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Posts posted by Jillbeme65

  1. I have a pain in the area under my left breast and above my ribs... I was really hurting there bad today when I met with my "new" dr. She is also a lap band recipient she said that this is where the band is and when you have (sorry) but hard stools that this is where the area of Constipation begins now that we have been banded. She suggested benefiber the power mix she said that she has the same problem and said this will help the most

  2. Ok so I explained my lack of weight loss to my brother and my mother and both were amazed that my scale hasn't moved in 2 weeks. I have been struggling to just get in 500 calories because I'm just never hungry... Anyway is it possible I might just be retaining a lot of Fluid? I'm usually a verrrrrry fast loser...I just always put the weight back on. And my mother has had bariatric surgery and is aware of how things go.

    I don't drink a lot either...probably not good at all but I'm just never really thirsty either.

    Also when my mom had surgery...she had congestive heart failure and she ended up finding out (after entering the hospital and being put on lasiks) that she had retained almost 80 lbs worth of water...most of the nurses and doctors were baffled but...my mom's a medical freak of nature so lol

    how much Water are you drinking.. I am not losing either but I am very dehydrated according to my regular dr. she said I have to drink at "LEAST"64 oz a day... and on top of that I can't use a freaking straw :Banane37:

  3. I just had my third fill of one cc, giving me a total of 7cc. My restriction prior to this fill has been moderate. After this fill this morning I could drink slowly and could feel the increased restriction. But, this evenning i am having a difficult time drinking anything. I seem to be producing a lot of siliva and feel I am swallowing air. it also feels like I have an egg in my chest. I am I beleive Pb'ing which seems foamy and then liquidy, sorry if this is gross detail. I am wondering if I am to tight or should I give it a day or two to settle down. I would call my doctor but I figure there nothing can be done untill tomorrow. It is just rather uncomfortable. Does anyone have any insight?

    Thanks, Liz aka hairyday

    I waited and it ended me up in the hospital... When in doubt call your dr.

  4. I had my surgery done out of town on July 31:eek:,,, on Wednesday I started feeling really bad... When I called the doctor on Tuesday they advised me to move to mushies..I had the shakes really really bad.. and all i did was belch. So I got up Wednesday and decided ok I can eat.. like the doctor said slow and easy... well I ate one bite of a scrambled egg as the dr ordered and i was gone.. i began pbing over and over and over and over..I called the surgeon and he told me to go to the nearest bariatric hospital I did... met up with a dr that never saw a lap band before.. He called my surgeon and they both decided I was dehydrated and that I needed to be admitted.. I was curled up in pain Wednesday night , Thursday and Thursday night. I got this nurse today who said so your our lap band patient that can't hold anything down. She said why haven't they called another surgeon.. She stomped out of my room yelling people in this place are idiots.. She made 2 calls a handsome surgeon showed up and drained the 2.5 cc's out of my band giving me instant relief.. Home now and all is good..

  5. Make sure you have completely understood the changes you are about to put your body through.

    Make sure that your mind is insinc with what your heart is doing,.

    Ask ask ask questions, don't think you got the answer ask some more.

    Remind yourself that this is a decision that you have to live with you can't go home and change your mind after its done.. Yeah its reversible but does the cost out weigh the means.

    Find a confidant, ask ask ask questions... Not happy with your surgeon change remember this is your body...

  6. I am one week banded tomorrow.

    It was quite an ordeal. The day of surgery was like drive threw surgery. i was operated on at 11:00 and home by 4:00. It was very smooth until the next day. I was so sick the next day - I vomited to the point I couldn't stop. I called the Dr. and he call me in some meds that only continued the process. I just stopped every med and started taking tylenol and now day 6 I am finally able to walk in small increments. I am excited that I have the band, but need to have some support that I can count on. :cool2:

    Wow it sounds like where I went...I am so sorry for the pain you went through... feeling the nausea now.. Had Surgery at 2.30 suppose to be 10.30 and left hospital by 4.00.. No compassion and no answers...

  7. My chant is now..."Let me just feel normal...please Lord!" :biggrin: I am such a baby about feeling light headed. I also keep thinking (a little desprately), I know this will go away, lots of people exercise with the band, they have to breath right???

    Isn't it funny? It has only been a couple days since my surgery and I am trying to pep talk myself that I won't always feel this way. Silly me! :smile: I recognize that I am being silly, but I still feel that way anyway.


    That is so funny because I was just saying the same thing. I have gas but what I need is a great big burp.. Oh oh then I get the freaking sneezes thought I was going to die... Please Lord let me feel normal

  8. When I went to my first visit with my surgeon he said that I wouldn' t be able to feel the band.. Well that surgeon had an emergency and I was switched to a different surgeon. I had met him once before the surgery and the day of I asked again, about port flipping and will i be able to feel it. He said that he puts his directly under the skin. Well I feel it it sticks out like a sore thumb!

  9. Check the post op nutrition threads.

    I stocked up on Unjury Protein Powder in 4 flavors. You can find the link here for their website. It shipped very fast in less than 5 days, tastes great and not too expensive. I had heard lots of people here say it's the best shake out there.

    Crystal Light (or store brand) your favorite flavors, I also got orange flavor to mix with the Vanilla Protein powder to make a yummy Dreamcicle shake.

    Low salt beef, chicken and veggie broth

    sugar free Jello cups (in refrigerated section of the market)

    Sugar Free Chocolate and vanilla pudding

    1% milk - two gallons

    Small cans of tuna (3 oz. each) white packed in water)

    No fat low calorie Mayonnaise

    Canned low salt green Beans

    Frozen squash - can cook it and then puree in my blender

    Soup to Go - Tomato, and cream of chicken

    Other soup - put in blender and puree before drinking

    I also got Gas X strips that melt in your mouth

    chewable vitamins

    Cherwable Calcium (have to wait a month or so to take that)

    A pill crusher

    hot water bottle or heating pad

    Extra strengh Tynelol

    Later you will want

    CottageCheese (low fat)

    eggs or eggbeaters

    and whatever you like that is on the list.

    that you can make mushy in the blender.

    Your Doctor and hospital will give you a list also of what to buy, what to eat and when to eat it.

    I hope this helps

    I also am buying a new nightgown and robe and slippers for the hospital, All Lap Band patients stay overnight.

    I figure that will make me cheerful, I suggest washing them before wearing them. Use a little extra fabric softening. I try to buy mostly all cotton stuff for summer.

    Good luck


    the extra strength Tylenol should be in liquid form..

  10. Good luck on your surgery tommorow!!:biggrin:

    surgery yesterday suppose to be at 11.30 ended up at 2.00 left surgery center at 4.00... really sore but functioning. My doctor started me with a feel but the Water wouldn't go down. so had to take it all out.. He said he might re add it at 2 week appointment.

    The nurse told my doctor when I drink I have to stay sitting up for an hour I am dehydrated and drink and fall asleep I can sleep on my right side but I cant stay awake an hour after every sip... I will never rest.

    Looking forward to feeling better...

  11. surgery yesterday suppose to be at 11.30 ended up at 2.00 left surgery center at 4.00... really sore but functioning. My doctor started me with a feel but the Water wouldn't go down. so had to take it all out.. He said he might re add it at 2 week appointment.

    The nurse told my doctor when I drink I have to stay sitting up for an hour I am dehydrated and drink and fall asleep I can sleep on my right side but I cant stay awake an hour after every sip... I will never rest.

    Looking forward to feeling better...

  12. Hi, I am going to be banded in about 2 weeks. I am so excited, but also a little nervous. I am afraid I will be starving before I get my first fill. Does anyone have any suggestions of good mushy food that I will be able to eat that will be satisfing? Please give me some ideas. And from what I am reading, you need to be on liquids the week before your surgery????? My doctors office has not said anything about that.

    I didn't have to do a pre-op diet. I just don't eat the day before which is tomorrow :wink2: Like they said everyone is different just follow the instructions your surgeon gives you...

  13. Hey Jill, I go in on the 31st for my surgery as well at 10:30 we are bandister Twins! I hope everything goes great for you as well! I am with you on the excited and nervous. I can't decided which I am more of lol.

    Good Luck!

    Thats great same time ... and date.... lets add each other as friends and stay in touch... I wish you much success

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