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    kzdowskijoey reacted to kimini in Coffee Controversy: to Drink or Not to Drink   
    Thank you for this informed advice! I would love to see more posts like this about some of the other myths that have been debunked by science. My surgeon told me from the beginning to ignore advice about straws, SF gum and crushing pills, which has been very helpful to me. I would love to hear more about carbonated beverages and any others we have debates about on this forum.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Coffee Controversy: to Drink or Not to Drink   
    Fortunately, I am not now, nor have I ever been a coffee drinker. One less monkey on my back.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to Elizabeth Anderson RD in Coffee Controversy: to Drink or Not to Drink   
    Coffee confusion abounds. Some surgeons say, "Sure." Others say, "Never!"
    And the forums? As many opinions as there are people.
    Bariatric Dietitian Elizabeth Anderson sets us straight with science.

    "Elizabeth, regular coffee after surgery or Decaf for life?
    Let's keep this simple. If you can drink a cup of regular coffee every day without trouble, go for it.
    This isn't my opinion folks and that's why it's so magically delicious.
    There is a ground-swell movement among bariatric dietitians to fact-check some of the standard nutrition no-no's we've been sharing with clients.
    If there's no science to back up the recommendation, we're not going to keep promoting it.
    The latest worn-out bariatric rules without evidence? No straws, no gum, no soda.
    Today I'm dispelling the no coffee/caffeine rule.
    A recent review of the scientific literature reveals no evidence supporting the avoidance of caffeinated drinks to prevent dehydration or stomach lining damage.
    “Here I come quad espresso over ice???” Whoa, Nelly.
    Sane caffeine consumption after WLS means:
    1. waiting six weeks post op or until you are fully healed from surgery
    2. aiming to limit regular coffee to one cup per day
    3. groping with the painful truth that a medium pumpkin spice latte with whip = 420 calories
    Dietitians are working hard to create nutrition plans individually based on client’s unique needs and wants.
    The next time you hear one of those bariatric no no’s, ask the provider if the current science is still robustly supporting that recommendation.
    It might take them aback a bit but a good provider will thank you for your smart thoughtfulness and self-advocacy.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to My Bariatric Life in 8 Diet Myths Debunked!   
    More carbs! Wow, I did not know that... they're even worse than I thought. It is a shame how misled we are about food. A friend the other day told me that he was diagnosed with diabetes and now he has to go gluten-free. I told him that unless he was diagnosed with celiac that he did not have to go gluten-free. Beyond that, I have celiac and I have eliminated grains rather than eat unhealthy over-priced gluten-free products. Thanks for your comment!!
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to OutsideMatchInside in 8 Diet Myths Debunked!   
    Thank you for clarifying these topics.
    Especially gluten free. Most gluten free items on store shelves are more carbs than their gluten versions. They are not low carb or low calorie items.
    Also, almost everything at Panera is bad for you except the black coffee!
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to My Bariatric Life in 8 Diet Myths Debunked!   
    Our number one priority is to lose weight. In search of a new healthy lifestyle, we often self sabotage our well-intended efforts by investing in diet myths and misinformation about weight loss. Don’t fall into the trap! Check out these 8 Diet Myths.

    8 Diet Myths Debunked!

    Our number one priority is to lose weight. In search of a new healthy lifestyle, we often self sabotage our well-intended efforts by investing in diet myths and misinformation about weight loss. Don’t fall into the trap! Check out these 8 Diet Myths.
    1 Negative-calorie foods
    Some high Fiber foods like celery and citrus fruits are claimed to be negative calorie foods. The presumption is that it takes more energy for the body to digest these foods, and thus burns more calories than the calories in the food itself. The truth is that the amount of calories it takes the body to digest food are minuscule compared to the calories in the food.
    Read a counter-viewpoint and decide what is true for you, “Eating Foods that Burn More Calories.”

    2. Muscle weighs more than fat
    Don’t fool yourself. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weight the same — 1-pound! However, because muscle is more dense than fat, having more muscle on your frame will make you look leaner. Also, 1-pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day whereas 1-pound of fat burns only 2 calories — so muscle increases your metabolic rate.
    Learn about “Metabolic Syndrome and Weight Loss.”

    3. A diet is the best way to lose weight
    In the short-term “dieting,” that is following a prescriptive plan of eating fewer calories for a period of time, results in weight loss. But the weight loss is only temporary and weight is regained when former eating habits are resumed. Instead, find a way to eat healthy forever. That’s the way to lose weight and keep it off.
    More articles on Eating Healthy after weight loss surgery!

    4. An entree salad is the low-cal choice on the menu
    Salads can be a very healthy choice — or a very unhealthy choice! A general rule of thumb might be the yummier that you make a salad the less healthy it becomes. Watch those toppings: cheeses, candied walnuts, dressing — yikes! Panera Bread’s Fuji Apple chicken Salad has 580 calories, and 30 grams fat, 7 grams saturated fat. Compare that to a McDonald’s double cheeseburger with 440 calories, and 23 grams fat, 11 grams saturated fat.
    More Unhealthy Foods we think are healthy!

    5. Skipping meals speeds up weight loss
    Not eating actually slows down metabolism. So to keep your metabolism going eat a healthy Breakfast, followed by healthy lunch and dinner, several hours apart. Not eating also can cause ravenous hunger later in the day, which may drive you to overindulge.
    Check out this Healthy Lunch Solution after Bariatrics!

    6. “Light” foods are better
    Light foods may contain fewer calories or fat, but not without increasing sodium, sugar, chemical additives, or artificial sweeteners. A serving of fat-free cream cheese is only 15-calories less than the real, full-fate version. But the sodium content is 11 milligrams more. Sodium is a major cause of bloating. Add to that, when people perceive a food as light they tend to eat more of it, sometimes consuming more calories than if they had eaten the real version.
    Read “The Bitter Truth about Aspartame”

    7. A gluten-free diet will help you lose weight
    A gluten-free diet is assumed to be a no-carb diet. That is not true. A gluten-free product replaces gluten-containing grains like wheat flour with non-gluten-containing grains like rice flour. Both wheat flour and rice flour are high in carbohydrates — and gluten-free pastries are high in calories. A gluten-free diet was designed for people with Celiac Disease, an autoimmune disorder in which the small intestine cannot digest gluten.
    Read “Gluten-Free is Unhealthy and Expensive”

    8. Over-the-counter diet pills help weight loss
    The Federal Trade Commission charged four weight loss companies with fraud. The companies charged with deceptive marketing practices include diet products we’ve all seen nationally-advertised: HCG Diet Direct, Sensa Products, LeanSpa, and L’Occitane. Talk to your doctor about your options for safe and effective medications for weight loss, combined with dietary and physical activity improvements.
    Learn about Getting Active after weight loss.

    This information was sourced from authoritative sources and is shared for informational purposes only. Use your best judgement and consult with your trusted healthcare provider before changing your diet and exercise habits.

    Living larger than ever,
    My Bariatric Life
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to stina1980 in My Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery Nightmare/blessing   
    Yes I had popped a stitch too. My circumstances were a little different though. I had plication done with OCC march 2012 and got pregnant May 2012, popped the stitch at 7 months pregnant. Had my baby c-section feb 2013 and stomach collapsed and cause an obstruction June 2013. Had to have emergency surgery to reverse plication and spent a week in the hospital.
    Not fun at all but I don't have any regrets or blame Dr. Ortiz.
    Had a upper GI done Nov 2014 and everything is normal. Signs of esophagus scaring, the X-ray tech asked if I had lots heartburn but I do not at all. Could of been due to the tune they put down my nose to my stomach to drain the blood during the ordeal.
    Today is a new day, new year actually ????and I am starting my journey once again. Going back to Dr. Ortiz and getting revision in 15 days. Started my pre-op diet today.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to jimmysgirl in My Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery Nightmare/blessing   
    I had my initial plication surgery with Dr. Ortiz. Everything was great while I was there, but when I needed some post-op support, it was like a black hole. I ended up having revision surgery with Dr. Waldrep in Thousand Oaks, CA. The cost of surgery was almost on par with Mexico (about $1500 more and didn't have travel costs.) Now I am totally happy with my plication and have reached my goal weight in 5 months. I would recommend spending a little more and going with a top notch surgeon who will be available to help you if something comes up.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to hope4anewstart in My Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery Nightmare/blessing   
    Farmgal, thank you for your kind words. The advice you offer is very smart and some things, like notifying my PCP, I hadn't really considered. I am glad to hear that even with all that you went through you still do not regret the surgery. I think there comes a point in time where it just clicks and we know that this is what we need to do. I will definitely keep everyone here posted. It is really nice to have this forum as a support system because everyone here truly understands the process and what brings me here. I wish you luck(and continued health) in your journey, hopefully soon I will be on that same path
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to fionafire in My Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery Nightmare/blessing   
    Hello ladies, my sister and I come Canada and we both had the procedures done with Dr. Ortiz we had the gastric sleeve and everything went well so far we are two weeks. And feeling really great thus far. The clinic the hotel and the services from the doctors were very good I feel that this is much better care of them Canada and I feel that you and very good hands and yes there is always risk when it comes to surgeries or stay in the situation your in. If I had to do it again I would. Have a super night.
    Sleeved on Tijuana 11/11 we are both down in weight.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to farmgal in My Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery Nightmare/blessing   
    Hi Twanda, No, there was no follow up with Dr. Ortiz, however other than filling out my 3-month survey I didn't contact them. Also, the other person you read about this happening to I think had very recently had a baby. The surgeon who fixed me was very surprised this happened and also stated the chances were at about super low.
    I should also tell you that my sister went with me and she was very impressed with the Docs at OCC. They came out and talked to her immediately after surgery and gave her time to ask any questions she needed to. Sitting in the waiting room I think gave her empathy and a new understanding for the battle we all fight. She is a size 2, but supported me all the way.
    Your relationship with the Doctors, staff and Nutritionist down there will depend on you. They will take calls, Skype or e-mail you. I did none of that...once I made my decision, I called and scheduled my appointment and never looked back.
    I was trying to think of what I could tell you to encourage you and it made me ask myself this. If I knew then what I know now, would I do this over again? That's one hard question. No one would willingly go through the surgery knowing another would be imminent. But when I think about it, I know that without having this surgery I would be at my top weight feeling hopeless. And history and time proves that it would only continue to get worse.
    I have currently lost almost 60 lbs, over 1/2 way to my goal and the list of ways I feel better would be a long one. I also searched the forums, for months. I found tons of positives reviews and very few negative ones. I don't know how this surgery doesn't work for the ones that claim that, but I think if you looked far enough in to it, they would be the ones admitting they still drink soda and continue to eat crap. For me this was a final chance to save myself. I have done every stinking diet on the planet! This took the word diet out of my language. I knew once I healed if I wanted the occasional treat I could have that. I never ate a lot of garbage before, I just ate a lot. That was why I felt this surgery was my answer as it makes eating a lot not an option. And I have been very successful and don't feel deprived or on the sidelines. I still meet friends for lunch or dinner, I just bring 1/2 or more of what I ordered home and get to enjoy it a few more times! My husband loves that when we go out he knows he will have his dinner and then the rest of mine
    I hope this helps you in making the right decision for you. My heartfelt advice would be to contact the doc at OCC, express your concerns, and ask any questions you have. And then let your PCP know what you are doing. I didn't even do that! I didn't want to hear the negative things or have anyone try to talk me out of it. Also, I would 100% advise having someone go with, especially if you are flying home. I had 2 connecting flights on my trip home and that was an exhausting day! Best wishes to you, and please, post on here what you have decided and how you are doing.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to Mountaingal in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    I am at one week out right now. Feel great. Haven't taken any pain meds since leaving the hospital. Was out walking 2-3 miles at a clip the day after being released from the hospital. Of course I am not lifting anything heavy. Incisions are slightly sore. Doing chores, cooking for husband (and not wanting to eat it all). Took maybe a 20 min nap yesterday after getting up at my normal time of 6am or so. Taking in some "sloppy" forms of Protein and tolerating them well.Just pace yourself and don't do anything crazy like having a toddler bounce on your tummy or letting your dog jump up on your lap.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to AllThatGlittersIsntGold in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    I went back to work after a week and a half, I have a physical job so I was on light duty. I was a little sore, but otherwise okay.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to jimmysgirl in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    I had plication surgery with Dr. Waldrep and was walking two miles on day 4 of recovery. Never needed any pain meds.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to Texas Jess in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    Your going to be fine. It will help with your health issues. I need to lose 50 as well. It's keeping it off that's the hardest thing to do that's why we need this!
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to manofsize in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    That could be me writing that, pattierie... all the facts align with mine. I had my surgery on Monday (June 30) and recovery has been different than what I had anticipated. My energy levels change dozens of time a day. I'm just trying to roll with it and setting baby goals for myself. I'm curious to know how this has all worked out of you in the last 10 months. I hope there's a happy ending -- or at least a happy middle -- to the story.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to pattierie in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    not sure how to do this. having surgery self pay on oct. 23. 50 # overweight and on 3 bp medications and high cholestoral. scared to talk to family and friends since they will think its uneccesary. I have great guilt spending this money for the surgery. I am 64, scared and afraid this is my last chance to do this
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to cazza in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    Hi i had the plication and was absol fine after day two. i returned to work the very next week. also had family visit and travelled back form praque day 3. Good luck
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to Muñekita in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    It took me about 2 weeks to feel better. I was really tired all the.time.though and then my cuts were sore for like 4 weeks.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to No1234567 in How did you feel 1 week out after Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery?   
    I'm having the sleeve on sept 24. I had already scheduled my family coming up to visit (4 hours away) for my birthday and housewarming gathering months before I got my surgery date. They are planning in being in town for the weekend if sept 27th. At 3 days post-op, were you in any pain? I've already warned them I may be moody, but now I'm concerned I will be hurting too.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to sadymichele in Biggest Fear About Gastric Sleeve Plication Surgery?   
    My #1 fear is not losing weight or hitting a plateau at the same weight I always plateau at when dieting
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to eurogirl40 in Biggest Fear About Gastric Sleeve Plication Surgery?   
    Well go with an open mind into it.When you get hangry stick with the Protein shakes or bars ,it will help you.
    Good luck with your surgery,let us know how it goes.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to forensicmary in Biggest Fear About Gastric Sleeve Plication Surgery?   
    My main fear is that I will fail. I am a stress eater and I dont have to be hungry to eat. I am looking at different ways to take my life back from job that I allow to use me up everyday. I belong to Urban Active so I will be exercising daily there. I just need to get some positive hobbies:)
    Otherwise over the next week and a half I will be playing with different kinds of Protein shakes and planning how to incorporate the liquid, soft and pureed meals into my diet prior to my Sept. 28 surgery.
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    kzdowskijoey reacted to mednar in Biggest Fear About Gastric Sleeve Plication Surgery?   
    I appreciate that all the people on this board post their experiences. I found this when I was considering plication, read their stories (good, bad, and otherwise). That people who had a procedure that was still considered experimental by most and would post their ups and downs along their journey made me feel more at ease.
    As far as being different, or having different eating habits from others, that wasn't a concern for me. I've always had different eating habits. It's just that in the past I was more likely to appear to eat normally in public and then overindulge in private at home. That idea that I can't easily do either with plication was an advantage.
    I never felt like this was a gimmick. The idea that you physically restrict food intake plus exercise a moderate amount is a physiologically sound way to reduce weight. I've just never been able to be successful at doing both at the same time for a consistent period of time. I needed some type of tool to help me reduce my calorie consumption. It seemed very similar to the sleeve gastrectomy, but without the removal of stomach tissue.
    I was worried about complications. It was why I was researched my options for someone within the US, and fortunately in the same city where I live. I investigated procedures two years ago and both had disadvantages that were greater than advantages for me. The surgeon I used also had complication insurance (Bliss I think) that offered financial insurance for common complications after surgery. Since I was self-pay, I knew that my regular health insurance would leave me in the dark if there were complications. I attended two seminars held by the physician that had patients who had procedures (not the plication though) where we could ask questions of the patient.
    After meeting my doctor and questing him twice, I felt comfortable making the decision to go ahead. A large part of that was just that I felt it was the "right time" and "right procedure" for me.
    Other than brief pain after surgery while recovering from anesthesia, there was almost no pain afterwards. There was "weird" feelings in my stomach for a couple of weeks when I tried to lay on my side or stomach, but that's passed.
    I looked on the web, looked through many, many pages of Google links to different searches (gastric sleeve plication, gastric plication, gastric imbrication, etc). There were not a lot of published results (in peer reviewed medical journals) to rely on.
    I do still have lingering questions that aren't answered. I wonder what the life expectancy for these stitches in my stomach are. The sutures used are supposed to be "durable". No one I've asked has answers for how long "durable" is. Also, we learn more every year about the role that hormone interactions play in influencing hunger (ghrelin/leptin interaction, etc). There's so much we don't know, it could turn out that these surgeries are great at reducing weight, or that they might just be a temporary stopgap. As more and more long term results are compiled, hopefully the options for people become easier. For me, at this point in my life, I wanted to make a decision, and plication was the best choice for me.
    That was really long winded. I hope that you research the options available to you and make the decision that is best for you.

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