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Posts posted by 619Raf

  1. I got "the phone call" today I am approved!! Next week they will call me to schedule my surgery date. I am so happy for this forum because I can express what I am feeling and people understand. I only have my husband and my daughter's supporting and they mean everything to me. I told one friend and she said I was taking the easy way out. So now I don't tell anybody I don't want to hear anything negative, I want to keep positive.

  2. I do not have a surgery date yet but hoping for January. Tomorrow I have my last appointment for my 3 month plan I had to follow for my insurance and my information will be submitted to my insurance. I really hope I get approved with no problems and quick I am very ready for a change. I have also been trying the Protein Shakes for Breakfast only (baby steps), I gave up my Dr . pepper cold turkey and that was very hard 2 months without out. I have my kids and husband as my support system, and as much as I love them and am thankful I feel like sometimes they just don't get it, they have no weight issues, I am very happy that I have found this group. ????

  3. Going into premature labor last year and having a 1lb 11oz baby girl. She is my miracle baby she is doing wonderful now and healthy. I carry a lot of guilt because I feel like if I would of been healthy and didn't weigh so much I wouldn't of put her through what I did. I have 2 appointments left this coming week and then my stuff will be sent to my insurance for approval. Praying everything goes good because I am very ready for a change ????

  4. Welcome aboard ! I'm sorry that you have had a negative Nancy cross your path. I can understand. I have not hidden the fact I was having the surgery. In fact I have been very open and willing to talk to anyone with pure excitement. This my dear is you. Making a choice to do something for yourself. For your own health. Those who say "easy" way out simply have no idea what the journey contains! Walk a mile in my shoes before passing judgement. I don't know you however I would stand behind you and support your choice. Because at the end of the day it really is your choice and your health. I just had my surgery 11-4. And the week prior to surgery I had a coworker (who is herself morbidly obese) ask me Why I was having the surgery. This is someone that I listen complain daily about the amount of walking that is required. Who refuses to come to the back breakroom because she doesn't want to walk back to the time clock to clock back in after break... My reply was blunt direct and honest. I said...well it's like this ..I am doing this for me. I physically have no health issues outside of the fact I am fat. I have high blood pressure because of my weight. My knees hurt because of my weight and that goes the same for the feet. I want to live until I'm old and don't want all the body aches an pains that this weight will cause. So I am doing this for me. So that I can say I did this. I took drastic measures to solve a problem I had in my life. The results although new already shine through... Even though I have had some serious nausea and been sick very often over the past few weeks. I am happy with my choice. Nothing is ever easy in life. Just making the choice was a hard decision... That's the first step of many you will be taking....shame shame on your friend who doesn't simply say . "You are my friend and I support you in whatever you do as long as it is what YOU want to do and it makes you happy"... Sorry for the ramble :)

    ???? My friend is also overweight but does not have all the health issues I have we have been on diets together. In the past 3 years I have spent so much time in the hospital, and that is something I no longer want to do. I want to live for me and my girls. I have pain everyday, I know if I don't do something about it I will not be with my kids for a long time. I have the support of my family especially my oldest daughter, she was not to sure if it was a good idea. So I took her to the seminar and she saw all the benefits I can have she said mom I am her to support you in your journey. She was really worried about death, complications and recovery but after the seminar she was ok with the surgery. I also feel like I shouldn't have to hide that I will be having the surgery, but I don't want to hear from more negative Nancy's. I will tell everybody after I have it. ????

  5. Don't let negative comments deter you from what you know is something you need to do for you! I got the same "easy way out" mess thrown at me from my best friend who has never been morbidly obese or even overweight and I told him that he can't relate even a little to what I feel and why I need this. Told him to research the process and he did. He's very supportive now.

    Your health comes first then your family. With out your health in tact you can't take proper care of your family.

    God bless you on your journey!!

    Thank you and you are so right if I am not healthy I can not take care of my family.

  6. Hello, I am new to this, but I am glad I found this group. A little about myself, I have been struggling with my weight since high school. I am 36 years old I have 3 beautiful girls, ages 19,12 and 20 months old. My breaking point happened when I became pregnant (birth control failed) I was already unhealthy and having several issues. My worse nightmare came true, my health issues made me go into early labor, my daughter was born at six months weighing 1lb 11oz. She is my miracle baby and is doing wonderful I have truly been blessed????. After seeing my baby fight for her life in the NICU the guilt kicked in and has not left me I blame myself for putting her through so much.

    Since then I have gained more weight and been on so many diets, I recently found out my insurance will cover weight loss surgery, but I needed to complete 3 months of different appointments. Well next week I have 2 appointments left and then they can send everything to my insurance. I really hope I get approved, I want to live and see my gets grow.

    I really haven't told anybody but my close family because the one so call friend of mine thinks that I am taking the easy way out. I have done my research and know that this is nothing easy. With that being said I have kept to myself a lot lately. I do not talk to anybody but my family.

    I am nervous but I know I need this. I need a change in my life. I am so ready wish I could have the surgery tomorrow lol.

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