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Posts posted by Luna222

  1. @Luna222--You look amazing Luna!!! And your man is a hottie too!! Way to go girl!!!

    I haven't been on here in a while either, but hanging in there! Stalled around 146 and I'm TOTALLY ok here!

    At our monthly support group meeting last night they had a plastic surgeon there talking about tummy tucks, breast lifts, etc.

    I would love both, but REALLLY want a breast lift. We'll see....it's $5000. Another $4500 for Tummy Tuck.< /p>

    Something to save for. He said you have to be at a set weight for a year before he likes to do surgery.So that gives me plenty of time to save $$!!

    Thank you! :-)

    I have been thinking about those procedures as well, I don't want to wait a year, but I can't afford it right now anyways, sooooo....

    The tummy is the worst, I'm so self conscious with it!

  2. Luna, I can relate! A few bad habits have crept up on me. I think it's all the changes I've been going through. Carbs are an old friend.... So is wine. We have come so far, I really hate it when I slip! The good news about the job is I walk to and from work - which is over 4 miles total. But, I need to get healthy eating routines.

    Luna- I have a question for you. Your new guy sounds GREAT the way you describe him. Do you feel you don't deserve him? Just do an ego check! See if that's why you miss the old guy who didn't treat you as well.

    Honestly, that was definitely how I was feeling. I'm getting better at controlling those feelings now because I know he truly loves me. I am totally over the ex, and I think it was just that I was comfortable with him for so long, and this is all new, so I was reverting back to the old me. Love sucks lol.

  3. Hey, how is everyone doing? It's our anniversary month!!!! I did my first 5k this weekend, and as I was jogging, I said to my sister in law, "a year ago today, I wouldn't be able to do even half of this without stopping and gasping for life". It was a wonderful feeling! I have been going thru some really emotional times lately, and old habits are creeping up :-( I broke up for good with the guy I was with for 3 yrs, and I've been seeing a guy for the last 2 months, who is amazing all around, cute as hell , and encourages me to make the healthier choices. But I'm starting to miss the ex. I think it's a comfortability thing, or maybe not, who knows. But I do know that going thru this and all the Halloween candy in front of me everywhere I go, and pumpkin spice this and that, it's not a good mix.

  4. Hi everyone! I've been trying to read up to catch up, but I think I've been MIA for too long lol. Hope you are all doing well! I'm still stuck :-\ 199. I really don't get it. I think my body is just done with it, because it's been since March now. I have done everything the doc said, logged my food, cut the carbs, barely any sugar, I work out. Who knows. Sitting here right now, with strep throat, getting my Iron infusion. Hoping something will give soon!

  5. Thank you ladies...my brother is doing alright I guess. He's still really lost, so I've been searching for recipes for him.

    I went to my nut again the other day, I lost the 5 lbs of the 7 I gained! She said she thinks my body was in starvation mode because I wasn't eating enough. So I upped my calories a little bit and have been making more healthier choices. And an NSV...I went to Six Flags today, and got to ride all the rides I got on! When I was there 2 yrs ago, I had to get off because I couldn't buckle or fit in the seats. Woo-hoo!

  6. Hey everyone! I need help...

    So my brother just found out 2 days ago that he is diabetic. Type 2. He doesn't have an app with the nutritionist til next week, and he's hardly eating anything at all because he doesn't know what he can eat. He's had a massive headache for 2 days now, and no energy...I'm afraid he's going to go into a diabetic coma, if that's the proper term? I was never diabetic, so I don't know much about it, but I know some of you were before surgery. Any ideas on some things he can eat that are simple? I just want to cook some food for him, or tell him what to eat for the time being. Thanks in advance!

  7. Haven't been on here lately because I haven't had good news to share. I've been in the same stall for months and is starting to effect me via depression. Just hanging on.

    I do enjoy reading about your successes and I will try and get in here more often.

    I'm right there with you hun :-( I actually was stalled for 3 months, and just recently gained 7! Today the scale went up .4! It is so depressing. But just try to focus on those positives u mentioned :-) and remember where you were a year ago, compared to today :)

  8. @@Luna222

    You have been busy in the dating game. I would be suspicious of the Fitness dude too. If you are dating someone you shouldn't be trying to sell them something, right? That's a huge red flag. Even if he is the most wonderful person, he is guilty of poor emotional intelligence. I am glad you and your BF are trying to make changes. Life is too short to be unhappy. However, I must agree finding a good guy is hard. Finding a good "anything" is such hard work. Even a good pair of shoes is hard to find.

    I am glad your scope is fine. I am sure you probably just need to work towards balance in the foods you eat. Sometimes I have to be very careful. I am taking two weeks of Omeprozole (same as Protonix) and now I feel much better. I think my issue was stomach acid. I had some Protein oatmeal that was too large of a portion. It was the Quaker oatmeal little packages but it did not agree with me. I am also trying to be more careful with food. I make sure I eat slowly again (surprise, surprise) and always eat something with my pills. I was getting a little lax with my regimen. Still eating all the right stuff but lunch was happening at 2:00 Pm and my pills were not taken at the right times. I get distracted.

    I am also more sensitive to sugar then I used to be. I could eat a cookie and be fine. Now, not so much. Even a pear or a banana is too much sugar. I always have to eat it with some other food first and then only one bite. I had two spoons of a pudding like dessert for dinner and my heart was racing within 10 minutes. I was also feeling so hot, I had to turn on a fan and lay down. Blueberries are the perfect food because there is a little sugar but not too much. Even a sweet salad dressing is too risky. I think anything sweet that gets absorbed too quickly is bad. My NUT told me a long time ago you can train your palate to a degree of sweetness that's acceptable. Like finding your sweet threshold and using those things as you sweet treat. I also have in the back of my mind that 10 grams of sugar per serving are the max. In yogurt and other foods I check for that. My favorite dessert right now is Yoplait Greek 100 Cheesecake or Blueberry flavor. So yummy! I would seriously suffer if those went out of production, lol.

    Eating slowly is something I need to pay more attention to myself! It's hard, old habits die hard lol. I also need to watch myself with drinking while I eat. I get so thirsty and I forget. The yoplait Greek 100 is my fave!

  9. Thanks @@amylynns ! I actually haven't had any wine in a few weeks, so it can't be that...and I don't drink it EVERY night lol...just here and there. It depends on my day at work lol. But I did just get my period yesterday...it's just frustrating tho. I was stalled for 3 months and then BAM, 7 pounds. I KNOW it's in my head, but I seriously FEEL like I looked before surgery :-( I sat with the nutritionist and she gave me a food journal to do for 2 weeks, then I'm going back to see her. Hopefully we can pinpoint what's causing it! Thank you for the article! :-)

  10. I'm at my 9 month post op....I have gained 7 lbs since I was here in June. What the heck! I'm so frustrated! I was at a stall, I got down to 195 and teetered between that and 198 for 3 months....then all of a sudden I'm gaining. I don't understand :-( the pa doesn't seem to know either...the EGD results were fine, biopsies were fine. I haven't changed my diet. I just don't know. Now I'm 204.8

  11. I have a funny one. I decided to have a Margarita last Saturday night. I got roaring drunk with a single Margarita. I had to strip my clothes off as I was perspiring profusely and had to go to bed pronto. The sugar in the drink also may have caused it but I had not been this drunk since college. Good to know, I'll have to have a single sip from now on.

    Funny!!! I've tried a few drinks here and there also. I cannot do the "sweet" drinks anymore! Whew! And yes, I got crazy drunk very quick, but it also didn't last long for me. My metabolism is so fast, it just went right through me, LOL!

    Last weekend we took our 21yr old daughters and their guys out for dinner and drinks. Had a blast! The one guy had a chocolate stout beer. I tried a little and was delicious!! I always have liked beer, just not the cheap stuff, LOL. I like the local made stuff, or imported "fancy" beers. I drank the WHOLE big glass of this beer and didn't get nauseous at all! I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, LOL!! :P

    My surgeon says no alcohol, like EVER....but I figure maybe once a month I can indulge in a little bit! ;)

    I get so drunk so fast too, and it seems that it goes away just as fast lol..not good! The last time I tried to have something tho, it hurt my stomach so bad... I was dumping. It was just a half a shot of fireball. I've had it before, so I'm not sure what the issue was. Probably my body reminding me it's not supposed to have it lol. I stick to my wine now :-)

  12. Hi everyone... I'm sad. I just think I'm too tired. I just calculated... I'm really working 16 - 18 hours a day. Not eating the best. And, I've resorted to another bad habit before bed - a glass of wine to help me sleep.< /p>

    I've become addicted to a glass of wine at night too :-\

    Hope you get to relax soon!

  13. @@Luna222

    Are you feeling a little better? Has the nausea gotten better? I feel a bit better but I do get tummy aches now. I almost called my doctor this morning. I wonder if I need to go on Protonix again. After my cup of coffee this morning wow, my tummy hurt. I had some crackers and a sip of milk. It settled down. It was like a hunger pain X 100. I have been drinking coffee with lots of milk for several months. It's a latte, really. It never bothered me before. But I have noticed that same pain when I don't eat for a while. After 3 hours without food it is bothersome.

    How is your dating life going? I feel like I never did get to respond to your post a while back. I ask in part because it has been a while since you were in the dating picture at this size. Any differences worth mentioning? Now that you are even more gorgeous and healthier, that is.

    Thanks Beni! I am feel a little bit better with the nausea or just plain icky feeling, but not much. It's like I went backwards. I was fine with sugar a few months ago, unfortunately lol...and now it's like I eat a cookie and I feel so bleh. I actually just had another scope done today...the surgeon said everything looks great, my pouch is fine, no issues...he said maybe stress is causing it, or maybe just my body readjusting. who knows, I'm unique lol.

    My dating life. Ugh. Lol. I'm kind of back with my bf, I guess I felt bad for him and decided to give him a chance to change some things. But...while I was dating...omg, that is so exhausting! I met this one guy, gorgeous eyes, Brooklyn accent, so sweet...a few dates in, he took a job in FL. Boo. Met another one, went to dinner and all he did was stare at my chest. I stood up and he stared at my butt. Turned out, he's into way more than the 50 shades stuff. I said nope lol. Then, I met this guy that is a personal trainer/nutritionist. How awesome and convenient right?? He's sooo yummy, reminds me of Magic Mike. But here's the doozy. He's trying to get me to pay for a fitness and nutrition plan. I went out with him a few times...we kissed and we cuddled...so I'm a little confused lol. Does he ACTUALLY like me, or am I his prey? I feel like as soon as I told him about my surgery, he pounced. And he hasn't stopped asking if I can come up with the money. I keep telling him no. But then he'll text me all sweet, "hey beautiful, been thinking about u" lol. OK so then the last one, I went on a date with, we went for a drink...we sat there for 4 hrs talking and laughing. He hugged me goodbye. Never heard from him again. We talked thru text and phone for 2 weeks before we met, so here I am feeling like crap again because I know it's got to be a physical thing. So now I'm feeling self conscious again :-\ MEN SUCK lol.

    I wonder if your body is starting to develop a lactose intolerance because of the milk?

  14. @@Beni I still get sick as well. I hadn't been getting sick for a while, but this past 2 weeks I have noticed some nausea. This weekend, I couldn't really eat without either having it come back up, or being nauseous and having to lay down. It sucks too cuz I made an awesome turkey dinner yesterday!

  15. @Luna222--Oh my gosh!! So scary!!! So glad you're ok! So now what? No more pills?

    When I started back on my meds, my head felt like I was in a fish bowl for a few days, but that's about it. I think mine is a time release one too! But if I miss a dose, it's not a good deal! I get very anxious and my stomach does flip flips, gets nauseous. It took me a while once to figure out that I had missed a dose and that's what was happening.

    Damn meds!

    Lol definitely no more pills for me! It's so strange how my body handles these things now!

  16. I had a little bit of an episode yesterday, it scared the crap out of me. My surgeon told me before surgery, that I can go back to all of my meds after, except of course the nsaids. She said they'd all be fine. Luckily I haven't needed any of them at all, so I've been off of everything for 8 months now. Except lately I've been feeling a little down...so my primary Dr told me I could start back up on the citalopram. I took my first one yesterday while at work. I started to feel warm, and I thought it was just because we didn't have the air on...but then I got cold sweats. My face was dripping sweat, and then my heart started racing..my chest and heart hurt, felt like it was being squeezed...my stomach and intestines felt like they were being twisted hard. I was shaking and pale white. I started dry heaving. I felt like I was going to die or pass out. One of the guys saw me and said wow, she's not ok! So he had me drink a Vitamin Water and sat me in front of a fan for a little bit...it started to slowly go away, but I still feel a little queasy. So the PA told me today she didn't know why that happened, but it could have been the dose..which is the lowest one they have...or if it was extended release. She said bypass patients should never take extended release anything, because of the way it gets absorbed. It was so scary tho! It was dumping, but from a tiny pill!

  17. Congrats amylynns! How was Hawaii?

    Yes I am still stuck. I'm sitting at the surgeons office now waiting to schedule an upper gi, because I've been having pain in my back when swallowing. Iron is low still too. Ugh. The nurse said I'm probably just at a plateau with the weight loss and if I increase my exercise it might pick up.

    I'm back in the dating game, scary! I met someone online not long ago, and I met him last week. It was sooooo nerve-wracking! The last time I did that, I was almost 100 lbs heavier...so naturally I had those same insecure feelings. But it turned out well, I think anyways.

    Hope you're all doing well! Missed you all!

  18. I had 2 sons graduate. One from college & the other from high school. Of course I ordered them custom made cakes and they were both so good. The first graduation I gained 8 pounds which I think had something to do with the bloody marys (v8 juice). Then the next week 2nd graduation I had lost 5 of the 8 lbs I gained but loved the cake. I almost wished I would have gotten sick so I would of quit eating it. Finally got rid of the rest of the cake and am now going to get back on track. I am so dang close to the one hundred & something. Its so easy to go back into the bad habits. Scary...

    I totally know what you mean, I've been struggling with my sweet tooth lately! :-(

  19. @@Luna222 Please take care of yourself. Even if it's not time yet, you might want to ask to have your blood work done. It sounds like you may be missing something "mission critical" in your Vitamins and minerals.

    Thank you. I am definitely getting my bloods done this week. I know something is off, I feel it. I've been sooo sluggish and my head has been pounding every day this week :-\

  20. Ladies, I'm in tears :-( I just tried on a bunch of swimsuits I had, before I go buy a new one. And most were too big, naturally. Like 10 yrs ago, I bought a few 16/18 and 14 suits on clearance at Walmart, as my "motivation". Well my measurements say I should wear a 14/16...I tried these things on and it was disgusting! Sooooo tight, I looked like a stuffed crab, all my skin and jiggly stuff popping out everywhere. I keep telling myself it's because they are walmart swimsuits, and walmart swimsuits suck. But I'm really struggling with my body image right now. It's like I was so excited, and it was just shot right down.

    It makes me want to go workout hardcore...but I have absolutely no energy to workout lately. I gathered my laundry last night to go put in the washer, and I woke up this morning with my pile of dirty clothes still at my feet on the bed. I had the other day off, for traffic court (I think all of my weight went to my foot lol) and all I did was go to court in the morning, I stopped at the grocery store to do some light couponing, and I went home. I was exhausted. I took a 3 hr nap, woke up, went outside for some air, came in and lounged the rest of the day because I had no energy. I don't know what's wrong with me :-(

    Have you had your labs done yet? What you describe is exactly what I felt when I was low on my d's and B12.< /div>
    I actually have to get my labs done soon. They gave me the script, but I have to fast, so I can only do it in the morning...which is hard with work. This week I have an appt with my GP, so I think I'll hit the lab on my way to that. I think my levels are definitely low. Especially my Iron, I feel it. I think it's time for the iv infusions!

  21. @@Luna222, Don't feel discouraged. Your doing wonderful! You've got it absolutely right, Walmart sizing SUCKS! I have to go into Walmart with the mentality that I'm buying this size, but anywhere else it would be 1-2 sizes less. For me I deal with that for now, bc as I'm losing weight, I refuse to pay, Kohl's, JC Penny, Nordstrom or even Target prices while I still have a bit to go ahead of me. You MUST, MUST MUST, get your 'Protein & Vitamins' in each day. Also, you need a - pick me up-. Your feeling down. Do something for yourself that gets you in a better mood. Get a pedicure, buy a new lip gloss, new summer dress that makes you feel good, hair cut... Something to put you back into a mood of feeling good! I know if I miss a Vitamin or don't get 60g of Protein in, I'm feeling super blah. You can do this. Feel better.

    Thank you. I have been really trying to get extra protein every day, and remembering to take my Vitamins. I've been drinking lots of Water too. I do have an appt to get my hair done next week, so I'm hoping that will help. I also colored my roots today, so that made me feel a little better. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
