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    avermette reacted to Laurac727 in Disappointed in self- Pre Op Diet   
    I am on my two week preop and I have a list of things I have to eat every day without fail and unlimited non starchy veggies, so I don't think your broccoli splurge will hurt. I do agree with the chicken broth and you can mix a unflavored or chicken flavored Protein Drink in it also. I got to tell you I traveled for work these last three days and I was so thankful when we went to a buffet Wednesday night to have warm cooked vegetables instead of salad and shakes. Those warm things that are savory are helping but yes it is tough. I think we all in one way or another cheat or adapt to what we have to do, that clear liquid and preop part right before is extreme important, as a nurse I can say that. Not that shrinking liver back is not important but empty clean system is imperative. And these are just my opinions as I am only in this preop one week now and chose to travel during the first week for work which made it a HUGE challenge to be with coworkers eating normal in front of me. BUT I SURVIVED IT and we all will!!!
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    avermette reacted to kcadoret in Disappointed in self- Pre Op Diet   
    Reading this thread had been very encouraging and supportive. I'm on day 8 of a 3 week liquid diet and have struggled everyday with it. There's the physical side effects but mostly I miss the variety routine as good as much as I miss the chewing and carbs. I've been tempted so many times but my family and friends are being strict with me and keeping me on the straight and narrow (I think I'll eventually appreciate it )
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    avermette reacted to deabea in Disappointed in self- Pre Op Diet   
    Don't beat yourself up! it's so hard to suddenly say goodbye to everything! You are mainly trying to shrink the liver and make it easier/ safer for the doctor to do your surgery. I, as well as others, did a 'final meal' halfway between to 14 day fast; I split a rib eye and salad at a nice restaurant with my Hub; no harm done. Those foods are'nt gone forever and you won't even want them for a really long time. Be proud, you are on the road to a new life, learn to deal with disappointments gently so you can weather the bigger ones!
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    avermette reacted to Grateful_Love in Disappointed in self- Pre Op Diet   
    I had one scrambled egg once. And then on another occasion I had single solitary piece of American cheese. I felt so guilty.
    I'm 10 days post op and down 10 pounds.
    I wouldn't make a habit of it (it's so hard tho, i def understand.)
    It'll be easier after surgery! Part of my diligence is based on fear (I don't wanna die from a leak) and the other part is that I want to do well. I'm sure you will be similar
    Other people will be much more harsh on you on here. But as long as you've made the mistake and moved on I think you'll be alright.
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    avermette reacted to Mumbas in Disappointed in self- Pre Op Diet   
    It's your journey! Keep moving forward and do the best you can!
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    avermette reacted to Djmohr in Disappointed in self- Pre Op Diet   
    Can you have some chicken broth, sf Popsicles, sf Jello as well? Most liquid diets you can.
    I remember being very hungry and so sick of the sweet from the Protein drinks that I needed something else. I called my surgeons office and asked for advice on something a little savory.
    They recommended that I get mrs. Grass chicken noodle Soup but strain out the noodles. It tasted like heaven and helped me survive all those sweet Protein Drinks. I lived off the Protein and chicken broth for the remainder of those 10 days.
    To me the prep diet was one of the hardest stages but I took it one day at a time. i tried hard not to think of how many more days I had. Once I got past day 4 it got much easier.
    Keep your eye on the prize and you will do great!
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    avermette reacted to Hagengirl3 in Disappointed in self- Pre Op Diet   
    I am on day 6 of the liquid diet. It does get easier. Try to distract yourself if possible. I have had to rearrange my schedule for the day because I know that afternoons are very hard for me. Try focusing on other things that you can do to make yourself feel good. I have taken long bathes and gone on long walks. I purchased a Fit Bit and really work hard everyday to get my 10,000 steps. It is great because instead of thinking about how hungry I am, I concentrate on getting my walking in. Obviously it is a mind game, but you got to do what works.
    Don't beat yourself up over what you ate. Just move keep moving forward.
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    avermette reacted to Hagengirl3 in First day on liquid diet   
    I am on day 4. I am doing okay. The powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken broth has been a lifesaver. Also I get very excited to take my chewable Vitamins and Calcium (how sad is that!).
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    avermette reacted to star8282 in First day on liquid diet   
    I start tomorrow so we will see
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    avermette reacted to AimeeMay24 in Last Supper   
    I'm still working on eating out at my favorite restaurants before my surgery. Has anyone else done this? *AND* they just brought back my favorite m&ms of all time!
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    avermette reacted to TealSister in Last Supper   
    I have two more days - I'm almost running out of cravings Thursday morning, it's Clear liquids all the way. I shouldn't be doing all of these "last suppers", but oh well. I've even had a Pepsi and I haven't had soda in months. Might as well get all possible cravings out of the way, right?? I'm so naughty!
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    avermette got a reaction from Truckerchic in Last Supper   
    My surgery date is March 23rd. My surgeon requires a two week pre-op diet which consists of four Protein Drinks daily and only Clear Liquids. Well I have three days till I start and let me just say I am eating anything and everything I can. I'm so excited for this life changing surgery and I'm scared. I know I will be able to eat things I want in moderation again someday. I just feel like this is the time to eat whatever guilt free! Anyone else experiencing this "last supper syndrome" ?
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    avermette reacted to skc72 in Last Supper   
    Having my one and only food funeral tomorrow before starting my pre-op on Wednesday. Going to my favorite place of all times and having my favorite meal. It's not totally unhealthy (fish tacos) but the bread they bring out before dinner is divine.....lol
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    avermette reacted to Focused1103 in Last Supper   
    Like the title of the feed. I started my Protein Shakes and clear diet on 3/2nd. I can't lie I had a "Food Funeral". That Sat & Sun. To be honest I couldn't go as hard as I thought bcuz. The mindset has changed over the last 8 months. But I did enjoy
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    avermette reacted to Laurac727 in Last Supper   
    My surgery date is March 23rd also and yes since I found out that date on Thursday, I have been having food funerals also. Tonight was olive garden sad goodbye but it is over for us and I bid them adieu on leaving. Tomorrow I a grilling a steak and having that last wine with it. Monday starts the preop. Funny I did not overdue anything but yes I have the same thoughts
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    avermette reacted to heav85 in Last Supper   
    I had my food funerals last weekend lol
  17. Like
    avermette reacted to goodnuff in Last Supper   
    For sure. I have a 24 hour liquid pre-op diet. I really wanted to eat healthy beforehand and when I thought my surgery was going to be in February I did. But but so much now that I know it will be March 17. Like most, nothing terrible but certainly not healthy. The last thing on my list is going to be a ribeye!
  18. Like
    avermette reacted to Laurac727 in Last Supper   
    Funny today I had sirloin strip on the grill and barbeque pork rib with homemade macaroni and cheese. So there you have it I had to have steak and ribs too. Its over I start the preop in the morning for two weeks. So here we go I am finally there!! I got my cabinet organized with flavors and Protein powders the ninja out and on the counter. I got this lets move on now
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    avermette reacted to Smal2015 in Last Supper   
    Totally agree with having so called food funerals... I have had them for months... But today is my first day if Protein shakes and 14 days until my surgery.
    Cannot wait to start my new life! Nervous, yes. Terrified, sure. But excited? Oh, yes!
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    avermette reacted to uni2424 in I had surgery yesterday!   
    I tried to get in the bed but I sleep on my side which was not going to happen and it takes a lot of stomach muscles to get out of bed. The recliner I can rock and slide out of. I am feeling much better today so I am going to try my bed tonight.
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    avermette reacted to Okiebon in Last Supper   
    My surgery is on March 20, and I've been doing the same thing. Tomorrow is my last day before I start my pre-op diet on Saturday. But, my diet is high-Protein low-carb, not liquids, so I've mainly been splurging on the sweets. Since sweets are a big weakness for me I plan to steer clear of them forever after surgery, and I think savoring these last farewells has helped me get in the right mental mindset for surgery in 2 weeks.
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    avermette reacted to Christa2015 in Last Supper   
    I called it food funerals.....had them my entire last week...nothing outrageous but definitely unhealthy....I'm on day 6 of 16 and I'm doing well...the first 3 days are the hardest!! Very important to drink your water!
  23. Like
    avermette reacted to hoping for my future :) in Last Supper   
    So nice to see I wasn't alone in my trying to get a taste of all things I love which all horrible for you one last time. At least for about a year.
    My Dr. Has me on a liquid diet two weeks before surgery. I'm scheduled for March 17th. I started my liquid diet the other day I'm heading into day 4 tomorrow it actually hasn't been as bad as I thought. It's all Protein and clear liquids.
    My stomach grumbles a lot but it's not hungry which k am thankful for!
    Good luck everyone.
  24. Like
    avermette got a reaction from Truckerchic in Last Supper   
    My surgery date is March 23rd. My surgeon requires a two week pre-op diet which consists of four Protein Drinks daily and only Clear Liquids. Well I have three days till I start and let me just say I am eating anything and everything I can. I'm so excited for this life changing surgery and I'm scared. I know I will be able to eat things I want in moderation again someday. I just feel like this is the time to eat whatever guilt free! Anyone else experiencing this "last supper syndrome" ?
  25. Like
    avermette reacted to uni2424 in I had surgery yesterday!   
    Not at all! My husband is eating around me it is not bothering me. It is going to take some work to get a Protein shake down because I have 0 appetite.

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