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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by borg/assimilated

  1. borg/assimilated

    Anyone from Minnesota

    Congratulations! You are doing well!
  2. borg/assimilated

    Dare I Ask?

    I am finding that since I have lost weight I think fat people are abhorrent. I certainly hope I "grow out of it". I used to be more compassionate regarding obesity and am trying very hard to change my attitude.
  3. borg/assimilated

    A Daughter's Request

    What a positive, delightful post . I'm sure you'll wear that dress with confidence!
  4. borg/assimilated

    Silly Rant!

    You have done well! After you lose a few more pounds those two that you were so frustrated about losing will be a dim memory.
  5. borg/assimilated

    Dr. Who fans will understand...

    Clever indeed! Very supportive too. Like Dr. Who as well, not so sure about the newest iteration of the Doctor though.
  6. borg/assimilated

    What's been your biggest post op realization about food

    While I still like food, it just doesn't have that strong appeal for me anymore. It is hard to explain. I can think," Oh I'd like that for dinner" and when dinner time comes I might say," Nah, I think I'll just have a protein bar/shake." Weird.
  7. borg/assimilated

    Never Gets Old

    @@MichiganChic, Ha! I love the reference to never wearing an ugly shirt again! So true, I've felt that too.
  8. I have always weighed myself daily, even when I was fat and hated the numbers I was seeing. It is just a daily habit with me . I am a lot happier with the numbers now though.
  9. borg/assimilated

    Gallbladder surgery was a piece of cake!

    Happy to hear your surgery/recovery went well.
  10. borg/assimilated

    VSG December 2013? Give 2-year update/status

    You have done well! I think we all hope to be able to say the same thing as you have at two years out. Congratulations!
  11. With this last pound lost, I moved from obese to overweight on the BMI chart! Hooray!

    1. jane13


      that's a great accomplishment, keep up the great work :D

    2. Djmohr


      That is awesome! I am so close to moving from overweight to normal and can hardly wait to see that change. Coming from morbidly obese (obese 3) it really is a wonderful goal to achieve!

    3. borg/assimilated


      Thank you all for the positive responses!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. borg/assimilated

    How Did You Do on Thanksgiving?

    I was down a pound as well! Tried little bites of everything I wanted to taste, however ran out of room before I could try all the foods. I told myself I could have pecan pie that day and I did, it was delicious! Sweets are my weakness, but I did okay. To quote @@Babbs, thanks sleeve!
  13. borg/assimilated


    Hopefully the ER will start an IV to hydrate you. The stricture mentioned above is an unintended narrowing within your smaller stomach. I hope you get some answers today.
  14. borg/assimilated

    well..maybe there is hope for "real life" meeting someone

    I hope you have a wonderful time.
  15. So why do I have two dinner plate sized pancakes on my chest where my breasts used to be? It is a little disconcerting, but I guess I will just accept it as part of the weight loss process. Eighteen days out- what other surprises await me?
  16. borg/assimilated

    Unexpected compliment

    Very flattering! All your hard work is paying off.
  17. borg/assimilated

    Clothes - when to purge?

    Ditto, @sweetie716. Those summer clothes will be too big when summer comes around again, however, it may be astonishing to try some on this next summer and realize how far you've come.
  18. borg/assimilated

    Has anyone ever had someone.....

    I had a family member tell me I looked skinny ( at 170 lbs?) and asked if I was finished losing weight. His comment wasn't intended as derogatory, and I didn't take it that way. My response was that according to the BMI charts I am still obese, so I'd like to lose enough to be in the "normal" weight category. As far as your mother's attitude you could point out that while she may have liked your looks better when you weighed more, the medical community is pretty clear about how unhealthy obesity is for us.
  19. this whole weight loss business is so unpredictable. The whole month of October I lost a total of 2.8 lbs. this month - all six days of it I have already lost 3 lbs! Crazy!

    1. jane13


      Its part of the ride :D

  20. borg/assimilated

    VSG vs Gall Bladder Removal

    @@Kindle I was a teacher when I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago. I had surgery on a Friday was back to school on Monday and took no pain meds because they made me nauseous. I think my lifting restriction was 15 pounds. Both the VSG and cholecystectomy were pretty easy recoveries for me. Since your recovery from VSG was pretty easy I would guess that your recovery from this surgery will be as well.
  21. borg/assimilated

    Out of curiosity

    @@Kindle, I hope your gallbladder surgery goes well. I had mine removed about 5 years before my VSG, I have not had any significant issues, certainly no chronic diarrhea.
  22. borg/assimilated

    I've been approved!

    Best of luck to you on your surgery and I hope your recovery is uneventful.
  23. Revel in it! It is the beginning of what is a marvelous ( at least for me) journey.
  24. borg/assimilated

    Name Your Sleeve!

    In the early days I called mine tiny tyrant tummy. We get along fine now and I never have issues anymore.
  25. borg/assimilated

    Anorexia treatment :(

    I wish you the best success with your program. You have recognized your need for it which is probably the hardest step.

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