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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by -acl-

  1. Nikki - my appointment is at 3.15pm.

    A Sunday lunch or something sounds great! It would be great to have some support - and give support in return.

    Mojo - I too only had to wait 2 weeks (after my consult) for surgery.

    Nikki & Mojo - both of you are also welcome to email me on the earlier posted email address (if you like).

    Take care


  2. I didn't do the last meal thing, because for me I didn't feel it would do me any good emotionally. I had it in my head that I had started this journey (surgery booked etc.) what would be the point in having one last binge, I was sick of all that and desperately wanted to change, that was a good opportunity for me to start exercising some self control - being that I've failed that every other time I've tried to change my eating habits.

  3. when i called his office in december, to set up an appointment for a fill, i was told that the earliest he could see me was in january - the 24th to be exact. well, ok i know he's a busy man, but i've just been getting madder and madder at myself for waiting for him! i had this surgery so i could feel full and stop eating - that hasn't happened yet!.

    I'm in a simular situation, as far as waiting to get an appointment.

    In December I was told to come back in 4 weeks for my next fill, the next available appointment was 7th of Feb '08... an extra 3 and a half weeks wait - I understand your frustration:mad:.

  4. I also am not a heavy drinker, like you I only drink a couple of times a year.

    The first time I had a drink (post band) was on New Years Eve.

    I drank beer, and it went down well, no bloating etc. I also downed a few shots.

    I have heard stories of other people, with bands, getting drunk very quickly and not being able to drink as much as they did pre banding. This wasn't the case with me.

    To get rid of all the extra calories I consumed I did a lot of extra exercise for the week after drinking.


  5. Thanks Brandy - I'm a bit worried that my surgeon will tell me off... But I feel I paid a lot of money (self pay) for this band, and if I'm waiting and waiting for appointments I'm wasting valuable time, feels like it could take twice as long to get to goal. Anyway, thanks for listening and replying to my rant.


  6. I have major depression. I attempted suicide about 6 years ago, and have considered it many times before and after my attempt.

    My weight contributed to my depression in a big way, although it wasn't the only factor.

    I was hospitalized for about 5 weeks after my attempt (pills), and on day release at home with my family, I told DH i was just ducking down to the shops, drove around for a few hours trying to get up the guts to drive my car at high speed into anything that looked solid enough... but couldn't do it, thank god. I am now grateful that my attempt failed.

    For people that haven't seriously considered suicide, I want to point out here that once someone has got it in their head that this is the path for them - there is often no reasoning with them, they are not thinking straight.

    I have a family, 2 beautiful children and a fantastic husband, and I love them all dearly. But at the time you don't consider how much your actions will destroy their lives. You think they will be better off without you around. I personally do believe suicide is selfish, but that is the last thing on these peoples minds, they are not rational and are in extreme emotional/mental pain, nothing else matters.

    I have gotten help with my problems, both mentally and physically (now I have my band). I will admit that I deeply regret putting my loved ones through all that bullshit, and I am glad to be alive today, my mindset is a complete turn around to what it was a few years ago.

    I hate my fat so much that a few years back I actually considered taking a knife to it, and cutting it all off... I haven't shared that one with anyone before, because I know how deranged it sounds, but I thought being here, a few of you may just understand that one...

    Thanks for reading and also sharing your stories.

    I just want to point out that my post may sound like I'm a complete nut-job, but really I'm not... :P

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