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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by drmeow

  1. Playing devil's advocate here. It sounds like the dividing wall between the new pouch and the remaining part of the stomach wasn't finished. I would guess this was because the liver was too large and in the way. I think a lot of people have misconceptions about laparascopic surgery, that b/c it's easier on the patient, it's easier on the surgeon as well. This is simply not true. Imagine if you had to sew a sleeve onto a shirt, but you couldn't actually use your hands. Instead, the whole thing is inside a box, which is also filled with packing peanuts, and the shirt is attached at various places inside the box, and all you have is a tiny camera and light inserted into the (dark) box at one area, and various instruments on lines inserted elsewhere.

    I am a veterinarian, I don't do laparoscopic surgeries (primarily b/c the cost to do so generally is beyond what most people want to pay for a non-specialist). Even with the abdomen fully open stem to stern, it can be very difficult to work around the liver and spleen, and my patients don't usually have a fatty liver, or adhesions from previous surgeries.

    It sounds like his surgeon worked hard for as long as he could but realized that his arms and back were getting fatigued (and likely he had already done 1 or 2 other surgeries that day) and was getting nowhere, and when you get tired you are more likely to make mistakes. Had he continued he might have nicked the spleen or hepatic artery, etc. Would you have wanted him to call in another surgeon who likely doesn't even do bariatric surgery?

    personally it sounds exactly like what I just went through with my surgery on Sep 9 - my fatty liver was in the way, and rather than do a partial, my surgeon opted to close up and try again after a liver-shrinking diet in a month's time. My surgeon said he could have done a partial but that the opening would be larger and I would probably end up needing a revision 6 mos down the road.

    It sounds like you just didn't get all the information from your surgeon yet. I hope that is the case and that he is planning to revise it for you. But I would be thankful to your surgeon for his good judgment instead of "going big" and possibly causing you a much worse outcome.

  2. @@Ashlegal, did you have your surgery? Everything go well for you? I had mine, BUT didn't end up with the bypass I went in for. Apparently he couldn't make my intestine reach up to my stomach, and I'm going to have to lose more weight before we try again. Most disappointing thing in the world, waking up in pain only to find you aren't past the whole thing. I came home same day, still have a lot of soreness and bruising (he tried for 2.5 hours to make it work). Guess I'll need to pop into the October surgery thread now!

  3. OK, sorry in advance b/c I'm going to whine. I'm sitting here with abdominal pain, Constipation from the pain meds, nausea, etc. and yet I know that when all that passes, I still have it coming again! So far I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else so I'm just having a pity party here all by myself :) Plus having schedule more time off next month for surgery. I told my boss I'd be back next Monday, instead of Thurs as originally planned, but I think I'm still gonna be pretty sore on Monday. But we're a small office and I feel guilty staying out any longer when I didn't actually get the bypass, and I'll have to take off again.

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry you had to cancel for now. Whatever you're fighting off now sounds pretty bad to still be going on so long. I would definitely take plenty of time even after you're better, before having surgery. Getting completely off sugar and flour can only help for afterward, but you probably don't need 2 full months of that. There is a "21-day sugar detox" group on the internet if you need some help on that front.

    Sympathizing with your disappointment - I went in yesterday for my bypass and woke up to find they weren't able to do it. I have to lose more weight, even though my BMI is only 40. Too much fat inside I guess.

  5. There was nothing in my paperwork about doing a sleeve as plan B, but my surgeon knew I was pretty adamant about not wanting it. I don't like the idea of that much stomach just being removed for good, and I've also seen people with sleeves having to convert to bypass later. Plus I have reflux and didn't want it for that reason.

    I wish I'd known this could be a possibility; i would have worked harder at losing more in the last couple months.

  6. That happened to me today. Woke up and they told me he could do it b/c he couldn't pull the intestine up enough to meet the stomach where he wanted to. Still was under over 2 hours and woke up with belly pain and throat soreness from being intubated. The surgeon says he should be able to do it in a month or so, after I've lost more weight.

    I originally only had a BMI of 39 so was told not to lose very much. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea after I'd been approved so I guess now that means it will be covered regardless. My surgeon also does not use a pre-op liquid diet except for those with very high BMI's. But I guess that's what I'll be doing now to get ready. He seems confident he'll be able to do it next time. I guess more of my fat is intra-abdominal vs just SQ. And I've had several surgeries before so probably a lot of adhesions, though he said he can break those down anyway.

    I'm just SO disappointed, all the prep and now the pain without results. Plus I've probably gained the Fluid weight too.

    Just wondering if this happened to anyone else?

  7. Just talked with HR to start the leave/FMLA process... Fun!!

    How long is everyone planning on taking off?

    I am planning on 4 weeks, but might take longer depending on how I feel. I am a nurse and my 12 hour night shifts are hard! I do a lot of lifting, pulling, standing, walking. Also no time to drink Water or pee for extended times...

    One more question- what is everyone telling people? Are you open about the surgery or not?

    I am only taking 8 days off work. I'm a veterinarian and move around a lot but they're going to keep my schedule light so I can sit down frequently, drink my Water, etc. I'd love to take at least another week off but hate to leave my boss in the lurch that long.

    I have told my co-workers b/c it's a small office, and another co-worker had bypass years ago, so that helps. I have not told my (separated, soon to be EX) husband, nor my middle child(15) b/c he would tell him. Besides that I've told my 5 closest friends, my sister and probably won't tell anyone else.

    Getting excited now - mine is Sep 9!

  8. My NUT told us that what you want to watch for is make sure you are getting whey Protein isolate, vs whey concentrate. They do sell unjury in their office but they said it's mostly b/c they can buy in bulk and we don't have to pay shipping that way. I haven't really compared their prices to getting it online b/c I like some other brands - specifically Isopure (zero or low carb - they do make a high carb one) and Syntrax nectar.

    If you have a Vitamin Shoppe near you, they usually have single serving samples of several kinds so you can try them before investing in a big container.

    Just watch the carbs if you try other brands.

  9. @sennypoo You will likely get more answers to your questions if you make a new topic rather than posting in a thread about doctors vs NPs and PAs in the Rants forum.

    You don't mention which surgery you're having - sleeve, bypass or band? There are forums for each one, with specific pre-op threads.

    No, you won't be only on chicken broth for 12 weeks. :) Try reading through some of the threads in the forums for your particular surgery. While there can be some differences from doctor to doctor, no one (to my knowledge) has you on 12 weeks of chicken broth alone (and if that's what they are recommending, find another doctor) good luck!

  10. I love fruit and it has many good Vitamins, but frankly, it is really just sugar in a healthy looking package. i eat very little - but do eat berries daily.

    As much as i love yogurt, if you are trying to control carbs - most yogurts have way high sugars and carbs. Consider eating plain/unsweetened yogurt (use those berries as sweeteners!) or buy a brand like carbmaster that has a moderate carb count of 8-9. Many yogurts are over 20 carbs. Protein bars are another high carb surprise. I moderate both - even now in maintenance.

    So, just a few suggestions, change the Breakfast to be more Protein and lower carbs and I bet you will see a difference. I like to make egg beater omelette with veggies and low fat sausage - lots of protein an I get veggies in.

    Consider giving up ranch dressing and try something like a spritz of olive oil and balsamic vinegar (white is my favorite) - super low carb and olive oil is a very healthy fat.

    The Ken's Steak House dressings are very low carb, at least the Creamy Caesar and Ranch. They do contain fat, but fat is not your enemy (unless you just can't stomach it) - it's filling and lasts much longer than carbs to keep you from being hungry again soon.

    And use real eggs without additives!

    I am still pre-op so time will tell for me but I plan to keep my carbs very low, under 25 gm/day, focus on protein first obviously and then low carb veggies with a bit of fat, no processed foods once I am off the shakes.

  11. My NUT recently said at my pre-op class that if you are losing large amounts of hair she can pretty much guarantee you haven't been getting enough Protein in. Bad thing about it is that it will then take several months of doing it right, to catch up and stop losing.

    This is for LOTS of Hair loss, not just some thinning, which is more likely just the shock of surgery and weight loss.

    Luckily I've always had extra thick hair, so hopefully I won't notice a big difference. It thinned a lot when my thyroid was low but bounced back once on meds.

    Even so I'll gladly trade some hair loss, even large amounts, if this surgery works on my weight and co-morbidities.

  12. One thing I would caution you about regarding the sleeve - it is not less invasive, even though that seems to be a big reason some people choose it. Yes, your intestines are not re-routed, but hey, most of your stomach is actually removed for good! you can't get that back if there are problems. With GB, everything is still there and can theoretically be revised back to normal (I think I've seen it called a takedown)

    For me, I'm not a huge volume eater; it's more about eating the junk - the fast food, the carbs, etc. I can stick to low carb for awhile but then go off-track and lose my momentum, get all the cravings back, etc. So I have chosen bypass b/c I need the possibility of dumping to keep me straight, at least long enough for me to learn better longterm habits. Just my 2 cents.

  13. @@geronimo, I like the Isopure tea as well, although I've only tried the black tea so far. But I noticed at the bottom of the page it does say a "jolt of caffeine." That was something I had just thought of this week, to ask my NUT next time. I know I'm supposed to give up caffeinated coffee for surgery, and they said I could have Decaf later after things have healed. I know tea doesn't have as much as coffee but I wonder if these are OK. They are definitely tastier than always having the thick chocolate or vanilla stuff.

  14. I have been seeing a therapist for my eating and marital issues for the last 2 years, but insurance required I see an actual psychiatrist (therapist is a LSW) and I was referred to one of the doctors in the same practice. I've been there enough to know that people have 50 min appts and are seen on time. Instead, this guy kept me waiting 45 min past my appt time, and even the receptionist told me his previous patient had left on time. I was so mad when I went in, when he asked "how are you" I told him not so good after waiting 45 min. It was a 12 noon appt and I had to be at work at 1:30 pm. He just said things were busy, never apologized or anything.

    I had no questionnaire at all. He just asked if I understood the surgery, questions about my expectations, etc. and that was it. Then he said they'd be faxing it over that afternoon. Took them 3 weeks to actually have that done, with repeated calls by me and the surgeon's office. It delayed my surgery approval so that the first available date would have been June 24. I was quitting a job around then and starting a new one the following week, so I put off surgery until Sept. Not a big deal in the long run but I was not happy at the time.

  15. Hugs to you, @@Smye, for being so understanding and loving your wife through all this. You alluded to some childhood trauma - perhaps it did some damage in her ability to be fully intimate with a man, and that through her counseling now, she's allowing herself to start to feel sexual feelings, but it's safer to be attracted to women right now. I don't think that means that she definitely has that orientation forever. I agree you also should be getting counseling to help you emotionally through this, but if you are both open and honest with each other, there may still be a future for your marriage, and if not, you'll know you both tried very hard, and it sounds like you could remain good friends if you part.

  16. Well, it's been forever since I've signed on and since then I've finally gained weight. Now...i wish it would stop some! I'm up to 130 pounds and having to buy bigger clothes. I'm ok with this if I don't get any heavier, which is ALL up to me. . Labs still come back with issues, anemia, thyroid issue, etc. But I haven't checked into it yet. Went a year not going to a doctor, didn't meet my deductible or out of pocket! First time in 13 years!

    Hope everyone is well.

    Are you eating a healthy diet or just eating whatever, b/c you finally can? It would be a good idea to work with a nutritionist for your particular needs after so much surgery.

    Also, I noticed your surgeon's name in the margin - there is another person in this forum who has more recently had some big complications that had the same surgeon.

    So, perhaps your original surgery had problems that led to the other ones.

  17. Maybe trying on some of your largest pre-op clothes (you saved at least one right?) will help you with the imaging. I've read it can take a long time for our heads to catch up with reality.

    OTOH, for the last few years I've not "realized" quite how large I really was, as most of my weight is in my stomach, and only by turning sideways can I really see. Of course, I have avoided that, as well as full-length mirrors, for some time. When an uncle first suggested WLS I was horrified that he thought I was that fat! But, I really am. (and part of the problem was that I knew very little about WLS and thought you needed to be 500 lbs for it)

  18. I'm one month before surgery and I want to buy some smaller stuff when i see things I'd like, but am still too afraid to. Afraid that somehow, I'll be the only one who doesn't actually lose weight after GB, or afraid something will derail me and I won't be able to have surgery. (I had some arm pain the other day and spent a few hours panicking I might be having a heart attack and that would delay my surgery!)

    I have hated this summer, not wanting to buy clothes b/c of upcoming surgery, but really not being comfortable in what I had (gained a few more pounds last year) so I did go ahead and buy a few new inexpensive shirts for work, figuring I will pass them on to someone else afterward.

  19. My surgery is coming up next month. I have told my 4 closest friends, my oldest son (22), my daughter (14) but NOT my (separated) husband. The emotional abuse of my 25 yr marriage is a bit part of why I overate to begin with, and I have no desire to hear more comments from him. Middle son (15) can't keep his mouth shut so I haven't told him either. Eventually, maybe.

    I started a new job last month, had hoped to get approval and have the surgery before then but it didn't work out that way, and the approval came in time to have a late June surgery. I had to delay it due to the new job start (small business, desperately needing help). I was upfront that I needed to take some time off for surgery but could wait until Sept when things in our work quiet down a lot. At first I didn't say what it was for, but my boss is more overweight than I am, and diabetic as well, and I thought it might be helpful for her to hear it so I blurted it out one day. Immediately I heard about the negatives (another employee had it and now has severe anemia, but it turns out she drinks soda, doesn't eat much real food and doesn't take vitamins). I really like my boss so I explained the real risks and benefits and laid out why I need this and she's been good about it since then, but for awhile I was really wishing I hadn't said anything.

    My plan is not to bring it up with anyone else unless it's a close friend who asks, or someone who is genuinely interested in losing weight themselves. I'll be sticking with the general "eating smaller portions and avoiding sugar, working out" answer for most.

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