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Lindsey Skinner Abbott

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Posts posted by Lindsey Skinner Abbott

  1. No, I think there were some underlying issues with a surgery I had last year. Ever since that surgery I had problems with my veins in my arm. I also have family history of blood clots. I am seeing a hemotologist to find out more. Blood clots after this type of surgery are very rare...you have a higher risk of getting a leak then getting a blood clot.

  2. Sorry you are still feeling so bad. I had a follow up Thursday with my surgeon and he cleared me for all exercise. I have also been cleared for exercise from my other doctor for my blood clots. I still need to see the hemotologist for my apt but i did actually see him at work this week and we talked a bit about my situation. I had to reschedule with him because work has been crazy. I have been able to eat anything I want. I ate some pork tenderloin tonight. I went to costco today and had a few samples and I was so full! They had really good chicken meatballs! I try to cook at home but yesterday we when out to Red Robin. I ordered a chicken salad. I hate ordering a full meal because I can't eat much. I have lost 27lbs. Next week I will start full exercise at the Y.

  3. Well, I had the embolism...since that is what it is considered if it is on your lung. Your right there wasn't pain but there were other symptoms that I had...not being able to breath. Maybe some don't get pain with the portal vain bit o sure did. Cutting off blood flow to your liver can cause sever pain.

  4. I walked a ton after surgery...a couple days even 10,000 steps. I never had anything in my legs so I had no sign of clots there. You could always call the surgeons office and check with them. I am sure there is someone on call. Since I had clots in my lungs they had already moved from the spot they started in. They told me we may never know where they actually came from. Clots are funny because they didn't give me a fever. Although looking back on things I had pain in my right chest and thought it was weird but blew it off. The day before I went into the ER just walking up the stairs at my house made me break out in a sweat. I thought I was just weak...it was actually the lung clots. I also had major pain under my sternum...that was the clot in my portal vain keeping blood from going to my liver. So, I would think you would have pain somewhere...but maybe my clots were unusual?

  5. I have had the Mirena for 2 years now. I don't have periods. The only time I did was right after going on the blood thinners. It lasted a week. Still not a heavy period but enough for a light pad. Now I am back to no period!

    I am down 25lbs since surgery! I also just ordered the Vitamin patch. I am going to give it a try since I hate chewing 4 Vitamins a day. Just the thought of it makes me want to throw up! I have a six week follow up next week where I hope to be cleared for all exercise. I have been cleared for exercise for the blood clots. So ready to start back at the Y doing classes!

  6. Wow! They didn't call the surgeon while you were in the EE? I know they called mine while I was there. He was the one that ordered the ultra sound and test to see if I had a leak. Once I had the ultra sound and they saw the blood clot in my liver they did a CT scan instead of the leak test because they would be able to see if there was any Fluid outside my stomach. Luckily there wasn't a leak but I did have blood clots in my lungs and intestine. To me that was so much easier than a leak because I am now on blood thinners and feel fine and didn't have to go through the leak process. Good luck. I hope your surgeon listens to you tomorrow.

  7. You will feel much better after getting fluids! So tomorrow marks one month since surgery! While it has been a bit crazy with blood clots the recovery from surgery it self really wasn't bad. I am down 24lbs which is a lot but have not seen a change in the scale for a few weeks now. I know it is totally normal but still hard. I keep thinking...did I do this to my body to only lose 24lbs! I know there is a great debate on getting on the scale daily but for me I avoided the scale for so many years I want to keep myself accountable. Anyway, how is everyone else doing at almost one month out?

  8. @@yescres07 did you have clots in your lungs? I had two in my lungs but is was the one in my portal vain that sent me to the hospital. I didn't have pain meds at home so I think that is what sent me to the ER faster or who knows what would have happened. I can still feel tightness in my chest sometimes but I get around a lot better. Before I knew about my clots just walking up stairs made me sweat. I thought I was just weak from not eating.

  9. I think I have reached the 3 week stall. I have been the same weight for about 4 days. Has anyone else had a forever long period? I have a IUD and haven't had a period in two years. All of a sudden bam here it is for the past few weeks. Plus the blood thinners I am on make it worse...like clots....sorry if this is TMI.

  10. I am on a soft food diet and it is so much better! I had smoked salmon last night and it was so good! It feels good to chew food. I finally made it to work for a full day today! It is nice to get back to normal even though everyone is commenting on how much I am not eating. I am looking forward to the point I get more energy. Although I think these blood clots might keep me down a bit longer.

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