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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vzghj3

  1. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hunzi ~ Sorry to hear of the timing of your illness, what a bummer...hope you are recovered for Tuesday. Long ~ Another sicky...get well soon. Army ~ Been wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear of all of your complications. Wishing you well. I went in yesterday and had a small amount taken out. The fill last week just made the band way too tight and I could not sleep at night from all of the pressure. I was fearful that he would unfill it completely not knowing why I was feeling the way I was. Well I now know what heartburn is, I've never had it before. I was pleased it was nothing else, of course all these horrible thoughts were going through my mind that it was something major. Any way I now have 7.25 in my 10cc band and am hoping this is it. He said his patients average 6.5-7ccs. I have lost 5 pounds in the last week, so happy the scale is moving. Have a good evening
  2. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi! I'm back, it's been a few weeks. At the spur of the moment I decided to get out of town for a while and went back to sunny Florida. Then I will be going again the end of April and this time hubby will come along. Nice to have a daughter there now and have some where warm to go. This unemployed life ain't so bad after all. It's amazing how easily it has been to adjust to half the income. Major change in life style though, but it is all working out. I am still in search of a new job, but there just aren't any in Detroit. I may just go back to school once I figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I did get another fill and oh boy is it tight! Debating on whether or not to request some removed because I fear he may take it all out. I've found that if I eat too late at night I can feel pressure when I lay down. So I'm going to give it a few more days and stop eating by 7pm and see if it loosens up some. I think I've caught up on most of your posts and too many to comment on except....Allie how's the mons?!!!
  3. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi! I'm still hanging on out here loosing very slowly. But the good news is I now weigh 1 pound less than my husband! Army ~ How is your band feeling? Ever since my last fill 4 weeks ago I have been dealing with a fickled band. At first I felt less restriction than before the additional fill and then this past week some days I can't even get liquids down and then others I can eat a good size portion of chicken which typically I can't eat at all. I have an appt next week, not sure if I should get another fill. I'll have to see what my surgeon says. Lucy ~ Love the shoes. Sofft and Born are my two favorite brands, they are so comfortable. Long ~ Don't you just love families! Hang in there. Iteach ~ Praying for you that all is ok. Allie ~ Good for you and exercising. My Zumba and Boot Camp classes start this week. When I get in the regular zone of exercising I love it. But when I stop, it sure is hard to get back into it. Keep up the good work! livn4jesus ~ Hi! Well I think I covered everyones current posts. I spent 8 hours Friday shopping with my szie 8 friend who complained the whole time how fat she was...geesh! Here I am so thrilled that I am fitting in larges and 16's. Oh well, just goes to show you no matter what size your are we all have body issues. For any of you who like to shop at The Gap, Old Navy & Banana Republic, here is a coupon link for 30% off everything March 12-15 and 5% goes to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. http://www.gapgiveandget.com/np/lls.html
  4. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLIE!!! Have a wonderful day and go out and have some fun in that new beautiful body. That has got to be the greatest gift to yourself. Wow 39, that seems so long ago for me. I'll be 48 next month. Apples ~ Your 40th party sounds just like something my husband would do, hilarious! Lucy ~ Good luck on the scale this morning. I did my weekly weigh in this morning and the scale finally moved...lost 3 pounds! woo-hoo! So happy after it being stuck for so long. Everyone have a great day! We are having a heat wave here today, high of 40 so maybe I'll get outside and walk today and get some fresh air.
  5. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Long ~ Congratulations on hitting Onderland! Doesn't it feel great! I unfortunately hit it and have been stuck at 198 for the past few weeks. I'm so frustrated, I got a small fill a few weeks ago back on the 9th and it did nothing. I actually feel less restrictive than before he added. Is it possible that less got added back in they way they withdraw it all then add? Any way, I cant get in to see my surgeon until March 18th. He is only in on Mon & Wed and he is fully booked. But I'm going to keep calling to see if there any cancellations. Just don't want to wait that long since I am stuck at the scale. I've been working out like crazy to see If I can give the scale a nudge. I've been spending the afternoon cleaning my 19 year old daughters room. It was left quite a mess when she packed up to move to Orlando last month. Very interesting the things I am finding!!!
  6. Hi..thanks for the comment...I am stuck at 199...it is so frustrating...Saw your pics you are looking great!

  7. Hi! I was banded by Dr. Krause too in June 2008. He is a wonderful dr. Hope you are recovering well.

  8. Thanks for the picture compliments...You are looking awesome too and yes Labs are the best!

  9. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Well good thing I set a positive attitude today about finding a job, I actually got 2 calls today for interviews. I tell ya it get's so discouraging when you get no calls for several days...it's kind of like when you hit that weight loss plateau. Any way you really start to feel worthless that all these years of working and the career that I had meant nothing. So any way, it was a real morale booster to get those calls today, even if I don't end up getting the jobs. Celebrating with a splash of Kahlua in my afternoon coffee! Have fun at the casino Apples! Allie & Long ~ I agree it makes all the difference to find a good support group. Long ~ I'll have to check out that power90 dvd. My Zumba classes end up only being about $3.50 per class...so not too bad.
  10. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Good Morning all Katies ~ Congratulations on hitting 90 pounds! I some how missed you posting that yesterday. Army ~ good for you joining basketball. I just yesterday signed up for two fitness classes through our school district. In a few weeks I will start Zumba and a cardio-yoga class. I had never heard of Zumba but they claim you can burn 600-1,000 calories per class working out to Latin music. We'll have to see about that. Then my husband actually wants to take dancing classes. You know that scene in the Steve Martin movie "The Jerk" where he is a poor black child with no rhythm, well that's about how well my husband dances! He is always the big joke at weddings, etc. So we'll see if I am up for the emarassment and I for sure will have to get some steel toed shoes..LOL! Oh well got to give him credit for wanting to actually take dancing lessons. Don't think there are many men out there that would actually want to do so. Any way looking forward to the classes and getting out of the house. I have cabin fever! Well off to do some job searching. Today is the day I will find a job!
  11. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Is obvious that normal is 16-17 1/2...LOL! All joking aside, Apples is right...Normal is what God gifted us with. And the few of us that measured, we are all lurking around the same weight and close in calve size. So it appears that for our current weight our calve measurements are indeed NORMAL!
  12. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Long ~ Don't worry you did not give me a complex about my calves, I've manage to do that all by myself...LOL! Allie ~ I love your Butterfly analogy...I can totally relate.
  13. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi All! Welcome back Apples! Count me in on a trip....I think Vegas would be a good spot. It's cheap to fly to from almost anywhere. Allie, Looking HOT in that new tankini! Ok Long you got my thinking about my calves because I think mine look huge too. S I measured them and they are 17 1/2 too. I don't have problems with fitting into pants though.
  14. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Long - Good luck on your quest. Living on a lake I spend my summer in a bathing suit and that is one piece of clothing that I will spend any amount of money on if I find one that looks good. Since we spend so much time on the boat and lake, I buy 4 or more suits a year and it is quite a challenge. Hopefully this year being 60+ pounds lighter, it will be an easier task. Tankini's are a great choice for me too. I am 5'8" and have a long torso, it's hard find a once piece that fits.
  15. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi, I had a great Valentine surprise, my husband took me to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra for a Beatles tribute. It was excellent hearing all that Beatles music being played with a 50 piece Orchestra. Allie, I am so jealous that you can fit in a size 12! We are just about the same weight and I can't get into anything smaller than a 16 yet. Must be the way I am built, my big butt seems to be the slowest loosing area on my body! Bathing suits are a scary thing for me...I did however wear one when I was in Florida a few weeks back. I just wore a wrap or bathing suit skirt with it to hide my thighs. Here is the link to my before and current pics.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/26304-albums2289.html
  16. vzghj3

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    Minus 63 pounds...attached link to my Before and Current Pics.....(have not been able to figure out how to attach thumbnails???) http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/26304-albums2289.html
  17. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi all! In response to Allie's question about Valentine's plans...I think I will cook a good meal for my husband. I feel so bad that I just don't cook much any more since having the surgery. My husband loves food and actually does a lot of the cooking theses days. He is one of those lucky ones that can eat pretty much what ever he wants and never gains any weight. So I think I will grill some porter house steaks (his favorite) or maybe just one big one and take my 2-3 bites from it....And then some Creme Brule for dessert, his other favorite. Now desert I will have no problem eating...that will slide right down and will be a nice treat. Then perhaps hit the Casinos or a movie. Not sure yet about the lingere...still have body issues....:thumbup: Lucy ~ Congratulations on hitting ONDERLAND!!! Allie & Apples ~ You have my sympathies on the abuse, I'm a victim too. Don't like to talk about it and almsost did not post this, but just wanted to let you know my heart goes out to you... I too am fine and I think in the end it actually made me a stronger woman...In other words, I don't take sh*t from nobody...HA! Yippee tomorrow is Friday! Even though I'm not working, I still look so forward to Friday's....I can at least take a break from job hunting for the weekend!
  18. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Wow Teach you look fantastic! Well seeing all of these before and after pics has got me motivated. I think I'll actually allow my husband to take a picture of me. I do have one before pic sitting here from last Easter I can use since I have not taken an official before/after comparison pics. Would you believe that both my husband and I are very avid photographers, we have a dark room and all, but you sure won't see me in many pictures. Just never liked the person I saw in the photographs, could not believe it was me. Long ~ I feel your pain, root canals are the worse. Glad to hear you are feeling better. And yes we most definitely must have gotten your weather here. Has been raining non-stop all day and about 55 degrees. My yard has a small lake developing! Back to the 30's tomorrow. Have a good evening!
  19. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi all! I was also able to get a fill yesterday and have good restriction. I have not had a fill in over 2 months, so hoping this will assist with getting the scale to move downward. Allie ~ What a wonderful compliment you received! I ran into an old friend the other day and he gave me a big hug and complemented me on my weight loss and even flirted a little :thumbup: What a morale booster that was! Addy and Grey ~ Hang in there with the slow weight loss and remember all the positives that you are loosing and not gaining...I know it must be very frustrating. Long ~ Hope you are feeling ok after that root canal. Hi to everyone else and you all have a great evening....Oh and it was freakishly warm here today, 60 degrees and sunny..took one of the dogs for a 3 mile walk...was so nice to get out into the fresh air...supposed to snow again by the end of the week...ugh
  20. vzghj3

    Doctors note for lap band surgery

    Can you perhaps take the time off as FMLA and not use sick days? This is what I did and it qualified as paid time off. I work for a very large corporation and no one knew why I was off, there are privacy laws that protect you. I just told my manager that I needed FMLA time off, did not even have to specify it was Medical and then CIGNA took it from there and did all of the approvals and CIGNA of course needed to know it was for the surgery for approvals. When I returned to work there was a form that needed to be signed by the surgeon stating that I was able to return to work on the specified date. My surgeon recommended I be off for 3 weeks and it was so nice to have that ME time, after the first 5 days I felt fine and was able to enjoy the time off. Good Luck!
  21. vzghj3

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    63 pounds and I hit Onderland!
  22. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Grey - Glad to hear your problems are treatable and you get to have you band refilled....Wishing you the best will all of that. I finally hit Onderland today! Nice to see the scale has finally started to move, has been stuck for far too long. Now hopefully I can stop weighing myself daily and get back to just the weekly weigh in. I've gotten quite obsessed with that scale!
  23. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Great visual Susan! I have not been taking those side by side comparison pics, but I do occassionaly put my old pair of Levis on and that really gives me perspective of how much 62 pounds loss looks! You look great and keep up the great work.
  24. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi all...I returned on Friday night from moving my daughter down to Orlando. Couldn't have picked a nicer week to be down there. Now it's back to reality with searching for a job and getting back on track with the exercise and eating. Enjoyed catching up and reading everyones posts from the past week. Congrats to all on your successes. I was anxious to see what happened with my weight while I was gone becuase I'd been stuck at those 3 pounds to go to hit Onderland and sure enough I get on the scale Saturday morning and still stuck there. I just stood there and laughed and was happy I did not gain. So this morning I discovered I lost 2 pounds!!! Only one more to go. The thing is I really don't eat that much and I have good restriction. I have been reading about the calorie intake some of you have been discussing and I think I need to increase the calories to see if that finally gives me a boost. Have a good evening.
  25. vzghj3

    Daily News!

    Hi all! Just checking in on this cold Saturday night. It's been below zero that past few days, minus 35 with the windchill! One week from today I leave for Orlando, can't wait! Been busy all weekend packing my daughter and washing dozens of loads of laundry for her. I am still stuck on the scale and with those 3 pounds to get to Onderland. Can't get in for a fill until after my vacation. Allie ~ I'm happy that you are back to your old self. And thanks for the prayers on the job search. It will be good to get away to FL for awhile. So depressing with the job market here in the Detroit area. Grey~ Happy to hear from you, been wondering where you been. Everyone have a great weekend.

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