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Posts posted by brokenangel84

  1. Buy samples of different kind of Protein what you like before surgery you make not like after. Taste buds do change. Buy a lot of sugar free Jello, pudding and get broth, Soups cream style, and a lot of them.. Depending on the before surgery diet you may have to do Clear Liquids for a required amount of time.. Mine was 2 weeks. I was allowed cream soups, oatmeal, sugar free Popsicles,sugar free jello,pudding and broth.. And my protein shakes.. After surgery you will follow same diet for a little while.. Buy houseshoes if you don't already have some or thick socks feet will freeze.. A extra pilliow or two as well.. You will want one for your stomach to hold onto it when you cough,laugh or sneeze for about a 3weeks. N the car ride home.. You will feel every bump.. If you can start cutting soda and sugar out now. It makes it easier on you later..

  2. Make sure you are getting enough calorie or your body goes into starvation mode and you don't lose but gain.. You will have to push your self to eat what you can and drink the shakes but I promise its important to lose the weight. I'm one month out from mine. Dec 15 and I've lost 30 pounds. But it stalled out at 3 weeks bc I had cut back on calories. I actually gained 2 pounds. I upped my calories and 3 pounds came off to put me at my 30.. After talking with many people I learned what I just told you.. eggs are my friends so are pickles.. And anything soft. Keep us updated. And good luck to you both..

  3. Hey ladies, I finally lost some weight I had been in a stall for a week.. Not long but it seemed like it was a thousands weeks.. 3 pounds in a week.. I increased my calories to 800/1000.. 1000 was a good day if I did 3 shakes.. Yes I included them in calories bc they have em.. Any ways. I just wanted to share I'm 9 away from my first goal

  4. Being so over weight I never have energy to play with the kids. I can't run and chase them or we can't go to the park and I can't play with them.. So I decided that this would give me the tools I needed to lose the weight. Have energy to play with the girls.. Maybe suffer less pain..

  5. So @@brokenangel84 I have been thinking and I am curious to hear your weight loss journey so far. Like what lead you to this path and how are you feeling about the outcome so far. Of course if you don't wish to share your story, I completely understand. I just thought I would ask :) and the same goes for any of the other women on here. I'd love to hear about your personal journey :)

    Well for me personally I have tried to lose weight for ever. I got pregnant at 18 and after I had her I seemed to just keep gaining weight. By the time she has 3 I was at 200 pounds. Then it just keep coming. I worked out. Eat right. And nothing seemed to help.. When I meet my husband I weighed 250 And in 6 years I blowned up to 330. I've stayed at that weight for about a year.. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis and everyone says that if you weigh less it helps.. Honestly I don't know if it will or not but I wanted to do what ever I could to help with that and to make sure that I can play with my kids.

  6. I haven't taken anything yet for it other then drinking orange juice to get extra vit c in.. I was afraid to take anything. And I've sleep off and on all day when I could get comfy and missed calling the Dr office. Maybe it will be gone tomorrow fingers crossed. All this weather change kills ya. Warm one day then cold

  7. I hear ya. I'm still learning how slow to go.. I feel awful right now this cold weather sucks.. Bunddled up under blankets. I think 4 lol and now a head cold. What can we take? I've drank oj today bc I don't k ow what else we can do??

  8. I'm 3 weeks out Dec 15 was surgery date. I'm on soft food. First night was ruff got sick. I've gotten sick a few times since them from eating. Not sure if it didnt set right or was to heavy. But I chew really well until its mush. Get Water in and Protein had to play around with finding one I could handle after surgery my b4 one made me gag. Go figure. I crave all kinds of foods. I don't like lettuce or crab but I am craving both of those. I'm going to have crab cakes tomorrow for lunch. Well a few bites of one any ways.. All together since Nov to know I've lost 24.5 pounds.

  9. I sure hope so. I haven't tried to jog yet but I'm thinking even with this cold weather I'm gonna bundle up tomorrow and go out and see if I can do a walk/jog if so I'm gonna focus on jogging more and more each day. I think my meals may be to small and not hitting the 800 calorie mark. Bc I'm at 3 meals a day but they are high Protein meals and low fat like soft lean deli meats and low fat cheese and I only get 3 bites. I can eat a small whole pickle as long as I go very very slow.

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