaringly positive!!!!!!!!!! I've suffered from secondary infertility (13 medically assisted procedures-IUI and IVF, none successful) for the last 8 years and so I never thought this would happen. I've got a lot against me: I'm 40 and I've had six previous losses, so I'm keeping my head on straight and my heart guarded. I am not certain about how far along we are, maybe 6+ weeks? Went to the RE and they did a scan. Shows a baby and a yolk sac. Next week I go back to look for heartbeat and dating.
    Wish us luck. I'm terrified. I'm not going to change anything in my diet except adding one more Protein Shake a day until I see my lap band doc in late December, provided the baby is still viable at that time.
    Who else is PG with a band right now?
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    lulalove reacted to KarenWB in Surgery 2 yrs ago   
    Tell your doctor and ask for a fluroscopy... or barium swallow to see what might be wrong in there. They did one on me. All was fine but it is good to know that nothing is wrong!
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    lulalove reacted to MarieMarie in Successfully banded 12/3/14   
    Hope you feel great soon. I am down 40 pounds. Banded Aug 13. This includes pre op. I feel great.
    I want to encourage the walking. You need the core body strength and it helps with the gas. Remember it is a tool and we need to do a lot of work also. Good luck
  18. Like
    lulalove got a reaction from JoJoNYC in Successfully banded 12/3/14   
    Surgery couldn't be better! I feel good, positive and determined. Lots of tightness specially laying down or sitting but I try to move around ad much as possible. Still feel a bit oozy from meds. Not much pain only at the site of port upon getting up (back to pregnancy days and rolling off to a side to get up:) My biggest challenge will be away from my almost 23 months old son. My awesome mom is taking care of him for the next 3 weeks until I heal (cannot lift anything heavy). My sister is my biggest inspiration, she was lap banded in 2012 lost all the excess weight and keeping it off. Her only major complication was lifting her son (then 2.5 yr) and having port twist and stitches open slightly, she was only 3 weeks post op. So yes, I will learn from that mistake!
    Otherwise I make sure I drink plenty of Water, broth, kefir, fresh squeezed juices and Protein Shakes. So far so good, learning to swallow nice and slow. Biggest challenge was to go #2 , but milk of magnesia did the trick . Still a bit bloated but feeling much better.
    Hope to hear some great stories of encouragement.
  19. Like
    lulalove reacted to Jessiegirl30 in Gum!   
    That's not really a lot of calories in the scheme of a day is it :-) also think , it's better than chips or Cookies :-D
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    lulalove reacted to Elode in I wish I had known   
    How great it would be to finally not feel hungry and to not have a life completely consumed with food!
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    lulalove reacted to gruiz27 in 10 months out :) before and current pics   
    Age 21
    26 more pounds to goal.

  22. Like
    lulalove reacted to bee71 in Who Are You?   
    I am exactly 2 months post op. Sleeve. I am 42 pounds down and it has been a bumpy road with learning how to eat. Maintain Fluid intake and get my Protein in. But..... I have no regrets, it has made it possible for me to gain control of my eating. I was never a big eater, just poor choices. food is no longer fun so I am learning what works and it's a simple decision. I would rather have a boiled egg white than a piece of pizza! Yay me
  23. Like
    lulalove got a reaction from JoJoNYC in Successfully banded 12/3/14   
    Surgery couldn't be better! I feel good, positive and determined. Lots of tightness specially laying down or sitting but I try to move around ad much as possible. Still feel a bit oozy from meds. Not much pain only at the site of port upon getting up (back to pregnancy days and rolling off to a side to get up:) My biggest challenge will be away from my almost 23 months old son. My awesome mom is taking care of him for the next 3 weeks until I heal (cannot lift anything heavy). My sister is my biggest inspiration, she was lap banded in 2012 lost all the excess weight and keeping it off. Her only major complication was lifting her son (then 2.5 yr) and having port twist and stitches open slightly, she was only 3 weeks post op. So yes, I will learn from that mistake!
    Otherwise I make sure I drink plenty of Water, broth, kefir, fresh squeezed juices and Protein Shakes. So far so good, learning to swallow nice and slow. Biggest challenge was to go #2 , but milk of magnesia did the trick . Still a bit bloated but feeling much better.
    Hope to hear some great stories of encouragement.
  24. Like
    lulalove got a reaction from NewLife'sGr8 in Day 3 Pre-Op Fluids UPDATE!   
    Awesome and keep going! I hosted a Thanksgiving party being on 800 cal diet. It was tough! I might have had too much protein/turkey :/
    To get rid of food smell, try eucalyptus oil, it really overpowers all other smells and is calming. And every time I thought of food I always had a bottle or glass of Water and kept sipping on it. For headache try just tiny piece of darkest chocolate to open up your veins.
    Good luck!
  25. Like
    lulalove reacted to JustWatchMe in NOVEMBER CHALLENGE!   
    Name (real or screen)- JustWatchMe
    Age- 53
    Location- Chicagoland
    Date of surgery- 03/13/2014
    Current weight- 201.0
    Weight lost since surgery- 101 lbs
    Goal for November- Walk more
    Favorite thing about Thanksgiving- cooking
    Weight loss goal for November- 195

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