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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    jane13 reacted to theantichick in No longer answering these questions:   
    I know, right? I didn't post anything on this board for a long time after I joined because just about every question I had was answered by doing a search of the boards.
    I haven't been here anywhere near as long as you, and I've started skipping those posts as well.
  2. Like
    jane13 reacted to OzRoo in No longer answering these questions:   
    Totally understood! I have been on here for 7 months, not as long as you have, and I am over the repetition myself.
    There are Frequent Questions in both Pre-op and Post-op, plus the Search button.
    I guess some newbies don't know about these features, and haven't learnt how to navigate this huge forum yet.
    I wish these topics were pinned at the top of each forum.
  3. Like
    jane13 reacted to Bufflehead in No longer answering these questions:   
    Why did you choose sleeve vs RNY? What Protein Shakes do you like? What is a good Vitamin to take? What are your favorite purees? Help, I'm three weeks post-op and I've stopped losing weight! What should I take to the hospital? When can I go back to work? How can I prevent loose skin? If I take 50 million mcg of Biotin every day and get all my Protein in, can I prevent Hair loss? When can I eat pizza/popcorn/birthday cake? When can I drink alcohol? When can I drink coffee and isn't it true that drinking coffee will leave you a dry, withered husk of a person with all your vital fluids sapped out of your body? Don't get me wrong -- I am not mad at anyone for asking these questions (though truth be told I wonder why people don't try a little harder sometimes to read up on things in advance and figure out they've all been asked many, many, many times before). It's more that I have been here a long time and don't feel like I have anything new or enlightening to add, and it's time for the newbies to get some practice answering the most frequently answered questions. Good luck y'all! I will stick around but will be trying to dial back my talkativeness.
  4. Like
    jane13 reacted to Steven1954 in Failed :(   
    @@Jane1979 you only fail when you quit. Take a deep breath and start again
  5. Like
    jane13 reacted to justhere4theshow in Failed :(   
    From the mouths of babes...I will never forget what my 15 year old daughter said to me in the grocery store the day I was buying a tiny little cake which was to be my very last. (it still is the last one I ever ate) I was telling her all of the changes I had made and still had ahead of me, and she looked me straight in the eye and said "I'd get a bigger cake." Sometimes they know what they are talking about. You can change as much you want to change at one time, as long as you are able to withstand the suffering, lol. I think it all comes down to what you can handle at the time. Sometimes too much is just too much. You will make it if you just hang in there and commit to the changes. Setbacks are temporary. Giving up is permanent. Best wishes to you!!
  6. Like
    jane13 reacted to OKCPirate in Failed :(   
    @@Jane1979 - I agree with the teen. Too much too fast. Caffeine needs to be tapered or it will give you a horrible headache. I have found vaping to be most effective way to quit smoking. Nearly half of all smokers in the last five years have quit thanks to that technology (I got a copy of an internal study from my state's "smoke free" initiative which showed how effective it is...those turkeys banned vaping in public before they even studied it...grrr). To tell you the truth, the hardest thing I quit was diet sodas. That was a struggle.
  7. Like
    jane13 reacted to Dub in Sexy Halloween costume?   
    My son and several of his buddies are working for a local dairy farm in their Haunted Corn Maize.
    I can't wait to go next weekend and see him in action. He won't tell me what his costume is....
    I don't do horror movies and the like really well, but, I'll haul my old arse through a dark & haunted corn field at night to enjoy time with him.
  8. Like
    jane13 reacted to Djmohr in Sexy Halloween costume?   
    Halloween is my all time favorite holiday. Hubby and I love it so much we got married on Halloween and had our wedding pictures taken in a graveyard. LOL.
    My family usually celebrates with giant halloween parties and we deck the house out from top to bottom. Seriously I have a 25 x 20 storage locker stuffed from floor to ceiling with halloween decor. We were known as the halloween house in our neighborhood. Then a year and a half ago we moved into a tiny little apartment in WI. The bad part about where I live, they do trick or treat in the middle of the afternoon instead of actual halloween night like we did in Minnesota.
    Having worn many costumes over the years and always having to find a 3x I am excited about wearing a naughtier costume in the future.
    I would like to go as the devil......red tights and all. LOL
    We will have to make plans this year to go on a pub crawl or something because my place is too small for a party. This year will be our 29th wedding anniversary.
  9. Like
    jane13 reacted to ocgirl15 in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    @Babbs... I agree 100%. I cringe at how my parents dealt with this. I am still damaged! I will not do that to her. I am going to push the pediatrician to do some blood work. I know I want her thyroid checked. She also has a newly diagnosed anxiety disorder and hypothyroidism runs in the family. not sure hormone testing at her age would help. I know looking back I had signs of some PCOS as a teenager but she is only 9. Also this could all be a normal part of puberty. Worrying is just a part of parenting.
  10. Like
    jane13 reacted to Babbs in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    @@Chicken Lady@@higher
    RE: See @@LipstickLady's explanation. That was the concern. If you would have simply asked the question a bit differently, I would have interpreted differently. No harm, no foul. Calm down.
    I interpreted as "My friend's kid is FAT and I have to do something about it!"
    And @@higher, I don't need your sympathy nor do I want it.
  11. Like
    jane13 reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    I'm glad i stumbled on this one. My granddaughter is 8 fixing to be 9 and in the past couple years she has put on a lot of weight. She is at 95lbs. She also has scoliosis really band and had back surgery in June (doing great). But she is still gaining. Her mom, (DIL) and my son are both RN's and are at there wits about what to do. She is very active playing soccer, and dancing classes. Im going to share this with them... She already goes to Children s for her back... hopefully they can recommend her to what you suggested.
  12. Like
    jane13 reacted to Alex Brecher in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    @@chicken Lady,
    It is kind of you to be concerned and to reach out. 11-year-old girls are very tricky! They gain weight, and most of that weight is fat. I would take a wait-and-see approach, especially if she has healthy habits such as enjoying physical activities and basically eating healthy. If she doesn’t have healthy habits, maybe her mother can encourage a few behavior changes, such as taking carrots instead of Cookies for an afterschool snack, or enrolling her in a dance class.
    If you and her mother really suspect that she has endocrine problems, her mother needs to handle it, but carefully. Rather than saying “we’re going to the doctor to find out why you’re gaining so much weight,” she needs to phrase it more as going for a checkup to make sure everything’s good.
    Whatever you (and of course, her mother) do, I would be extremely wary about her feelings. If she thinks you or her mother or anyone she respects thinks she’s fat, she might become fat just to cope. Or she might develop an eating disorder.
    It is hard watching someone you care about possibly go in the direction of developing weight problems, especially when you know personally how much they can take over your life, but 11-year-old girls are very delicate, and their feelings need to come first at this stage in their development.
  13. Like
    jane13 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    In my unprofessional opinion it is more likely puberty than PCOS.
    If her mom is a strict vegetarian, it entirely possible her daughter may be malnourished/protein deficient unless she is on top of her nutrition (and most 11 year olds that I know aren't nutrition experts). When my niece was vegetarian she seriously thought she could live on French fries.
    Puberty is a very dangerous time for developing eating disorders. Often because of an overreaction to some natural weight gain as our bodies are developing.
    I wish I knew the answer. I'll see if I can find a book or other resource.
  14. Like
    jane13 reacted to laceemouse in NOT WHAT I EXPECTED IT TO LOOK LIKE   
    I think there are a couple of issues here. One is that most people have a hard time seeing the weight loss on themselves, when they look in the mirror they still see their former fat self. It helps to look at pictures of yourself before the surgery, comparing them to current pictures. Also, taking measurements helps. Once you see the numbers getting smaller and smaller it may sink in. BUT it usually does take time for the mind to catch up.
    Also, were you overweight for a long time? Or did you used to weigh 170's, as an adult, and feel good at that weight? People who have been overweight for a long time (or all their lives) don't have any idea what they will look like at lower weights. They have a hard time picking a goal weight because of that.
    I know for me I weighed in the 140's in high school and thought I was huge. I look back at pictures now and can't remember myself ever being that small. At my current age I don't even know if it would be possible for me to ever get that low again but I also don't think I am going to feel small until I get really low.
    Are your clothes too big? That would be a good sign in my book!
    Another thing to keep in mind is we can't choose where we will lose the weight. People will start looking small in their upper bodies, and their faces will look skinny, but they will still be big on the bottom. Women will lose their boobs but still have a big stomach or butt. It's sad we can't pick and choose where we want the weight to go away first
  15. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from busybeebug in NSV-First Clothing Purge   
    hit the mark down rack, your new "best friend"
  16. Like
    jane13 reacted to pammcat in Who's over 50 crowd   
    Sent from my L9 using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    jane13 reacted to Ragdollorchid in Who's over 50 crowd   
    54 and had sleeve and hiatal hernia surgeries on 9/27.
    HW 245
    Surgery day 230
    CW 221
    Had zero sleeve problems. Lots of shoulder and neck pain from the hernia surgery, but I pushed past it. Stayed in the hospital for 1 night. The nursing staff was floored by how quickly I was up walking and moving. I was motivated to not stay a second night.
    I'm transitioning to puréed foods this weekend. Every step is a new adventure. I wouldn't have qualified or wanted the surgery 10 years ago, but I'm so glad it is giving me a good chance in the years ahead to be a healthy Senior. ☀️
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    jane13 reacted to Dr-Patient in Who's over 50 crowd   
    I had my surgery Dec. 4, 2013, age 58. I am now 61 and am the sexiest, most confident me I've ever been!
    If I wasn't so private, i'd post my pictures. But damn...I'm digging me, look "hot", am confident, make eye contact, walk with my head up, speak to others and am enjoying the attention from men. Plus I no longer canvas the room to see if I'm the fattest woman there. Freedom!! It's all good!!!!
    This week I was changing my clothes from summer to winter, and am ~frustrated that clothes I had altered last year are now, too big for me. Great news, yes; but more money...or I'll just get a friend to pin them and I'll sew them smaller.
    VSG after 50...I vote YES.
  19. Like
    jane13 reacted to Deborah Bennett in Who's over 50 crowd   
    I'm 62 getting sleeved on 8/8/16. Started at 253. Before sugery 233. Today 2 months out 196.6. Down about 57pds. Feel great. I have had 2 stalls so don't get discourage. One was for almost 3 weeks after surgery. Just got off another one for almost 2 weeks. Just keep working the program and watch your Protein and Water. We all will loose at different rate depending on alot og things going on with our bodies. Please be patient.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Havasumoma in Any actual stats or research on Genepro protein?   
    @@Mrs_O - have you tried the unflavored Unjury? I like it as well,
  21. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from dccarite in Cheated on my pre-op   
    There is a reason for the pre-op, so please stay on track for your health and safety. If you are still a few days pre-op then get back up on the wagon and stay on program. I can tell you that post-op is more intense because you are healing so cheating then can have painful/serious complications.
    just sayin'
    16 plus months post-op...down over 100lbs,
  22. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from dccarite in Cheated on my pre-op   
    There is a reason for the pre-op, so please stay on track for your health and safety. If you are still a few days pre-op then get back up on the wagon and stay on program. I can tell you that post-op is more intense because you are healing so cheating then can have painful/serious complications.
    just sayin'
    16 plus months post-op...down over 100lbs,
  23. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from dccarite in Cheated on my pre-op   
    There is a reason for the pre-op, so please stay on track for your health and safety. If you are still a few days pre-op then get back up on the wagon and stay on program. I can tell you that post-op is more intense because you are healing so cheating then can have painful/serious complications.
    just sayin'
    16 plus months post-op...down over 100lbs,
  24. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from dccarite in Cheated on my pre-op   
    There is a reason for the pre-op, so please stay on track for your health and safety. If you are still a few days pre-op then get back up on the wagon and stay on program. I can tell you that post-op is more intense because you are healing so cheating then can have painful/serious complications.
    just sayin'
    16 plus months post-op...down over 100lbs,
  25. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from dccarite in Cheated on my pre-op   
    There is a reason for the pre-op, so please stay on track for your health and safety. If you are still a few days pre-op then get back up on the wagon and stay on program. I can tell you that post-op is more intense because you are healing so cheating then can have painful/serious complications.
    just sayin'
    16 plus months post-op...down over 100lbs,

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
