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Everything posted by ThinnerMe2015

  1. ThinnerMe2015

    Now the wait begins

    You had final weigh in and the Surgeon is sending in the paper work? How did you get to see a surgeon already and just completed the weigh ins?
  2. ThinnerMe2015

    I was denied!

    I think they denied you because you hadn't done the 6 months of nutritional meeting alone, I don't think it had nothing to do with gaining 2 lbs. That would make no sense, maybe once you've completed the 6 months of meetings it will be a different outcome. I mean people gain weight all the time I hardly doubt the 2lb weight gain played a factor in their decision
  3. ThinnerMe2015

    Beginning stage..

    How long did the whole process take for you to get to this point?
  4. I haven't even met with the surgeon yet I will see one of them tomorrow at the seminar, but haven't had my psych eval yet either so I will be glad when I can go meet with the physician I know who I want. I just finished up a month ago with the year long meeting with a dietitian, so now waiting on referral to see psych Dr.
  5. I have both Insurances Medicare and Medicaid, my paper work for a referral is just being done for a approval, then I was told have to have the psych eval. I've already met wit a dietitian for the past 16 months. So after meeting with the psych Dr. and if he clears me does the rest go kinda fast to get to the surgery point after that? Please I am open for all advice from the ones whom already made it pass my point...Thanks
  6. ThinnerMe2015

    Approved united health care choice plus

    Skmullins when did you get started with the whole process? and how long total did it take you to get approved???
  7. ThinnerMe2015

    Approved united health care choice plus

    Wow I have United health Care too , and I had to meet with the dietitian and diet for a year, they told me that is part of their requirements, I live in Michigan, but since I've started I now have Medicare as well it is my Primary Insurance now, and United Health Care is my Secondary insurance. I wonder why I had to do that for a full year and you didn't. anyway I finished with that in October, now they are doing a referral to my insurance company so I can go to the psych eval, then hopefully meet with a surgeon upon being given the OK from the psych Dr. then get a date set, I will be one happy camper when I get a date and I hope very very very soon !!!
  8. ThinnerMe2015

    Just got approved

    Congrats to you I will be super glad when I reach that point, I am waiting on referral now to see a psych Dr. still haven't met with a Surgeon yet either, I will see one when I go to the seminar on Weds. Nov 5th..... Well I hope mine go fast and get me a date set..... Very Good Luck To You !!!
  9. ThinnerMe2015

    I have my surgery date for December

    Wow I wish like crazy I had a date already you guys are so lucky, I hope and pray my situation move faster along and I get approved and get a date set. I just finished a year long meetings with a dietitian and now I am waiting on them to get a referral for a psych test, I go to a seminar on Wednesday Nov. 5th. I hope all go well for you guys. Did it take you guys long to get to the point to where they gave you the surgery date???
  10. ThinnerMe2015

    My bypass is tomorrow

    Good Luck to all the up coming surgeries, i pray you have a good surgery and fast recovery. I am in the process of getting mine. I have seen the dietitian for the past 16 months , Wednesday I am going to a seminar, and hopefully setting an appointment for a psych test really soon, I am so ready for this next chapter in my life, I am super excited I wish so bad I was having mine tomorrow, but happy for you all
  11. ThinnerMe2015

    How Long Does The Whole Process Take?

    Wow Chrystine that was super fast, I am going to a Bariatrics Seminar on Nov 5th, I just talked with someone at Medicare and they told me I didn't need a referral to see a psych Dr. So I left a message for the referral cordinator so if I don't have to waste un-necessary time I don't want to. Wow I hope my situation go as fast as yours and get a approval.
  12. ThinnerMe2015

    So much to do so little time!

    So happy for you i pray that I get to the point where your at just waiting on the last few days of the count down. I have met with my dietitian for 16 months now, and the referral department is turning in the paper work for a referral to see a psych Dr. do I have that right when the referral department turn in their paper work is it for a approval of the surgery then i go see a psych Dr. or is the approval just for the psych a Dr? Well I am glad for yo I hope my turn is soon. I wish you a safe and easy recovery, and lots of shed pounds.

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