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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kimber

  1. Kimber

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    The priest in our parish was accused, and later admitted, that he had been molesting boys for years. My grandfather, father and all of my siblings grew up in this parish. The minute we were made aware of this we left immediately. It is a little like an abused woman not leaving her husband because they've been married for 20 years. No way, life is too short.
  2. Kimber

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    A new evil???!!! Is that sort of like Satan? You just said you don't know that man's politics but you know he is evil.
  3. Kimber

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    I agree, if we were all held responsible for our clergy the Catholic Church would no longer exist.
  4. Kimber

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    Obama for sure! During his time in the Senate he introduced an Early Learning Council bill and introduced a bill to increase Pell grants to $5,100. Under the republican regime (essentially McCain) the federal tax debt almost doubled from 5.5 to 8.8 trillion dollars. 1/4 of McCain's tax cuts will go to those making more than 2 million a year. He believes the surge in Iraq is actually working and would not withdraw troops, he also doesn't want to address the GI bill for those soldiers lucky enough to make it home. And don't even get me started on McCain's position on women's issues... If McCain wins I'm moving to Canada!
  5. Kimber

    8 Month Bandiversary

    I have a quick question...what did it feel like when you hit the sweet spot? Mostly in comparison to what you were feeling before. I've heard of others who found "it", I don't think I'm there yet and wonder how I'll know.
  6. Kimber


    What the two of you are feeling might be residual air from your surgery. They pumped you full of air during surgery and it could be feeling like it wants to come up. Usually PBing doesn't happen until after your first or second fill. It is very distinctive, it feels like you've eaten something that is too big and won't go down, your mouth waters like you are going to throw up, sometimes you do and sometimes you wait it out.
  7. Kimber

    Leading a life of slime......

    Hi, I'm 4 months out and I've never "slimed", once during a dinner with my colleagues I had a feeling like I might throw up, I knew I hadn't chewed that piece of brocholi well enough, so I went into the bathroom but nothing happened. I've had a few times when I've "waited for it to pass", but didn't slime or vomit. It's just a matter of slowing down and relaxing. The way I'm looking at it is that I've only lost 45 pounds but the energy I have is amazing. I was on an airplane for the first time since banding and didn't need a seat belt extension (I must have looked like a crazy woman sitting there smiling for no apparent reason) I walked through the airport without problems and walked all over the city I was visiting. Last weekend I worked in my garden all day and it felt great. These accomplishments are worth it for me to have an occasional feeling of food getting stuck. It's easy for me to say don't worry, I worried and I still do, it's not the same as before, I've lost my best and worst friend (over eating), I just wanted to not stand out after banding and I don't feel like I do. You've come so far, give it a chance, everyone's experience is different...get that fill, you'll enjoy volunteering and chasing the kids a whole lot more in a few months.
  8. Kimber

    Post op discomfort

    I'm one week post op, up to day 5 was a little rough, between the pulling and burning as many of you have described to the air (or as my nurse friend says "hyper-inflate") I swear if someone had poked a hole in my belly I would have flown around the room like a balloon. It just goes to show that everyone is different, hang in there, feel better. Xmas dinner was kind of hard tonight, me with my protein drink and them with their rib roast...
  9. Mytggr-how are you doing? I hope all went well. I will be banded tomorrow morning, I'm nervous/excited. Hope you are well.
  10. Mine required the 5-10% of total wt loss, I worked with a nutritionist to set up the best plan for me. It was a STRUGGLE at first but I think what helped me is that I got an unexpected sooner surgery date so I've only been on the diet since 11/19. I was paranoid that I wouldn't be able to do it in 5 weeks but now I've lost 12lbs and I already feel so much better. BTW-my surgery is in 13 hours!!!!
  11. Hi, my name is Kim and I'm new to this site. I've been doing pre-op testing since June and just got my surgery date-December 19th. So, in the beginning when I told my family and friends that I was doing this everyone was very supportive, my mom, neice and best friend all said that they would be there for whatever. Now that I have my date and it's so close to the holiday my neice and friend will be out of town beginning on the 21st, leaving just my mom. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame them and I totally get that it's the holidays and they've made committments. I for sure have lots of other friends that will help out but I'm wondering what kind of support I will really need. Will someone need to spend the night and if so for how many nights (I know my first night will be in the hospital ). Thanks for the information, this site has really been my saving grace.:kiss2:

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