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Posts posted by HawaiianTexan

  1. No you don't feel hungry immediately after surgery. I didn't want to eat in the first 48 hours, I just wanted a drink. Even now over a week later i dint really get hungry i just focus on drinking/staying hydrated. Someone mentioned in another post when she was able to eat "normal food" hunger sorta returns.

  2. I didn't even want to look at my cell on first day lol let alone post in the forums. Like someone said my surgeon made clear it's all about pain and nausea control. They were really nice on constant rotations with meds, vitals, etc. I slept almost entire time my gf stayed with me watching tv, I barely spoke to her only waking up when nurses checked on me.

    In other words ring that bell/button in your bed right now and say it hurts like an 7+ someone should arrive quick.

  3. When I woke up in the recovery room I was in mild pain I remember asking the nurse for help.

    When I was later taken to my room I would rate 4 on a pain scale. I was mostly nauseous I slept most of the time, never being up for more than 10 minutes. It wasn't until 24 hours later I started to feel much better the doctor said it was probably the anesthesia getting out of my system.

    I did have a sleeve and repair to my hiatal hernia. Overall it was less pain than I had imagined.

    4 days after surgery I stop taking my pain medication as it was not necessary and I felt like it was just making me drowsy

  4. It's so weird but ever since the surgery at least twice a day I dream I'm standing in fast food line to order food lololol.

    Just now I freaked out because this time in the dream I actually got a plate of Chinese food and ate it! Then I had this horrible realization I'm not supposed to eat solid food yet and I began panicking in the dream. Lol I woke up super stressed rflmao as if that's a nightmare...

    Good laugh now. .. anyone else being haunted by their dreams?

    During my waking hours I don't think about normal food I'm to busy focusing on my liquids lol.

  5. Its been 4days since the surgery, I relatively feel little to no pain when sitting or laying still. However I need to stay hydrated and ever sip I take (Water, g2, Protein, broth, meds) cause my body make various grumbling sounds all over my chest and stomach as if my body is sounding off while the liquid travels. It is such an odd feeling that I don't want to eat/drink much. Sometimes it hurts were it grumbles, sometimes it makes me breifly nauseous.

    I have a shot glass I'm using to sip my drinks, usually takes me 3 sips to finish the glass so I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. Would it be bad to just drink like a regular person?

    Is it just me? I don't understand how I can finish a full Protein shake it would take me 12 hours like this factoring in I fall asleep.

    Any feedback or tips is greatly appreciated.

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