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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by brightlife0305

  1. I'm 51 and had my RNY in Dec 2014. Wow, I'm glad I did the bypass right off the bat after hearing of all the revisions. I just hope down the road I still feel it was the right decision for me. I reached my goal in an amazing 9 months. It hasn't been an easy 9 months but so worth it. My issues have been and still are nausea and Constipation. It's getting better slowly with time. But other than that, getting down to a size smaller than when I was in high school goes beyond my wildest dreams. I'm so happy and wish I'd done this many years ago. Best of luck to all of you!

  2. @@AussieSam

    I consider that hard boiled egg your 'snack bag'. Just cuz it fits in a snack bag doesn't mean your snacking all the time. I use and prepare in advance small amounts of food in a snack bag as well. Often what is in that snack bag is my meal. I favor mixed nuts, different varieties, or crumbled cheese. I plan on roasting some chick peas this weekend - 8 grams Protein per 1/4 c. which is more than almonds. I travel around to different locations for my work and keep a cooler full of Water bottles, diet lipton green tea, a prepared bottle of Premier Protein and small (measured) mounts of food. Greek yogurt, also with either almonds or high Protein mixed granola in a snack bag to mix in.

  3. Mine has been so insecure and jealous, he's accused me of having sex with girlfriends (I'm female & strictly heterosexual) and even my dogs. And this was before I even had surgery. He's got a sick mind. This relationship has had big problems forever but financial hardships have not allowed me to move out. Now that I got through this surgery, it is my goal to become financially secure enough to get out and on with my life.

  4. I had pain for 4 weeks, left side. I used pain meds as long as I needed to. Nausea has gone on much longer but it's finally almost completely gone. I take meds for that sometimes still as well. For me, it's a matter of learning what foods I can and cannot tolerate cuz some will make me feel bad. Good luck and hang in there. Itmmight be a slow recovery but it does get better and is definitely worth it! I hit 100 lbs lost today from a year ago --woot, woot!

  5. I personally would be concerned about having it done where they have only done it twice before. I asked my surgeon how many sleeves and rny's he'd done cuz I wanted someone with lots of experience and history. I also asked if any patients had died and how. He'd done a couple thousand rny's and not quite as many sleeves and had 2 deaths due to pulmonary embolisms that happened well after the surgery. I had my choice of sleeve or rny and I have no history of reflux. After 6 months of trying to decide, I choose rny for the same reasons listed by others (gold standard and long history of success) and I also wanted the stricter diet requirements (or risk dumping and/or nausea, vomiting, etc) to keep me in check as I know my past of giving into tempting, fattening foods.

  6. Just keep trying your best to do what your doctor tells you. Most important right now is that Fluid intake. I couldn't reach my Dr order of 60 oz daily for a while either. 50 oz isn't too bad. If you're managing that, you should be okay, at least keep you from having to check back in the hospital to be hooked up to an IV again. It is a slow process to get back to feeling normal and accustomed to the new way of doing things. Hang in there, it does get better!

  7. I went through this also. But in my heart I knew that, for me, the importance of losing weight and getting healthier far outweighed the importance of being able to eat the way I used to. Once you get past the pain of the surgery, are eating regular foods, and have lost some significant weight, I think you'll feel different. I still have some not so good days, learning what foods I can and cannot tolerate (at only 3.5 months post-op), but I know that in time it will get better. And I am almost 100 lbs. lighter than I was a year ago (lost 30 lbs during 6 mo of dietician visits), and that feels like a miracle and a dream come true! Hang in there, follow your doctor's instructions, and you, too, will get there.

  8. You're still very early in the recovery process. My worse pain was the left side as well. And, like the others, I found holding my stomach where the painful incisions were, when getting up, sitting down, esp. when bending over, helped. My doctor's office gave me a binder but I didn't find it to be very helpful. I continued to have incision pain for 4 weeks before it finally went away.

  9. I also have this issue but I had to do this for myself, regardless of what others say or do. My husband is not supportive either. I would bash him but I am just another human with feelings and struggles like him and everyone else so who am I to judge and bash? I refuse to buy the 'junk food' when I grocery shop because I care too much about my success. I don't want the temptations around my house. This is such a huge and difficult step to take, I think my final chance at getting thinner and, ultimately, happy with myself. I am determined to succeed despite the negative comments from him and others. He will then go shopping and bring the unhealthy food home. I don't say anything when he does this but I know my surgery, and its outcomes, is the final straw in breaking us apart. But we were already on that road before all of this came about. I think he thinks that I think I am better than he is in some way but that is far from the truth. I think he is probably feeling insecure about the positive changes I am making for myself. My psychologist told me, and yours probably will also, that relationships often change after WLS, and sometimes not for the better. I'm not suggesting your marriage will not withstand this but it does happen. I'm sure your psychiatrist will be able to help you through this. But I do know not having support at home does not make what you're going through any easier. Your husband came with you to your first appt - mine didn't and never would even do that so our situations are different. I just wanted to share my own experience with you. This is one of the wisest decisions I have ever made (at least so far) and I wish I'd done it many years ago. Keep in touch with this site. It is so helpful, especially for those of us not finding support at home.. Good luck on your journey!!

  10. I think I would've been okay by myself after leaving the hospital as long as I had everything I needed (i.e. medications, food, Water, vitamins). I had my plenty of pain and kept taking pain meds but was able to get up, move around the house, go up and down stairs, prepare my meals, and do what I needed to do in between resting. I couldn't return to work for four weeks due to lifting restrictions. If you have a sedentary job (desk), you can probably return sooner but my job is physical.

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