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    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in Day 2 of liquid diet   
    Day 2 was a little harder than day 1. I imagine the next few days will be as well. Everyone keeps telling me after 3 or 4 days it's easier. Let's pray that is so:) I have a great bander buddy I met here that is a few days ahead of me in her journey so she gives me advice:) We both are so excited. Come on Dec. 12th. I'm so ready to find my happy
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    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in Day 2 of liquid diet   
    Thanks for the advice and yes it IS nice to be able to talk with or at least read the updates from someone who is going through what you are. I just had my third Meal Replacement shake for the day. If I think about the fact all I am going to consume for 10 days (and 5 days after surgery) is the Protein Shakes, I get a little discouraged. I try to keep myself busy and take it one day at a time. This is my day 3 and I had a few hunger pains but did not give in. I want this more than anything I have ever wanted for myself. I will not do anything to lose this wonderful blessing. It's not like we won't ever eat again right? Love hearing from y'all.. Have a great night!
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    susancae reacted to angelasakh in How long did it take you to get approved?   
    I woke up November 17th 2014 and desided that I am done with diets and getting LapBand, got approved on Tue 12/2 and my pre-op diet starts tomorrow and surgery on 12/19.
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    susancae got a reaction from flmommyof2 in Day 7 (:   
    Today is the easiest of all pre op diet. Lol the first few days I did cave and ate a little more than I should. I have been super strict since thanksgiving. My nutritionist told me I could have a little bit but not to go crazy and I didnt. I ate a tad bit of turkey and potatoes. I didnt have anything sweet at all! Im not feeling hungry at all today really! I feel better I did go through the symptoms of the preop lol like all the ones they say you could! Ha. Headache fatigue nauseousness. Ugh! But I'm super happy I am close and that im doing so well (:
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    susancae reacted to B-52 in How the lapband works for me   
    It has only been 4 months, which is a drop in the bucket...you're still working it and learning it, a "Tool" as you call it.....you have a lot to go, but believe me...
    Just wait and See, and don't let the negativity on this forum distract you.
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    susancae reacted to henrda01 in Pre op diet!   
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    susancae reacted to meggs353 in Tuesday's the day!   
    Since you can't eat or drink after midnight the day before your surgery I had a LOT of Water before I went to bed. As much as I could stand. This saved me from being dehydrated and super parched in the morning. I was thirsty, but not as bad as I would have been. I also brought cough drops to the hospital, they help get the saliva going when you can only take little sips after surgery.
    At home I had a heating pad on deck, and liquid Tylenol.
    Good luck!
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    susancae reacted to amanda7914 in Day 7 (:   
    You should try Millie's Savory Teas Sipping broth. They are amazing. They are less than 20 calories per serving.
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    susancae got a reaction from flmommyof2 in Got my date!   
    She is on her liquid diet!
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    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in Got my date!   
    Congrats on your surgery Matt. So glad you are doing well. Grandma, I'm on day 3 of my liquid diet. My surgery is the 12th. I can't wait!
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    susancae reacted to toothfairy86 in How the lapband works for me   
    Hi all,
    Just want to share my experience with the lapband during the last 4 months.
    It is a great tool but you still have to exercise. It wouldn't work without it. I have stalled for the last 2 months because I was always eating out and drinking wine. Sure enough I didn't lose weight but it stayed the same for 2 months with the cheating. I went to my surgeon 2 days ago and he said I lost 8 lbs from my previous appt. This motivated me so much in concentrating on what I eat and to go to the gym. In the past couple of days, I have managed to go to the gym and look at my food intake, and when I weighed in, I have been losing 1 lb everyday. I have lost a total of 25 lbs in 4 months, seems slow as compared to people who had other type of surgery but this is 25 lbs I would have not lost if I didn't do the surgery. I am very happy with my result and I know that once I start focusing on the intensity of my exercise and watch what I eat, I will make it to my goal.
    Word of advice to people who are thinking of doing the surgery, just do it! You'll see great results but you just gotta be patient.
    Thanks for your time.
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    susancae reacted to MarieMarie in 4 Month Bandiversary!   
    Thank you. A few short months ago I was reading forums NOT believing I would have a success story to share
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    susancae reacted to MarieMarie in 4 Month Bandiversary!   
    I am coming up on my 4 month anniversary next week. 40 lbs down. 18 to first mini goal. A great start on my journey. Walking and movement are my recommendation to everyone.
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    susancae reacted to lfkskls in Approved ????   
    Waiting on my date now......
    Soooo anxious and excited!
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    susancae reacted to lisacaron in Cheating on preop diet   
    @@susancae you are not alone. There are and have been many who have posted that they "cheated" on their pre-op and even some who have cheated post op!!
    This whole process is very hard, it's a change to something that you have been used to for a long time and it doesn't happen over night. The reason for the pre-op diet is an important one. Some of it is physiological and has to deal with shrinking your liver and other organs prior to surgery and the other is mental/emotional and behavioral. These last ones are the most difficult hurdles WLS patients have to overcome.
    Even after surgery these are issues that will remain with us long after the operation. So going through these steps pre-op will help you to get through the post op period where cheating is NOT an option, and make it into a life style change that you can live with it for the rest of your life.
    If you cheat during the pre-op you are only cheating yourself. If you cheat enough you may be denied surgery even down to the moment of surgery if you have not achieved what your surgeon wanted you to. Yes you can make mistakes during this time with minimal damage. Now is the time to learn and make those mistakes, but really attempt to rein yourself in and adjust to get back on track and not nibble that food while cooking. Those are habits that you need to break now because in the long run they are going to make things much much harder for you.
    Cheating post op can seriously damage your internal organs so don't do it!! Learn today and make your mistakes now. Learn how to combat those mistakes and put a plan together to help yourself when you find yourself grazing or "cheating".
    What works for me when I am making dinner, is to enjoy a nice cup of coffee with one of those international or flavored Creamers. I get the sugar free one, not the fat free one though now they have both sugar free and fat free. I enjoy that much like a "treat" while I am making dinner and it keeps me from needing or wanting to eat while I am drinking and preparing the meal.
    Often I work late and by the time I start cooking I am ravenous and this really helps me. You can do the same with tea if you are not a coffee drinker and you can use Decaf as well.
    Good luck I"m sure you can and you will do this!
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    susancae got a reaction from Puppypaws57 in Cheating on preop diet   
    No bashing!!!!! I just was wondering how many people really do cheat a little on pre op diets? Ik its hard and you wanna cave so much because I myself am doing it right now and everytime I cook I wanna nibble on what I'm making for my family. I dont! But I have took nibbles of other things in the beginning. I felt bad because ik im not supposed to but im still allowed a little bit of food but it just dont feel like enough. The last 3 days im not allowed any solid food at all. Which will be terribly hard. But ill do it!!!!!
  17. Like
    susancae reacted to Ldimples in Approved ????   
    Ok, I got into a skirt that I couldn't fit just a few weeks ago and I was able to zip up my boots all the way up my leg. That felt really good ????.
  18. Like
    susancae reacted to bobbyswife in Pre op diet!   
    I start mine this upcoming Weds. I have a few minor food funerals, but didn't go crazy. Of course I also enjoyed Thanksgiving without going overboard too. It's getting really close now!
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    susancae reacted to Mommabird in Pre op diet!   
    I found out after lunch on the 25th that my pre-op diet was to start on the 25th. So what did I do? I went out for Mexican food that night! I figured that since I had already eaten two meals that day, I might as well get the last thing off my "have to have it before surgery list" Luckily, my list wasn't too long! I also ate some of the pies that my daughter bought from the culinary school for Thanksgiving. She had picked them up that day. A nice finish to the Mexican food ! Since then, I've been toeing the pre-op diet line!
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    susancae got a reaction from swimbikerun in LapBand Forum going away?   
    Im still super happy with my choice. My doctor has me so confident(: hes seriously great!
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    susancae reacted to TheDude84023 in 2 days until liquid diet   
    Don't look at the short term "prize" that is in front of you. Keep your eyes locked at the reward at the end of the journey
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    susancae got a reaction from Puppypaws57 in I love my insurance.   
    I have tricare and I love them also. They didn't approve me at first but every time I called they were super nice about it all.
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    susancae reacted to Kari D in Post Adjustment Tightness   
    Oh! By the way...I broke 300! Yay!
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    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in 2 days until liquid diet   
    I don't get any solids in my diet. Just the shakes, Jello, yogurt. That kind of thing. I can have some creamy Soups. Can't wait for that part to be over with and be on my way to the happier me. #dec12 #
  25. Like
    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in Got my date!   
    Congrats hun!! That's awesome!! I'm 11days after you:)

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