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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by -acl-

  1. My 1st fill was on the 18th of December, with my surgeon. He asked me to come back in 4 weeks time for another. I went to the front desk to book my next appointment, I was told by the receptionist that the next available appointment was the 7th of Feb '08 - nearly 1 month later than the surgeon asked me to come back to see him... at the time I just accepted this, knowing he is very busy.

    Christmas has come and gone, I have no restriction what so ever. Thankfully I haven't gained any weight - I put this down to walking, but I am extremely frustrated and disappointed.

    I rang the surgeons office today, just to see if I could see him earlier if there happened to be any cancellations. The rooms are closed until the 17th of Jan - so I doubt I'll get to see him before my scheduled appointment.

    So... I don't know if I've done the wrong thing here, but I rang my General Practitioner - to see if he does fills at all. And YES he does!

    I've booked into see him. I feel a bit disloyal to my surgeon, and don't know if it is wrong of me to see someone else for fills, but I'm desperate - does anyone out there have the same problems getting in for fills?


  2. Thanks everyone - I've been thinking hard on this all morning, and I've come to the conclusion of 'what will be, will be'..

    Yes I'm still a little hurt, but I will get over it - I think some of you are right and I can see now it may be a trust issue..

    The guys he is going with, we haven't heard from in 10 years - and there is a lot of history behind it all - These guys swapping girls, sharing girlsfriends, threesomes, orgies basically... no, neither myself or dh were involved - not my thing!

    If John really values our marriage, as he says he does, he won't be swayed. And if he does he knows we'll be straight to the divorce courts.

    A bit of boob doesn't worry me, don't get me wrong, but fruit and veg acts do! And tonight will not be just a bit of boob. So instead of sitting at home thinking about whats going on, I've invited a few friends over for a bbq... I've decided that I can't control everything in this world, but I can control the way I deal with things.

  3. Hi Jaymie,

    Yes I can believe it, I lost just under 20 lbs in the first 2 weeks post op. Now it's stopped (at 26.4 lbs), I've had my 1st fill, but am in need of restriction - hopefully I'll get some with my 2nd fill. I've also been walking and even though the scales haven't shown a loss, my clothes are looser.

    Good luck to you, and you deserve to be excited.

  4. Thank you both for the replies Lisa and Tina.

    We did have words over this, and I did get a bit emotional, especially as I have always been considerate of his feelings, and if something I was going to do was going to affect him in such a big way, I wouldn't do it - simple as that.

    DH puts it down to me being silly, and swears no girls will touch him, he'll just push them away - yes.... like thats gonna happen in front of his mates. He didn't push the girl away who half ate his face off in front of me, on this new years eve...

    Strange enough, that didn't really worry me then, but I was there, and we know her - she was drunk, but she is harmless(I think)..

    To top this discussion off further, I've now been informed that I have to drive him to this thing tomorrow, because he pays for my petrol... It's going to be an interesting ride!

  5. I'm very insecure when it comes to my husband being around or ogling other naked women. I'm wondering if other women out there feel the same way?

    DH is off to a bucks party tomorrow night, they are going on a river cruise - with "entertainment". For me it isn't a trust issue - because I do trust him, but there is something inside me that makes me feel absolutely sick about this, and I don't know how to explain it. I'm not sure if it's because of a comparison thing (me vs them), will he be thinking of them when we are intimate arghhh - I don't know.

    Him looking at pictures doesn't really bother me, but it's a 'in the flesh' thing. He knows how much this hurts me, but is still going, and paid $100 to do so - and that hurts too.

    Just wanted to get that off my chest, so thanks for reading.

    I'd love to not let it upset me, but unfortunately it does, let me know if this is an issue, or not, for you too.

  6. I also love sushi. I've only had one fill so far, and don't have much restriction - but I have found sushi to go down well, as long as I eat it slowly and chew really well. I'm hoping it's still an option for me once I get good restriction.

  7. Welcome Cheza - I've just replied to you on another post.

    Dr Kierath is a good doc, you're in good hands.

    He does see a lot of patients all over WA, I have a friend up in Tom Price who saw him in Karratha, and then came to Perth for her band too.

    It's a bit of a bummer that the surgery is closed, I have to wait until Feb '08 for my 2nd fill (god- I need one now, lol),

    I think he takes time off to help look after his children, i'm not sure, but I think he has 6.... to me that in itself says he's a special kind of person.

    Are you excited about your surgery?

    I have found this messageboard so helpful and full of great info.

    I'm sorry I couldn't help with accomodation issues in the other post, I don't know my way around Claremont very well, but I think my friend from Tom Price stayed somewhere in South Perth. Are you coming alone or is someone driving up with you?

    Keep in touch and feel free to private message me.


  8. Hi Cheza

    I was banded in November by Dr Tony Kierath, at Bethesda.

    Congratulations on your decision to be banded.

    I've been looking for other patients of Dr Kieraths on this site - but so far haven't got any replies to my post.

    I'm due for my second fill on the 7th Feb '08, my first fill was Dec 18th '07. I'm really needing one sooner though.

    Anyway - just thought I'd say hello. Good luck for March, and let us know how you're getting along. Take care.


  9. It does seem to me that lately we have been drifting into some very small brawls. Our best brawls on R&R have traditionally been those which are idea-driven. Remember, boys and girls, the tension-filled days and nights of Ron Cusano? TommyO has always had a lot of value to contribute in that debate and he has been a very valuable and entertaining contributor to many other idea-driven discussions/debates/brawls.

    It is true that recently we have been drifting into the arena of personality-driven brawls, these are what I personally call small brawls, and I figure that we likely will all be better off as an on-line community once we elect to opt out of this loop. As to why and how we found ourselves here, well, I dunno. Perhaps this is due to this being a traditionally thin-skinned time of the year, and when you add in a few hostile on-line comments made by some of the angrier, the more bitter members of our community, hostilities quickly arise and escalate.

    Certainly the current level of anger should never have happened. Some of the most valuable members of this site have now found themselves caught up in these useless and ugly brawls - they've swallowed the toxic bait, eh. Of course this is a tragedy, is it not? All of these really great and very, very knowledgable LBTers should be on this site in their roles as experienced old-timers, old-timers who are both able and willing to share their knowledge with the newbies. They should not allow themselves to be trapped in these ugly, oxygen-sapping squabbles.

    I admit to being a fan of TommyO: I have always found what he has had to say to be of great interest and I figure that his opinion has as much value as mine when it comes to this biz of weighting our possible value - that is to say that of Green and that of TommyO - on the on-line community.

    Although I consider myself to be in the way of being personal internet friends with some of the participants - and this is something which means a great deal to me - I must admit that I avoid spending time on those threads where LBT folks get into these personal on-line brawls. The truth is that I find most of this material kinda boring and kinda pointless and very sad.

    I would urge all participants to walk away from these dumbass brawls. Stooping in order to engage is ill-advised. None of us who are old timers need to worry about our street cred. Why get yerselves trapped in these idiotic pissing contests? Christmas is coming up and it is important for us to save our spleen and our piss for those who really are dangerous.......:heh:

    Let us say no, nada, non, nyet, et pas de chance to just about everyone. :cheated: We should and must able to separate and ignore the rage which propels a personal attack from that which seeks to engage in an idea-driven debate.

    As an example I will present my on-going debate against Gadget in the Right To Chose thread. Though Gadget and I continue to remain at loggerheads on the abortion debate, and we have indeed been brawling over this for many months now, we continue to maintain a real respect for each other. Truth is that Gadget and myself are two individuals who come close to occupying the exact opposite zones of the belief band and yet we have always been able to display through our only personal connection - that of LBT - a very pleasant connection and a respectful acknowledgement of our profound differences.

    And so, and oh, and ugh, and this is where I would like to suggest that it is time for all this bitcherie to stop. Green sez, just say no to immature and, well, twat-like acts. You'all know that we can walk away from this stuff. Calm down, avoid the poo pouperie, ya know it is only going to get worse, eh. Fer after all, Christmas and the whole array of disfunctional family members are coming. Bwhahahahaha:heh: It is gonna get a lot worse. ;)


    Green - well said.

    I have been following this post since joining LBT, but don't participate - being a newbie I feel that my opinions wouldn't be seen as being valid, but also not wanting to be drawn into a shitfight.

    I have written now because I feel many people on this thread could benefit from your post - I just hope they all sit up and take notice.

    Happy new year to you all.


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