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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About LordHelpMe

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  1. One other concern I have is that I have had surgery in the past for reflux, where they wrap the top of the stomach around the esophagus to tighten up the opening and stop food and acid from going back up into the esophagus. The surgeon said that he would have to undo that surgery first when he does the bypass. I had reflux so bad that if I took a small drink of water I would get very bad heartburn. So that surgery was like a miracle to me. So I am very concerned about getting that problem back again. If anyone has had that situation, having that surgery undone, PLEASE let me know what happened with it. That is my biggest worry. Thanks for having this site available and hopefully I can be a help to others as I look to you all for help. LordHelpMe

    1. Vabeachlady


      I haven't had the surgery to correct the reflux problem but do have GERD. I lost 57 pounds during the 6 month weight trial required by my insurance. I was contemplating not going on with the bypass surgery. I thought that my reflux was getting better because it wasn't waking me every night. But, I was experiencing different feelings in my chest, almost thought it was a heart attack. My surgeon ordered a barium swallow to see what was going on with my reflux. Turns out that I have severe reflux with esophageal erosion and inflammation. He said there was a surgery that could correct that (apparently the surgery you had) but that it often didn't work well for obese people. It seems that the bypass is a very good treatment for GERD. One site I visited indicated that in their study, 98% of patients who had gastric bypass surgery experienced complete resolution of acid reflux/GERD. Those sounded good to me so I am having the surgery on Monday.


  2. Hi Alex and fellow adventurers! I am new to this so I'll share a little info. I am a 59 year old female who is going to have the bypass surgery. Like many others, I have tried everything you can think of to lose weight, but only gain it back plus more, if I even get far enough to lose much. When I first heard of this surgery, I was excited and thought it would be like a magical fix, done. But as I've learned more about it all, I am hopeful. Although, I guess it's normal, there is still some doubt that it is going to work for me. But I am forging ahead. I have had all the tests - I hope all of them!! And I have an apt with the counselor on Monday, after which, we should be able to schedule a date for the surgery and proceed to the next steps. I have noticed that everyone's process is different in some or most ways. I guess it's a matter of preference for the specific doctors. I will be having classes with the nutritionist and ultra sound on my legs for any blood clot possibilities and then the 2 week liquid diet. Now that I understand the reason for it, it will help, but I don't know, that seems like an awfully long time. I may need to hire a guard for my kitchen!!

  3. LordHelpMe


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